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KLU Design Thinking for Innovation

Project title: Quality Education

Work In Progress Submission 1

Department CSE Section 6 Batch 4 Date 08/03/22

Project Team -Introduction

S.NO ID.NO Name Role in the project

1. 2100030739 Y. Hema Sri Team Member
2. 2100030743 T. Madhuri Team Member
3. 2100030771 G. Raja Gopala Reddy Team Member
4. 2100030798 M. Sridevi Team Member
5. 2100030803 H. Raja Phanendra Naik Team Member
6. 2100030807 B. Kathyayani Team Member
7. 2100030867 B. Teja Team Member
8. 2100030907 P. Mahesh Babu Team Member
9. 2100030918 P. Venkat Durga Prasad Team Leader
10. 2100030946 B. Sai Prabhas Team Member
1. Our Most Important Learnings

Here quality education is necessary now a days. Our idea is to bring awareness among parents and students
regarding education by conducting a classes about importance of giving a quality education, and to keep skill
based competitions.

Sustainable goals
To Improve
To enhance the quality of education in the present society.
Empathy : Submitted Together with this Report

o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXc46-NlOyw
o Focus group interview is a tool for qualitative marketing
research where a group of people are selected and asked
about their opinion or perceptions about a particular topic,
product or a service.
o Interview reports for all Interviews
o Focus group agendas for all target groups
o Focus group summary reports for all focus groups
o Group participation report for this portion of the project
3. Things we Saw and Heard

 Through quality education, an individual can seek better job

opportunities, progress with sustainable livelihoods, and have a healthy
lifestyle. Best delivered education spurs innovative minds.
 • Well-educated masses can tolerate the resilience of the communities and
become a part of a peaceful democratic society.
 • It allows the prosperity of individuals, communities, and society as a
2. Other Things We Learned

By conducting focus groups

and skilled interviews,
We came to know that people
are facing illiteracy and lack
of quality education in many
areas.This may be because of
various reasons like poor
mindset of people, lack of
economical support and lack
of knowledge and not being
aware of importance of
So We have decided to
develop a sustainable solution
for this problem.
Project Identification : Submitted Together with this

 Here our problem is lack of quality education if quality education was

not given to students then it leads to illiteracy, illiteracy leads to poverty.
Education equips one with the right skills and expertise for gainful
Nugget forms:
Nugget forms:
1. Our Most Important Learnings

 • It lays the foundation for equity in civilization. This is possible by

breaking the poverty cycle, reducing inequalities, and achieving gender
• It is the key to meeting the goals of standard global development.
• It makes the students capable of contributing their best in both individual
and community developments. It focuses on the social, mental, physical,
emotional, cognitive, and economic development of every learner
irrespective of their race, ethnicity, gender, geographical location, or
socioeconomic status.
3. Things we Learned about Design Thinking

 some of the important things that you learned about the rules and tools of Design Thinking through our home
assignments are:
 We must overcome the fear of failure.
 We should be innovative
 We should never be afraid to express our idea.
 We learned that it takes a lot more than two interviews before we can draw conclusions about the thoughts, feelings,
and actions of our target group.
 By Empathise & Define process we can empathize with our co-team members.
 We came to know how to visualize our problem.
1. Our Most Important Learnings

 the most important three things we learned is

 By the pov questions we can get different type of questions related to the situation.
 We can get to know the problems and also we can know the way to solve the problems.
 We can ideate our thoughts freely with others.
 The process of enrolling a child in school is very long and complicated.
 students are not getting educated towards what are they interested in
Point of view (POV):

Education improves one’s knowledge,

skills and develops the personality and
How can quality education be attained?

 • Easy access to good quality teachers that teach in a child-friendly way to make students reach their full
potential. It also requires active participation from the children’s end.
• Availability of good study materials and use of quality learning tools for professional development of every
• A Foundation (i.e. good schools) with supportive, safe, and standard learning environments.
• Successful quality education requires certain initiatives to be taken:
• Every country shall prioritize the idea that “learning is mandatory for all”.
• The government must ensure that every child enrolls and attends schools.
• Making and implementation of certain strict and concrete policies to address the dire crisis in developing
countries in the education sector.
• Issue of educational reforms and their persistence.
Define : Submitted Together with this Report
Posters :
Customer journey map:

 A customer journey map is a visual picture of the customer or user journey. It helps you tell the story of your customers’
experiences with your brand across social media, email, live chat, and any other channels they might use. 
 Mapping the customer journey ensures that you are not missing out on the chance to interact with your customer at any stage .
This process also helps business leaders gain insights into common customer pain points. With these insights, businesses can
deliver more optimized and personalized customer experiences.
 Customer journey mapping is important, because it is a strategic approach to better understand customer expectations. It is
also crucial for optimizing the customer experience. 
 Customer journey mapping is just as important for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) as it is for larger
companies. Customer expectations and changing for all businesses, regardless of size. Customers demand an omni-channel
approach to customer service, marketing, and sales.
 This process creates an overview of the customer experience and maps how customers move through the sales funnel. It is
especially useful across both the iteration and refinement process as new elements are designed and older processes are
refined or eliminated. It allows you to identify opportunities to improve and enhance the overall customer experience.
2. Other Things We Learned

 List additional
learnings on
this page. You
can type just
the statements.
You do not
need to add
underneath the
You do not
need to state
the source. You
do not need to
explain these
Group participation report for this portion of the project
3. Things we Learned about Design Thinking

 Design Thinking is the User centered Approach for problem solving.

 Design thinking is less about thinking and more about working.

Design Thinking Main Aim Is To Make People’s

Life Better….
Poster of project:

Skilling to living..
Thank you..

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