Dissolution of Partnership Firm
Dissolution of Partnership Firm
Dissolution of Partnership Firm
Dissolution of partnership firm I means business of the firm is
discontinued, closed and the firm is wound up. As a result,
economic relation among partners ends. It is different from
dissolution of partnership which means change in relationship
among the partners but the firm continues.
When a firm is dissolved, the business of the firm terminates. All
the assets the firm are disposed off and all outsiders’ liabilities
and partners’ loan and partner capital are paid.
Dissolution of Partnership
Dissolution of Partnership refers to terminal of old
partnership agreement (i.e., Partnership Deep) and a
reconstruction the firm.
It may take place on
• Change in profit sharing ratio among the existing partner:
• Admission of a partner; and
• Retirement of Death of partner.
It may or may not result into closing down of the business
as the remount partners may decide to carry on the
business under a new agreement.
A Partnership firm can be dissolved in any the following ways:
(A)Without the intervention of the court:
(1) When all partners agree to dissolve the firm (Sec. 40);
(2) Compulsory Dissolution (Sec. 41)
(i) When all or except but one partner of the firm become insolvent
(ii) When business of the firm become unlawful.
(3) On the happening of any of the following events: (Sec. 42)
(i) On the insolvency of a partner.
(ii) On the fulfillment of the objective of the firm for which the for was formed.
(iii) On the expiry of the (period) for which the firm was formed.
(4) By Notice (Sec. 43): When the duration of the partnership firm is a fixed and it is at will of the partners. Any
partner by giving notice other partners can dissolve the firm.
(B) Dissolution by order of the court (Sec. 44):
A court on application by a partner may order the dissolution of the firm under the following circumstances:
(1) When a partner has become of unsound mind.
(2) When a partner has become permanently incapable of performing his duties as a partner.
(3) When a partner is found quality of misconduct that may harm the partnership.
(4) When a partner consistently and deliberately commits breach of partnership agreement.
Content This account records only those This account records all assets
assets and liabilities whose book (except cash, fic-tious assets
values have been changed etc.) and all outside liabilities
Result A Firm continues its business even A firm comes to an end after
after the preparation of preparation of realization
revaluation account. account