Legal Structure of The Islamia University, Bahawalpur
Legal Structure of The Islamia University, Bahawalpur
Legal Structure of The Islamia University, Bahawalpur
Procedure of regulations:
The regulation shall be prepared by the academic council and shall be
submitted to the syndicate which may approve them or withhold
approval or refer them back to academic council for reconsideration. A
regulation prepared by the academic council shall not be valid unless it
has received the approval of the Syndicate.
Rules (Sec: 33)
Procedure of Rule-Making:
33(1). The Authorities and the other bodies of the University may make rules
consistent with the IUB Act, 1975, the Statutes and the Regulations, to regulate
the conduct of business and time and place of meetings and related matters.
Provided that the Syndicate may direct the Amendment or the Annulment of
any rules made under this Act by another Authority or body other than the
Senate; and
Provided further that, if such other authority or body is dissatisfied with such
direction, it may appeal to the Senate whose decision in the matter shall be
33(2). The Syndicate may make rules to regulate any matter relating to the
affairs of the University, which by this Act, has not to be specifically provided for
in the Statutes or Regulations.
Major Penalty
Moderate Penalty
Minor Penalty
Major Penalty
In cases where most of the paper (or key results) have been exactly
copied from any published work of other people without giving the
reference to the original work, then
a) a major penalty of dismissal from service needs to be prescribed,
along with
b) the offender may be “Black Listed” and may NOT be eligible for
employment in any academic / research organization, and
c) the notification of “Black Listing” of the author(s) may be published
in the print media or may be publicized on different websites at the
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor / Rector / Head of the organization.
Moderate Penalty
In case where some paragraphs including some key results have been
copied without citation, then a moderate penalty involving any one or
both of the following needs to be imposed
(a) demotion to the next lower grade,
(b) the notification of “Black Listing” of the author(s) which may be
published in the print media or may be publicized on different
websites at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor / Rector / Head of
the organization.
Minor Penalty
In case a few paragraphs have been copied from an external source without
giving reference of that work, then minor penalties need to be prescribed for
a specified period involving any one or more of the following:
(a) warning,
(b) freezing of all research grants,
(c) the promotions/annual increments of the offender may be stopped,
for a specified period and
(d) HEC or the University / Organization may debar the offender from
sponsorship of research funding, travel grant, supervision of Ph.D. students,
scholarship, fellowship or any other funded program for a period as deemed
appropriate by the “Plagiarism Standing Committee”.
As the penalties are severe, the affected person(s) will have the right to
appeal to the Chairman HEC / Vice Chancellor / Rector / Head of the
Organization for a review of the findings or may submit a mercy
petition within 30 days from the date of notification. Such appeals /
petitions will be disposed off within 60 days of receipt, by following the
laid down procedures regarding such appeals.
The Punjab Universities and BISE Malpractices Act, 1950
3.(1) Whoever is guilty of: -
iv) premature disclosure of a question or question paper knowing that such
question or question paper is to be put or set at any examinations, written or oral;
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years
and with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees.
3.(2) Whoever is guilty of: -
(v) awarding with dishonest motive marks more or less than the marks deserved
by a candidate, if the person doing so is an examiner;
(vi) supplying to a candidate during his examination answer to a question
contained in the question paper or a question put or to be put at an oral
examination; or
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years
or with fine which may extend to twenty five thousand rupees or with both.