Unit I
Unit I
Unit I
• Essence of project planning is thinking carefully about before we do and draw out
the project execution plan
• Routine maintenance work is known therefore, no much planning is required.
There are documents to refer and understand maintenance work.
Activities that benefit from project management
• Routine
• Uncertainty of outcome
• Jobs
• Projects
• exploration
Characteristics that distinguish between projects
• Type of tasks – e.g., non routine
• Planning required?
• Objectives are specific or product creation is important?
• Is there a predefined time span?
• Work is carried out for someone other than you.
• Work involving several specialization
• Temporary groups to carry out projects
• Availability of constrained resources for the project execution
• Are projects large?, are projects complex?
Examples to distinguish between projects; [ from text book]
1. Producing an edition of a news paper
2. Putting a robot vehicle on Mars to search for signs of vehicle
3. Getting married
4. Amending a financial computer system yo deal with a common
European currency
Software projects Vs. Other types of projects
Project characteristics that software projects difficult are;
1. Invisibility
2. Complexity
3. Complexity
4. Conformity [ repeatability]
5. Flexibility
Contract management
• Inhouse projects – user and developer are from the same organization
• Outsource/contract out ICT development to the outsiders is the usual
• Project manager delegates technically relevant decisions to the
• Project manager will review the cost estimation done by the
Activities covered by software project management
Architecture design :
• Identify component corresponding each requirement of the salary
• These components may be software/hardware/process
• Design outcome gives guidance on how software architecture to
Detailed design
Detailed design for each component like data structure design, interface
design, algorithm design is needed.
Code and test refers to writing code for each unit and debug to fix errors and
test during development.
This making systems operational – set up the data, system parameters, install software and
conduct training
Acceptance support
Resolve the problems, apply correction to errors, implement agreed extension
and improvements
• During the estimation of overall costs and benefits of the project we must produce cashflow forecast
which indicates when expenditure and income will take place.
• Expenditures like staff wages cannot wait till the come so planning is needed.
• We have to plan about whether we fund it from company money or barrow.
• A forecast is required to understand when expenditure is expected.
• Forecasts will not be accurate due to factors like inflation etc.
Cost benefit evaluation techniques
Net Profit –
• it is the difference between the total costs and total income over the life of the project.
• Project2- shows greater net profit but at the expense of large investments.
• Netprofit - takes no account of timing of cash flow which is very important for planning.
• Project1 and project3 are having same netprofit and therefore equally preferrable
• Project1 has bulk income late in the project life whereas project3 returns steady income.
Payback period
The payback period is the time taken to pay back the initial investment.
Normally payback period with shortest duration is preferred.
The advantages of payback period it simple to calculate and it is not sensitive to
forecasting errors.
For project1, the netprofit is 50,000 and the total investment is 100,000,
Calculate ROI for each project and conclude the order of preferences of the projects.
The return on investment provides simple and easy to compute method.
However, it does not take into account timinga of cashflow.
Net profit value
The calculation of net present value considers the profitability of a project and the timings of
the cash flows that are produced.
The annual rate by which the we discount future earnings is known as discount rate.
The present value of any future cash flow may be obtained by applying the following
Payback period:
• Payback period is the time taken to break even or pay
back the initial investment.
• Project with shortest payback period is preferred.
• Payback period is important measure when
organization wants to minimize the time that a project
is in debt.
• Payback period is simple to calculate and it is
insensitive to forecasting errors.
• However, payback period ignores the overall
profitability of the project.
• It ignores overall profitability of the project.
• It totally ignores any income once the project has broken in terms of
satisfactory cashflow.
• Referring to our example, project P2 and P4 are more profitable than P3 but
they are not considered as a priority.
Return on investment (ROI) also known as Accounting rate of
• It provides the way to compare net profitability to the
investments required
• Net profit value measure is based on the view that “ receiving 100$
today is more than having to wait until next year to receive it.
R = discount rate
T = number of years in the future for cash flow occurs
• The present value of a cash flow may be calculated by
multiplying the cash flow appropriate discount factor.
( refer table 2.2 for discount factor)
• NPV for the project is obtained by discounting each cash
flow both positive and negative and summary the
discounted values
• It is always assumed that initial investment takes
immediately in the beginning (year 0) and cash flow takes
place at the end of each year which is discounted by
appropriate factor.
Table 2.2 To refer to discount rate.
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