EDU 32 Preliminaries

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EDU 32

The Teacher and the
Community, School Culture
and Organizational Leadership

This course focuses on society as a context upon which the schools

have been established. Educational philosophies that are related to
the society as a foundation of schools and schooling shall be
emphasized. Further, principles and theories on school culture and
organizational leadership shall be included to prepare prospective
teachers to become school leaders and managers.
• Introduction: The Teacher and the
• Chapter I. Philosophies on the Social
Dimensions of Education
• Chapter II. Theories of Social
Dimensions of Education
• Chapter III. The Four Pillars of
• Chapter IV. The School and the
• Chapter V. The School Culture
• Chapter VI. Organizational Leadership
Term Tests: 20%
Quizzes/Unit Exam: 30%

Grading Student
Criteria Submission of assigned
activities: 20%
A. On attendance and participation

The class will meet SYNCHRONOUSLY (thru

Google Meet or Zoom) and Students are encouraged to join
ASYNCHRONOUSLY (thru GC, Schoology, during SYNCHRONOUS classes
or Google Classroom). The course learning and may ONLY be excused under
plan provides for the specifics as to what topics reasonable circumstances.
will be covered, the mode of which and as to Attendance will be checked by the
when the class will meet for such. In all of assigned beadle upon supervision
these, attendance and participation will be of the subject teacher.
closely monitored and will form part of the
scores for the criterion, Student Engagement.
B. On submission of assigned outputs/projects

While students may do their research and

Deadlines set for the submission of outputs readings as bases for doing their assigned
are for strict compliance. Outputs are to be task, copying in toto published materials
submitted via GOOGLE CLASSROOM from the net without proper
ONLY. This is for the subject teacher to acknowledgment is highly prohibited.
monitor the submissions and for ease in More so, submitting outputs of
classmates and presenting it as if your
feed backing students’ performance as
own will warrant a FAILED mark on the
well. same task. This will be dealt seriously!
C. On quizzes and term tests

Making screenshots of the test

Assessments will be given thru the items in the quiz and in the term
Thatquiz App or Schoology. Target dates of
tests and sharing it on the GC
quizzes/unit exams are included in the
and/or other schoolmates taking
Course Learning Plan and will be followed
up the same course is deemed a
unless circumstances would not allow. In
gross violation and will be
such case, necessary pronouncements will
referred for possible discipline
be given promptly.
D. On online decorum

Observe courtesy and respect in all ways

and at all times. When conversing thru the GC, be
mindful of the message thread. In
As much as possible, confine yourselves short, be responsible to do a back
on matters about the course within the reading so there won’t be
class schedule. Though exceptions may be repetitions of information.
possible for justifiable grounds.
E. Other matters

You may also wish to refer your

For other concerns related to your online
concerns to your respective class
learning/distance education, contact the
dean, Dr. Chita C. Ramos. Her contact
information: 0917-572-5775, Chita Cabrera
And for all concerns concerning
Ramos (Facebook).
Edu 32, direct it to your subject

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