Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5
Figure 5-13
Role of the Systems Analyst
• When selecting hardware and software,
systems analysts often work as an
evaluation and selection team
• A team approach ensures that critical
factors are not overlooked and that a
sound choice is made
Role of the Systems Analyst
• The primary objective of the evaluation
and selection team is to eliminate system
alternatives that will not work, rank the
system alternatives that will work, and
present the viable alternatives to
management for a final decision
Cost-Benefit Analysis
• Now, at the end of the systems analysis
phase of the SDLC, you must apply
financial analysis tools and techniques to
evaluate development strategies and
decide how the project will move forward
Figure 5-14
Cost-Benefit Analysis
• Financial Analysis Tools
– Payback Analysis
• How long will it take for IS to pay for itself
– Return on investment (ROI)
• Compares net benefits (return) to total cost
– Net present value (NPV)
• Total benefits – total cost
A Software Acquisition Example
• Step 1: Evaluate the Information System
– Identify key features
– Consider network and web-related issues
– Estimate volume and future growth
– Specify hardware, software, or personnel
A Software Acquisition Example
• Step 1: Evaluate the Information System
– Prepare a request for proposal or quotation
• Request for proposal (RFP)
– Document to vendors who decide whether they have a
product that meets your needs
– Evaluation model
• Request for quotation (RFQ)
– More specific than RFP
A Software Acquisition Example
• Step 2: Identify Potential Vendors or
Outsourcing Options
– The Internet is a primary marketplace
• newsgroups
– Another approach is to work with a consulting
A Software Acquisition Example
• Step 3: Evaluate the Alternatives
– Existing users
– Application testing
– Benchmarks
– Match each package against the RFP
features and rank the choices
A Software Acquisition Example
• Step 4: Perform Cost-Benefit Analysis
– Identify and calculate TCO for each option
you are considering
– When you purchase software, what you are
buying is a software license
– If you purchase a software package, consider
a maintenance agreement
A Software Acquisition Example
• Step 5: Prepare a Recommendation
– You should prepare a recommendation that
contains your recommendation and lists the
alternatives, together with the costs, benefits,
advantages, and disadvantages of each
– At this point, you may be required to submit a
formal system requirements document and
deliver a presentation
A Software Acquisition Example
• Step 6: Implement the Solution
– Implementation tasks will depend on the
solution selected
– Before the new software becomes
operational, you must complete all
implementation steps, including loading,
configuring, and testing the software; training
users; and converting data files to the new
system’s format
Completion of Systems Analysis
• To complete the systems analysis phase,
you must prepare the system
requirements document and your
presentation to management
Completion of Systems Analysis
• Presentation to Management
– Based on their decision, your next task will
be one of the following
1. Implement an outsourcing alternative
2. Develop an in-house system
3. Purchase or customize a software package
4. Perform additional systems analysis work
5. Stop all further work
The Transition to System
• If management decides to develop the
system in-house, then the transition to the
systems design phase begins
• Preparing for Systems Design Tasks
– It is essential to have an accurate and
understandable system requirements
The Transition to System
• The Relationship between Logical and
Physical Design
– The logical design defines the functions and
features of the system and the relationships
among its components
– The physical design of an information system
is a plan for the actual implementation of the
Systems Design Guidelines
• The systems analyst must understand the
logical design of the system before
beginning the physical design of any one
– Data design
– User interface
– System design specification
Figure 5-24
Systems Design Guidelines
• System Design Objectives
– The goal of systems design is to build a
system that is effective, reliable, and
– A system is reliable if it adequately handles
– A system is maintainable if it is well designed,
flexible, and developed with future
modifications in mind
Systems Design Guidelines
• System Design Objectives
– User considerations
• Carefully consider any point where users receive
output from, or provide input to, the system
• Anticipate future needs of the users, the system,
and the organization
• Provide flexibility
Figure 5-25
Systems Design Guidelines
• System Design Objectives
– Data Considerations
• Data should be entered into the system where
and when it occurs because delays cause
• Data should be verified when entered to catch
errors immediately
• Automated methods of data entry should be
used whenever possible
Figure 5-26
Systems Design Guidelines
• System Design Objectives
– Data Considerations
• Access for data entry should be controlled and all
entries or changes to critical data values should be
reported – audit trails
• Every instance of entry and change to data should
be logged
• Data should be entered into a system only once
• Data duplication should be avoided
Systems Design Guidelines
• System Design Objectives
– Architecture considerations
• Use a modular design
• Design modules that perform a single function are
easier to understand, implement, and maintain
Systems Design Guidelines
• Design Trade-Offs
– Design goals often conflict with each other
– Most design trade-off decisions that you will
face come down to the basic conflict of quality
versus cost
– Avoid decisions that achieve short-term
savings but might mean higher costs later
• Prototyping produces an early, rapidly
constructed working version of the
proposed information system, called a
• Prototyping allows users to examine a
model that accurately represents system
outputs, inputs, interfaces, and processes
Figure 5-27
• Prototyping Methods
– System prototyping