Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis
Outline of presentation
Definitions of Risk and Hazard Risk Assessment Process Environmental Risk Assessment Industrial Risk Assessment Reliability Risk Assessment Application of Industrial Risk Assessment Application of Environmental Risk Assessment
Hazard: It is a measure of harm/loss or potentiality of an event to cause harm/loss
Fire Hazard Explosion Hazard Toxic Hazard Corrosive Hazard Radioactive Hazards
The probability of suffering a harm or loss. It is a combination of hazard and Probability
Risk = Probability of occurrence of hazard X magnitude of hazard
Type of Risks
Background risk Incremental risk Total risk
Measurement of Risk
Individual Risk Societal Risk
Individual Risk
Risk posed by an individual
It is generally measured in time domain for a particular type of hazard. Risk of Death due to fire in an industry = 1.0E05 /yr
Societal Risk
Risk for a group of people
It is measured in terms of number of people poses particular risk for a given period of time. Risk of Death to 10 workers due to fire in an industry = 1.0E-09 /yr/10 persons
Acceptable Risk
Risk thats acceptable to regulatory agency and also to the public Level of Risk of Death Per Year (voluntarily acceptable by public)
Smoking 30 cigarettes per day 1 in 200 Man aged 35-44 1 in 600 Motor Vehicle Accident 1 in 10 000 Accident at home 1 in 12 000 Rail accident 1 in 420 000
Frequency of event
Unacceptable region 1.0E-06 Conditional Acceptable 1.0E-08 1.0 100 10 Number of fatalities
As Low As Reasonable Practicable (ALRAP)
1 .0 E-0 1 T he lo w er th e risk le ss p ro p o rtio na tely, it is n e c essa ry to sp e n d to re d uc e it. T his c o n ce p t o f d im in ishing p ro p o rtio n is sh o wn b y th e tria n gle
U n a cc e p ta b l e re g i o n
Th e A L A R P 1 .0 E-0 5 B r o a d l y a c c e p ta bl e re g i o n 1 .0 E-0 7
Tolerable only if risk reduction Is impracticable or cost is grossly disproportionate to the improvement gained
N e g l i g i bl e r i s k
1 .0 E-0 9
ALARP application
1 .0 E + 0 1 U n it s A f t e r r e m e dia l m e a ur e s U n a cce pta bl e re g i o n 1 .4 E- 0 2 Individual Risk (IR) 1 .0 E - 0 3 3 .7 E- 0 4 A LA R P 1 .0 E - 0 5 2 .3 E- 0 6 5 .2 E- 0 7 1 .0 E - 0 7 B ro a dl y a cce pta bl e re g i o n 1 .0 E - 0 9 Sepa. 1 Sepa. 2 Compr. 1 Compr. 2 Drier Flash N e g l i g i bl e ri s k 5 .5 E- 0 7 5 .2 E- 0 7 1 .2 E- 0 5 1 .2 E- 0 5 4 .2 E- 0 5 1 .2 E- 0 1 1 .2 E- 0 1 B e f o r e r e m e dia l m e a sur e s 5 .7 E- 0 3 1 .0 E - 0 1
Fi g u r e 1 1 . C o m p a r i s i o n o f i n d i vi d u a l r i s k f a c t o r s w i t h A L A R P c r i t e r i a
Risk Representation
Individual Risk Contour
Risk Representation
FN curves
Risk Assessment
Definition and Classification
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment is a systematic procedure for describing and quantifying the risk associated with hazardous substance, process, action or event. It involves:
Identification of hazard Quantification of hazard Quantification of probability of occurrence of hazard Estimation of risk
Release Assessment (Hazard Identification) Exposure Assessment Consequence Assessment (Toxicity Assessment) Risk Estimation (Risk Characterization)
Exposure pathways
Affected surface soil Wind erosion Atmospheric dispersion Affected subsurface soils Volatilization Accumulation in enclosed space Leaching Affected Groundwater Groundwater transport Inhalation of vapors and/or particulates On-site receptor
Transport Mechanism
Exposure Media
Soil dermal contact and ingestion
Groundwater ingestion
Off-site receptor
Non-carcinogenic risk
HI = CDI/RfD HI: Hazard index (dimensionless) CDI: Chronic daily intake (mg/kg-day) RfD: Reference dose (mg/Kg-day)
Is unit matching Yes Apply guide words Analyse the causes and consequences of the deviation drawn from the INFORMATION BASE
Assessment of Hazards
Accident sequence analysis Failure effect analysis
Hazard identification
Identification of plant operating stage Initiating event selection Function system relation Screening of initiating even
Consequence assessment
Dispersion models Assessment of doses Dose response models
Integration of results
ORA procedure
Md leiz t n f c mle ou r a o o p t io e m a eb uis a ga l n n e t p n ino la t t
a t d v lo id o e e p ac e t s e aio c id n c n r
a t d v lo id o e e p ac e ts e aio c id n c n r
Qai ai eh z r a s s m t u l t tv aad s e s e n *o t AO po e ue pH Z P r c d r *T P A O t o OH Z Po l
P b bi tch z r a s s m t r a i si a ad s e s e o l n *P OA t o R F To l
R ke tm i n i s si a o t
Sp t o
Accident Modeling
Frequency estimations
Risk Quantification
Risk management
Safety Analysis
Risk evaluation
Setting up risk acceptance criteria Risk comparison
Maintenance planning
Hazard identification
Consequences analysis
Risk estimation
Risk estimation
Hazard identification/failure scenario development Hazard quantification Probability analysis Risk estimation
Risk Evaluation
Setting up acceptance risk criteria Comparison of assessed risk with acceptance criteria
Maintenance planning
Development of maintenance plan to bring down the unacceptable risk to acceptable level Maintenance scheduling
Risk Estimation
Development of accident or failure scenario Quantitative hazard assessment Probabilistic hazard assessment
Risk Evaluation
Risk factors of another unit Yes Risk factors of another unit
Maintenance planning
Risk factors of another unit
Setup target risk for this unit Conduct reverse fault tree analysis to calculate maintenance duration
Are all units over? Yes Re do the fault tree analysis and risk computation of all the units considering maintenance