Legal Structure of The Islamia University, Bahawalpur

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(Through an Act of legislature)

The Islamia University Bahawalpur has been

established through the Islamia University
Bahawalpur Act, 1975 (Act IV of 1975)
Body Corporate (Sec: 3)
 Islamia University is a body corporate
 Perpetual succession
 Common seal
 May sue and be sued
 Can acquire, hold, lease, sell or otherwise transfer
Composition of the Islamia University (Sec: 3)
As per the IUB Act, 1975, the University shall consist of:
 The Chancellor
 The Pro-Chancellor
 The Vice-Chancellor
 The Senate
 The Syndicate
 The Academic Council
Authorities of the University (Sec: 21)
Following are the authorities of the University:
 The Senate
 The Syndicate
 The Academic Council
 The Board of Faculties
 The Board of Studies
 The Advanced Studies and Research Board
 The Selection Board
 The Finance and Planning Committee
 The Affiliation Committee
 The Discipline Committee
 Such other Authorities as may be prescribed by the statutes
The Chancellor (Sec: 11)
 The Governor of Punjab shall be the Chancellor of the University.
 The Chancellor or his nominee shall preside the convocation and the
meetings of senate.
 The chancellor is empowered to annul the proceedings carried out by any
authority in violation of the Act, statutes, rules and Regulations of the
 Revisional powers of the Chancellor under section 11-A of the IUB Act.
Pro-Chancellor (Sec: 13)
 The Minister for Education, Government of the Punjab shall be
the Pro-Chancellor of the University.
 He shall perform such duties and functions and exercise such
powers as may be assigned and delegated to him by the
 If the office of the Vice Chancellor is absent or unable to perform
the functions of the Vice Chancellor, the Pro Vice Chancellor shall
perform such functions.
The Vice-Chancellor (Sec: 14)
 Principal executive and academic officer
 Administrative control over all officers, teachers and other employees
 Power to preside meetings of authorities
 Power to sanction all expenditure provided for in approved budget
 Power to appoint paper setters and examiners for all examinations and
make arrangements for the scrutiny of the papers, marks and results.
 Power to direct teachers, officers and other employees to take up
assignments in connection with teaching, research, examinations,
administration etc.
The Senate (Sec: 22)
The Senate shall consist of:
 The Chancellor
 The Pro-Chancellor
 The Vice-Chancellor
 The Members of the Syndicate
 The Directors of Institutes
 The Principles if the Constituent Colleges
 The University Professors and Professor Emeritus
 The Chairman of the Teaching departments
 The Officer or Teacher Incharge of the Students Affairs
 And such other persons as provided by section 22 of the IUB Act, 1975.
Powers of the Senate (Sec: 23)

 To Consider the draft of statutes proposed by the syndicate

 To consider and pass resolution on the annual reports, the annual

statement of accounts and the annual and revised budget estimates
 To appoint the members of the syndicate and other authorities in
accordance with the provisions of the IUB Act, 1975.
 To delegate any of its power to an authority or officer of a committee
or sub-committee.
 To perform such other functions as prescribed by the statutes
The Syndicate (Sec: 24)
The Syndicate shall consist of:
 The Vice-Chancellor who shall be its chairman
 Pro-Vice Chancellor
 One member of the Provincial Assembly of Punjab nominated by the Speaker
of the Assembly.
 Two members of the Senate
 Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court or his nominee judge
 Secretary to the Government of Punjab, Education Department or his nominee
 Secretary to the Government of Punjab, Finance Department or his nominee
 And such other persons as provided by the Section 24 of the IUB Act, 1975
Powers of the Syndicate (Sec: 25)
The Syndicate shall have following powers:
 Executive Body of the University
 General Supervision over the affairs and management of the property of the
 To take measures to raise the standard of teaching, research and publication
in the light of nation needs
 To hold control and administer the property and funds of the University
 To enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University
 To affiliate and disaffiliate the colleges
 To establish and maintain halls of residence and hostels
 To propose drafts for Statutes for submission to the senate
 And to perform such other functions as provided in section 25 of the Act.
The Academic Council (Sec: 26)
The Academic Council shall consist of:
 Vice-Chancellor (Chairman)
 The Deans
 The Directors of Institutes
 The Principles of the Constituent Colleges
 The University Professors including Professor Emeritus
 The Chairmen of the Teaching Departments
 Education Secretary, the Regional Directors of Education and the Director of
Technical Education, Punjab
 One Associate Professor other than Chairmen of the Teaching Departments,
to be elected by and from among themselves
 And such other persons as provided by the section 26 of the IUB Act, 1974
Powers of the Academic Council (Sec: 26)
 Academic body of the University
 To advise the Syndicate on academic matters
 To regulate the conduct of teaching, research, publication and examinations
 To regulate the admission of students to courses of studies and examination of
the University
 To regulate the conduct and discipline of the students of the university
 To propose to the Syndicate scheme for the constitution and organization of
Faculties, Teaching Departments and Board of Studies
 To consider or formulate proposals for planning and development of teaching
and research in the University
 To perform such other acts and functions as provided by the IUB Act, 1975
Statutes /Sec: 30(1)
Statutes may be made to regulate the following matters:
 The constitution of pension, insurance, gratuity, provident fund and benevolent fund for
the University employees
 The scales of pay and other terms and conditions of service of Officers, Teachers and
other employees of the University
 The maintenance of the Register of the Registered graduates
 Affiliation and disaffiliation of educational matters and related matters
 Admission of educational institutions to privileges of the University and the withdrawal
of such privileges
 The conduct of election for membership of Authorities of the University and related
 The establishment of Faculties, Institutes, Colleges and other Academic divisions
 And such other matters as provided by the Act.
Statutes /Sec: 30(2)
Procedure of statutes:
The draft of the statute shall be proposed by the Syndicate to the Senate which may
approve it, or pass it with such modification as the Senate may think fit, or may refer it back
to the Syndicate for consideration or may reject it.
Provided that:
(i) The Syndicate shall not propose draft of Statutes affecting the constitution or powers of
any Authority of the University, until such authority has been given an opportunity of
expressing an opinion in writing upon the proposals;
(ii) The draft of Statutes concerning any of the matters mentioned in clauses (a) and (b) of
sub section (1) of this section shall be forwarded to the Chancellor and shall not be
effective until it has been approved by the Chancellor; and
(iii) The Syndicate or the Senate shall not have the power to make any Statutes concerning
efficiency and discipline of officers, teachers, and such other employees of the
University and such statutes may be made by the Chancellor.
Regulations /Sec: 31(1)
Regulations may be made for all or any of the following matters:
 Courses of study for degrees, diplomas and certificates of university
 Admission of the students of the university
 Conditions under which students shall be admitted
 Conduct of examinations
 Fees and other charges to be paid by the students for admission to the courses of study and examination
 Conduct and discipline of students of university
 Conditions and fees of the residence of the students in the hostels
 Approval and licensing of the hostels and lodgings
 Conditions under which a person carrying out independent research may be granted a degree
 Institution of fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, medals and prizes
 Institution of stipends and free and half free studentships
 Academic costume
 Use of Library
 And such other acts provided by the IUB Act, 1975.
Regulations /Sec: 31(2)

Procedure of regulations:
The regulation shall be prepared by the academic council and shall be
submitted to the syndicate which may approve them or withhold
approval or refer them back to academic council for reconsideration. A
regulation prepared by the academic council shall not be valid unless it
has received the approval of the Syndicate.
Rules (Sec: 33)
Procedure of Rule-Making:
33(1). The Authorities and the other bodies of the University may make rules
consistent with the IUB Act, 1975, the Statutes and the Regulations, to regulate
the conduct of business and time and place of meetings and related matters.
Provided that the Syndicate may direct the Amendment or the Annulment of
any rules made under this Act by another Authority or body other than the
Senate; and
Provided further that, if such other authority or body is dissatisfied with such
direction, it may appeal to the Senate whose decision in the matter shall be
33(2). The Syndicate may make rules to regulate any matter relating to the
affairs of the University, which by this Act, has not to be specifically provided for
in the Statutes or Regulations.

Plagiarism is defined as "taking and using the thoughts, writings, and

inventions of another person as one's own".
Penalties for Plagiarism

Major Penalty

Moderate Penalty

Minor Penalty
Major Penalty
In cases where most of the paper (or key results) have been exactly
copied from any published work of other people without giving the
reference to the original work, then
a) a major penalty of dismissal from service needs to be prescribed,
along with
b) the offender may be “Black Listed” and may NOT be eligible for
employment in any academic / research organization, and
c) the notification of “Black Listing” of the author(s) may be published
in the print media or may be publicized on different websites at the
discretion of the Vice-Chancellor / Rector / Head of the organization.
Moderate Penalty
In case where some paragraphs including some key results have been
copied without citation, then a moderate penalty involving any one or
both of the following needs to be imposed
(a) demotion to the next lower grade,
(b) the notification of “Black Listing” of the author(s) which may be
published in the print media or may be publicized on different
websites at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor / Rector / Head of
the organization.
Minor Penalty
In case a few paragraphs have been copied from an external source without
giving reference of that work, then minor penalties need to be prescribed for
a specified period involving any one or more of the following:
(a) warning,
(b) freezing of all research grants,
(c) the promotions/annual increments of the offender may be stopped,
for a specified period and
(d) HEC or the University / Organization may debar the offender from
sponsorship of research funding, travel grant, supervision of Ph.D. students,
scholarship, fellowship or any other funded program for a period as deemed
appropriate by the “Plagiarism Standing Committee”.

As the penalties are severe, the affected person(s) will have the right to
appeal to the Chairman HEC / Vice Chancellor / Rector / Head of the
Organization for a review of the findings or may submit a mercy
petition within 30 days from the date of notification. Such appeals /
petitions will be disposed off within 60 days of receipt, by following the
laid down procedures regarding such appeals.
The Punjab Universities and BISE Malpractices Act, 1950
3.(1) Whoever is guilty of: -
iv) premature disclosure of a question or question paper knowing that such
question or question paper is to be put or set at any examinations, written or oral;
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years
and with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees.
3.(2) Whoever is guilty of: -
(v) awarding with dishonest motive marks more or less than the marks deserved
by a candidate, if the person doing so is an examiner;
(vi) supplying to a candidate during his examination answer to a question
contained in the question paper or a question put or to be put at an oral
examination; or
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years
or with fine which may extend to twenty five thousand rupees or with both.

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