New Tip Course 4 Answers
New Tip Course 4 Answers
New Tip Course 4 Answers
Translating the Curriculum into Classroom
in collaboration with
Philippine National
Research Center for Teacher
Prior Knowledge Assessment
Below are statements about contextualization. Determine whether the statements are True or False.
Contextualization is one of the main features of the K to 12 Curriculum. When you plan for your lessons, make sure that the
examples, activities, songs, poems, stories, and illustrations are based on local culture, history, and reality. This makes the
2. Republic Act 10533 The curriculum shall be The learners have a chance to enhance their -I agree …They can easily
contextualized and global skills and knowledge by providing a understand the lesson if we
Enhanced Basic Education contextualized and global learning. By providing contextualized the curriculum.
Act of 2013 a localized materials and activities they easily They can compare to their own
The curriculum shall be flexible relate to their own or other experiences. experience or even to the other
Indeed, so that the learner can show their abilities -Curriculum must be flexible so
Based on their respective educational and on how to react into the situation. that it can provides the space for
social contexts students to bring to light their
curiosity and no question goes
Everyone has the right to have education. Since unanswered.
this is free education we must enlighten - According to Section 14 all is
everybody to go to school and learn.. free, education is free.. So
whatever races that we have, what
ever group we raised up all are
equal. Do not look from the
learners background.
3. DepEd’s Mission Culture-based In order to have a quality education and to yes, we always think that here in
promote the right of every Filipino’s our learning our country we have different
are base in culture. We always prioritized the culture and we need to respect
Family, community and other different culture that we have in our country. each other beliefs.
stakeholders are actively
engaged To have better education community, family and if this happen, not only learners
other stakeholders are giving 100% support to the received quality education also the
school so that we will give also a quality teacher will be motivated to teach
education to the learners. amore quality learnings.
In a carpentry class, Teacher Bryan provided this activity: “You have been It explains that in
hired as a carpenter to help renovate a family room. The Constructivis contextualized learning ,
contractor asked you to submit a cost estimate for the base molding t Theory Teacher Bryans’ carpentry
(baseboard) around the room. You will need to include the following in your
estimate: class would connect the new
information learned and
i. the type of wood and style of olding you will use organize it with their prior
ii. the number of pieces and what lengths will be purchased knowledge to make sense of
the new knowledge.
iii. the cost per foot
iv. the total cost of molding needed for the family room
In determining the cost, you will need to measure the room and make a
scale drawing of the floor plan showing fireplaces, doors, and
other objects that may affect the lengths of the base molding
you choose to install.
It is all about helping learners
a. Connection Theory
A making connections between
b. Constructivist Theory the content they are learning
c. Active learning and the context in which they
will be used.
Now from the scenarios above, what is common? In teaching, you should always consider the context of your learners. You need to
relate the topic or lesson to your learners. In this case, you are teaching contextually.
4. Teacher Diane is teaching in a provincial school. In her INDIGENIZATION Teacher Diane let her students share
English Class, one of the activities was the reading of the their traditional customs. She let her
short story “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife” students express their individual
As a priming activity, she asked the learners to share tradition in the community.
their traditional customs.
5. After learning the elements of a play, the class is tasked to LOCALIZATION The teacher enhance competencies in
perform a stage play for the upcoming fiesta. The the curriculum, the resources, and the
story of the play revolves around a local hero during teaching learning processes so that they
World War II named Jose Ozamis. suit the context of the learners’
Contextualization is defined as
Contextualized instruction, as
employing the items of the Contextualization, the act of
it suggests, refers to teaching
language in a meaningful and placing events in a proper
students the content in a
relevant context. This helps the context, allows teachers to
context, i.e., embedding the
learners to acquire new skills weave a rich, dynamic portrait
concepts in meaningful
and knowledge. It also develops of a historical period for their
activities and in a scenario that
their abilities and attitudes. students.
makes sense to the students to
Learners should be motivated to
enhance their understanding
learn and to take part in the
and to make the concepts more
learning process.
He mentioned that for today’s class he will be using the REACT Strategy.
For this topic, his anticipated learning outcome is that the students will be able to describe the process and outcomes
of photosynthesis and variables affecting it and relate the concepts of photosynthesis to other biological systems.
During his class, he showed different leaves that have fallen inside the school premises. He mentioned that the leaves
have changed pigmentation and chlorophyll production stopped. He further introduced the topic by defining the following
terms: pigmentation, chlorophyll, carotenes and other vocabularies.
The students performed an activity: Cover one leaf on a green plant with gauze, foil, or clear plastic wrap; Note the
effects (The lab results should be discussed as a class and be followed by an explanation of the chemical processes
involved; thriving vs. non-thriving plant characteristics and variables, etc.)
After the activity the teacher said “Assume you are a greenhouse technician. You are having trouble with plant vitality.
Applying what you know about photosynthesis, troubleshoot the problem. Research and propose adjustments of shade
(light intensity variable), light duration, watering, fertilizer application, temperature, humidity and ventilation to remedy the
problem. Is the problem really due to a disturbance in photosynthesis or is there some other probable cause?” He then
assigned specific problems—leaf yellowing, leaf dropping, wilt, brown spots, etc. to each student pair. Students will work in
pairs to complete lab research activity and internet research activity. The pair will create and submit a lab journal together
but each student will be responsible for writing his/her own research report.
The teacher mentioned that since it is a biology class rather than a botany or soil science, he will require the students to
do a deeper exploration of chemical and environmental processes. As an additional activity, he asked the students to
compare animal nutrition and associated organelles.
As a teacher, can you replicate any lesson or YES RELATING - Learning in the context of life
topic using the REACT Strategy? How? experience, or relating, is the kind of contextual
learning that typically occurs with very young
The REACT strategy helps the teachers to easily identify activities that will suit the context of the learners. Teachers establish a teaching-
learning environment where problem-based and work-based approaches work. The strategy allows learners to retain the knowledge and
information of the lesson. Learners establish connections between what they learn and how that knowledge can be used. The strategy
increases the motivation of the learners to a higher level (CORD, 2016).
20 The Teacher Induction Program - Core
Course 4
Required Task 3
You were assigned to teach in a community with learners from an indigenous group. Think of a topic that you will be discussing and
Write a lesson outline using the REACT Strategy. Think of ways to promote an inclusive, culture-responsive and relevant education for
your learners.. Use the template below. Be ready for a discussion with your mentor and colleagues.
1. What kind of discussion or activity might help learners in RELATING to the concept? Give Directions
2. What kind of activity would enable learners to EXPERIENCE the concept? Express their feelings about
others ideas
3. How can learners be shown the way that concept is applied, or they can APPLY it Ask simple questions
themselves in a way that simulates an industry situation or other real-life problem-solving
4. How will the experience be set up so that learners have the opportunity to interact and Seek Help
COOPERATE in one another’s learning?
5. What steps can be taken to ensure that learners will be able to TRANSFER learning to new and Interact with others
unfamiliar situations? - initiate a conversation
- engage in a dialogue
- share information and
Scenario 1:
Nowadays, students use the internet when they
Bucao Integrated School adopts a blended learning modality. are researching, and also use online libraries to
Miss Lanie Ramos’s Grade 1 class is composed of 30 pupils.
Every Monday and Wednesday, Group A, which is composed
do their assignments as well. Therefore,
of 15 pupils, comes to school for face to face class with her; technological gadgets are very helpful for
while Group B stays at home and does online learning, and vice students to improve their learning skills. The
versa during Tuesdays and Thursdays. During parents’ orientation results show that the positive effects of the
on the new modality of learning, she found out that 6 of her gadgets can help students find information on
pupils do not have any gadget at home.
the subject and make it easier to complete their
On her way home one afternoon, she happened to pass by the assignments. Also, using gadgets or modern
Barangay Hall. She saw that no one was using one of the technology can improve their quality of work.
computers in the hall. She thought of borrowing it during online
classes for the six learners without gadgets. She went to their Gadgets simplify your life and save precious
School Head and asked if she could coordinate with the time and money. They are accommodating if
Barangay and ask to use the spare computers. The School Head
used properly. Excessive use of devices can
let her arrange a meeting with the Barangay Captain as a
representative of the school and asked if it would be possible to increase your dependency on them. Always be in
borrow the computer for their online classes. The barangay control of yourself when using entertainment and
captain invited Mrs. Alma Abela, a businesswoman, who also performance gadgets.
expressed her eagerness to help the school and their learners and
offered some of her computers to be donated to the Barangay.
Gadgets help to fulfill merely every academic
Ms. Ramos thanked the Barangay Captain and Mrs. Abela for
their generosity. The next day, Ms. Ramos immediately told the assignment and very fast. Students receive
School Principal about it. The School Principal prepared a instant access to information sources that help to
Memorandum of Agreement with Mrs. Abela which was passed complete their tasks. Such speed and
to The Schools Superintendent for approval. Ms. Ramos called productivity greatly motivate them. Students
the parents of the six pupils and they were very grateful for Ms. become active participants in the learning
Ramos’ initiative.
process and can improve all kinds of learning
-The Covid-19 -Loss and bereavement -Provides some advice -Treat online classes -First, try to accept the
pandemic left -Challenging for managing difficult like you would in- reality of the situation.
students/learners experiences at home. feelings. person classes. -Explicitly
struggling. Students -Inequalities -Cruse bereavement -Participate communicate
faced financial -Uncertainty care -Re-watch strategically expectations, routines,
challenges, that put -Transitions -Facility(classroom) -As teachers/ school procedures and
their education in -Friendship and -Unconventional sites leaders, you will be consequences.
jeopardy, had new bullying safer at home -Teaching and learning likely be aware of the -Be clear and concise in
living arrangements resources (textbooks, complex and traumatic reasoning.
that made learning novel, film,/ experiences that your -Build in time to get to
difficult and often lack multimedia and pupils may be dealing know each other better.
the resources necessary lectures) with as a result of the -Combine learning
to even log onto online pandemic. modalities and give
class. kids voice in your class.
Development of
Differentiate School staff It will grade-level
instruction for participates in All accomplished appropriate learning
students based on Kinds of Minds before end of the about learning
the All Kinds of training program Quarter. lessons for students
Minds approach to and
Development and
teaching ongoing study,
delivery of parent
and learning focusing initially
program, focusing
> Members of the on curriculum
initially on
school community mapping team
families involved in
(educators, members at each
the tiers of Response
students, parents) grade level.
to Intervention.
make decisions
student learning
based on an
understanding of
learning variation
Infer To obtain community feedback on analysis, The goal of a consulting process is to “obtain public
alternatives, and decisions. feedback on analysis, alternatives, and/or decisions.” In a
consulting process, participants contribute their
viewpoints, opinions, or preferences, and leaders then use
this information to inform their decisions.
Involve To work with the community throughout the process to Public participation goal: To work directly with the public
ensure that their concerns and aspirations are consistently throughout the process to ensure that public concerns and
understood. aspirations are consistently understood and considered.
Integrate To partner with the community in each aspect of the The ability to work collaboratively with others is
decision. becoming an essential component of contemporary school
reform. This article reviews current trends in school
To synergize the effort from all the stakeholders to reform that embody collaborative principles and also
reach the goals draws on the literature to provide a theoretical overview
of collaboration itself
(to solve school problems)
Empower (INVEST) To provide shared leadership of community-led projects There are many ways to lead a group, an organization, a
with final decision-making at the community level. movement, a school district, or even a government.
History buffs can point to all kinds of leadership styles
and practices that have worked—and even more that have
fallen flat.
In today’s connected and complex world, leadership styles
of the past aren’t as effective, and may even be more
harmful than helpful. To help employees, citizens, and
stakeholders navigate faster and more nuanced
environments, leaders must be able to work
collaboratively and, in some cases, “lead from behind.”
Guide for Mentors and Newly Hired 41
Key Topic: Role of Parents? (K • A Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) is organized in
every school to provide a forum for the discussion of
Melhuish, S., E. Sammons, P. Siraj- issues and solutions related to the overall school
Blatchford, & B. Taggart (2004)) program and ensure that parents cooperate fully in the
effective implementation of the program (DepEd Order
Concepts: 54, s. 2009).
• Research shows that parents who get involved in the • At the end of every School Year, it is essential to give
learning process of their children lead to an improved recognition to parents who actively share their time,
learning outcome. talent, and finances in your class. Recognize the
• Parental Engagement is the sharing of responsibility of parents who fully supported their children may it be
both parents and teachers to meet the educational needs academically or in co-curricular activities.
of the children.
Required Task 1:
• A healthy relationship with frequent communication Writing
between the teacher and the parents benefits both.
Teachers learn about the learners’ characters and The following are some common school situations. Write the
attitudes through their parents and teachers get to strategy that you think will best suit the situation to be able to
understand their behavior. In the same way, parents learn create a good relationship with the parents/guardians and the
from the teachers how his/her child behaves in school wider school community. Limit your response to 100 words for
and what support they could give to the child to each situation.
improve his/her learning outcome.
• Having parents who are involved in the educative
process is essential in the education of the learners.
Teachers find it easy to check learner’s homework
and evaluate the development of the learners. Having
parents who are involved in the school can help in
addressing the learners’ needs.
• The more the parents are involved in the school
activities of the learners, the more the parents feel that
they are welcome and trusted. In return, the school
receives more support from them through volunteerism,
funding for school projects, active PTA organization
and support/involvement in school activities.
YES 1. Benedick, a Grade 1 pupil, never speaks in NO 3. Angelo always skips class every afternoon.
the class of Teacher Consuelo. Teacher He never does his assignments too. He is one
Consuelo seeks for advice from Benedick’s of the struggling learners in Ms. Bada’s class.
previous teachers. Contrary to what she Since he has been acting this way for almost
knows, the teachers said that Benedick two weeks, Ms. Bada immediately called his
was a talkative pupil. During the distribution of cards, she father, Mr. Cruz and set an appointment. She
talked to the student’s mother and found out told Mr. Cruz of Angelo’s behavior in school
that after his father’s death, he got upset, which and he promised that he will be watchful of
led to Benedick’s disinterest in socialization.
Teacher Consuelo consulted Benedick’s NO Angelo.
condition with the School Guidance Counselor. 4. During the online class where Janna is
attending, she failed to understand the
YES 2. Mrs. Maureen De Cello was an alumna of instructions of the teacher because of internet
Bucao Integrated School and a mother of a connection failure. Mrs. Manza, her mother,
Kinder learner in the same school. She was sent a message to her teacher and asked for
impressed by the improvements made in the further discussion about the instruction
school and expressed her willingness to because Janna was not able to
contribute to the further improvement of the get it correctly. Her teacher did not respond to her.
school. She asked the teacher of her daughter, YES
of what else she can contribute to the school. 5. Mrs. Hugo sent three activity sheets to
However, nothing came into fruition. Lerio’s house through the Barangay Health
Worker (BHW) for her to answer. As soon as
Lerio finished answering, her mother
brought back the activity sheets to school. She
explained that she is on her way to the market
so she didn’t wait for the BHW to come over
and get back the activity sheets. Mrs. Hugo
was very grateful.
Once you’re done, kindly input your score here: Input your score here.
Additional reminder:
Compile your portfolio output/s and make sure that
your mentor has checked your coursebook.