A Scientific Research Be Gins With A Single Carefully Observed Event and Progresses Ultimately To The Formulation of Theories and Laws

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• A  scientific research be­gins with a single

carefully observed event and  progresses
ultimately to the formulation of theories and
• 1. Scientific research is public. Advances in
science require freely available informa­tion.
Researchers  cannot plead private knowledge,
methods, or data in arguing for the accuracy of
their findings; scientific research infor­mation
must be freely communicated from one
researcher to another. Researchers therefore
must take great care in their published reports
to include in­formation on sampling methods,
measure­ments, and data-gathering procedures.
This process of replication allows for correction
and verification of previous research findings.
• 2. Science is objective. Science tries to rule
out eccentricities (weirdness) of judgment by
researchers. When a study is conducted,
explicit rules and procedures are developed
and the researcher is bound to follow them.
• Objectivity also requires that scientific
research deal with facts rather than inter­
pretations of facts.
• 3. Science is empirical. Researchers are con­
cerned with a world that is knowable and po­
tentially measurable. (Empiricism comes from
the Greek word for "experience.") . 
Researchers must be able to perceive and
classify what they study and reject. Scientists
must link abstract concepts to the empirical
world through observations, which may be
made either directly or indirectly via various
measurement instruments.
• 4. Science is systematic and cumulative. No
single research study stands alone, nor does it
rise or fall by itself. A  smart research­ers
always use previous studies as building blocks
for their own work. One of the first steps in
conducting research is to review the available
scientific literature on the topic so that the
current study will draw on the heri­tage of past
research. This review is valuable. 
• 5. Science is predictive. Science is con­cerned
with relating the present to the fu­ture. In fact,
scientists strive to develop theories because,
among other reasons, they are useful in
predicting behavior. 
• A theory's adequacy lies in its ability to predict
a phe­nomenon or event successfully. 
• A theory that offers predictions that are not
borne out by data analysis must be carefully
reexamined and perhaps discarded. 

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