Let Us Deepen The Concept of Situated Freedom!

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The passage discusses Merleau-Ponty's view of experience and freedom as interwoven with our situations and choices. It also talks about acquiring moral values through experiences from childhood.

The two kinds of freedom discussed are the freedom of choice (horizontal freedom) and the fundamental option (vertical freedom).

One's level of generosity may vary depending on their moral standards. Having a high moral standard would mean being more generous.

Let us deepen the concept of situated


Being known as one of the great thinkers in the area of phenomenology, for
Merleau-Ponty, experience is way better than our intellect in terms of
acquiring knowledge. In every choice we make, we try to be analytic but still
experience can be the best key. Through experiences, from childhood up to
now, we are able to collect values – not just a simple family value, but a high

moral standard of value.

When we’re kids, our parents taught us to say “po” and “opo” as a sign
of respect to our elders. That simple gesture connotes a high moral value,
and unconsciously that value is confined within us as we grow older. And I
strongly believe that as long as we live with a high moral value, we live
more authentically – practicing our freedom to choose good over evil.To
deepen more the concept of situated freedom, here is an excerpt from
Rommel Gersava’s article entitled Freedom, and I quote – “He
(Merleau_x0002_Ponty) states that „freedom is interwoven with the field
of existences. Our choices are not made from absolute zero but from this
field of meaning‟. It means that we choose something not simply because
we need to choose but we choose something because it has meaning to
us. Man‟s freedom is always affected by situation. We are free to choose
based on what situation we belong in which we find meaning for
Two Kinds of Freedom
There are two kinds of freedom:
1. The freedom of choice (horizontal freedom)- The freedom of choice is
our basic and particular choices we made every day in our lives.
2. The fundamental option (vertical freedom). The fundamental option
is our general direction or orientation in life that reflects our values in
life. It is vertical freedom because it is a hierarchy that some values are
higher than the others.
“it is Love which makes me a Person, which makes me truly
Indeed, Love is the highest moral value of all. When our choices are
rooted from love and compassion, then all the decisions we make are
good and nothing but pure goodness. There is total freedom if there is
love as the saying goes, “if you Love someone set it Free.” Freedom makes
us truly human. Our freedom comes from the IMAGO DEI. Our freedom is
an everyday spontaneous choice which is absolute. But most of all, our
freedom is manifested from the choices we make every single day. Reflect
and look at yourself – set a high standard of moral value, and you shall be
free, living an authentic way of life.
Few things you need to remember:
1. Your choice defines your worth.
a. If you choose to be good, then your life is worth living
2. Do not ignore small details in your life
b. There are times that you tend to ignore instances that may develop
your moral standards
c. Example, exercising your freedom towards religion, exercising your
social responsibilities, etc.
3. Do not suppress your freedom.
d. You always have a choice. Sometimes you neglect your existence
through non-existent act, that’s why you tend to not decide about
things on your own.
4. Lastly, you are RESPONSIBLE to your actions and ACCOUNTABLE to your
e. You create your own life story. Your choices, your actions, and your
decisions are yours alone. It is up to you if you want to live an authentic
Our decisions every single day depends on these two.To easily
understand this, let’s have an example. GENEROSITY. There are lots of ways
to be generous. We have a freedom of choice to exercise generosity each
day: making lunch for the family, contributing funds for the school, etc.
Now, that horizontal choice can be levelled up with the idea of the
fundamental option. Yes, you can be generous, but how generous are you?
Your level of generosity may vary because of your MORAL STANDARDS.
Live as free people, but do not use your
freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s

1 Peter 2:16

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