Proposed Research Titles
Proposed Research Titles
Proposed Research Titles
Stress Management on Nurse Burnout
Burnout is a chronic, work-related stress outcome within the workplace. It has become increasingly
prevalent among employees. The healthcare workers have been prone to burnout recently probably coming from
understaffing due to the increasing number of their colleagues being placed on quarantine; thus, leaving them no
choice but to report to work, amidst not getting enough rest or days off. The high physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual demands of their jobs put them at high risk for burnout. This prevalence calls for intervention, therefore,
stress management must be optimized in order to cope with the demands of their stressful professions.
Stress management is important for it may directly affect the quality of care provided to their patients, thus,
affecting patient satisfaction. On the other hand, stress management may also be beneficial to the healthcare
workers in terms of their personal outlook in their professions. Identifying those who do not follow stress
management techniques may also benefit from this research study, as they will be more aware of others’ practices,
thus, helping them cope better with stress at work.
1) To identify the stress management techniques of nurses who feel burnt-out.
2) To identify the signs and symptoms of nurse burnout.
3) To alleviate stress in the work environment by guiding the burnt-out nurses with
stress management techniques
4) To determine the effectiveness of stress management.
The outcome of the study could benefit the nurses who are poor in coping with stress. This
study may also divulge the most effective coping mechanism to stress, thus, decreasing
burn-out prevalence at work.
RESEARCH TITLE NO.2: The Relationship
Between Nurse Burnout and Patient Satisfaction
Improvements in nurses’ work environments in hospitals have the potential to
simultaneously reduce the nurses’ high levels of job burnout and risk patient
outcome and level of satisfaction.
RESEARCH TITLE NO.3: Knowledge and Skills of Nurses in
Pressure Ulcer Prevention at the Bicol Medical Center-ICU Complex
Pressure ulcers occur across all healthcare settings; these are injuries that can be
preventable through appropriate nursing interventions. Florence Nigtingale stated in
1860, “if he has a bedsore, it’s generally not the fault of the disease, but of the
nursing”. Pressure ulcers do not mainly develop because of poor care, even with the
best effort of the nurses, patient’s comorbidities should be considered.
Pressure ulcers can cause pain and suffering, even can cause sepsis and may
lead to patient’s death. It is important that nurses make every effort to prevent and
reduce the risks of pressure ulcers developing in people who are at risk of having it.
Their assessment and efficient nursing care and skills are important in the goal of
preventing injury to the patient.
◦ Objective:
-To evaluate BMC Nurses’ knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention
-To determine the nurses’ perceived obstacles to pressure ulcer prevention
The proposed study will be conducted within the Bicol Medical Center; the
ICU complex will be the focused study group for they handle the most patients
who are at the highest risk of having bedsores.
The study may help aid the nurses in enriching their assessment skills and
promote techniques in the prevention of pressure ulcers admitted at the BMC-
ICU Complex.