64212-08 RNA Splicing
64212-08 RNA Splicing
64212-08 RNA Splicing
. (C) After the first phosphoryl-transfer reaction (left) has occurred, U5 snRNP undergoes a
rearrangement that brings the two exons into close proximity for the second phosphoryl-transfer
reaction (right). The snRNAs both position the reactants and provide (either all or in part) the
catalytic site for the two reactions. The U5 snRNP is present in the spliceosome before this
rearrangement occurs; for clarity it has been omitted from the left panel. As discussed in the text, all
of the RNA–RNA rearrangements shown in this figure (as well as others that occur in the
spliceosome but are not shown) require the participation of additional proteins and ATP hydrolysis.
Self-splicing introns reveal that RNA can catalyze RNA
Group I introns release a linear intron rather than a
Proposed folding of the RNA catalytic regions for splicing of
group II intron and pre-mRNA
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1989
"for their discovery of catalytic properties of RNA"
b. 1939 b. 1947
How does the spliceosome find the splice sites reliably
Steric hindrance
Combination of major and minor splice sites
Mutually exclusive splicing on a grand scale
The multiple exons of the Drosophila Dscam gene
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Alternative splicing is regulated by activators and
Inhibition of splicing by hnRNPI
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