Managing and Caring For The Self

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⦿To recognize how to manage and care for
different aspects of the self.
⦿To acquire and practice new skills and
learning for better managing of one’s self and
⦿To apply these new skills to one’s self and
functioning for a better quality of life
“Education is not the learning of
facts, but the training of the mind
to think.”

A. Einstein
Mooney, Todd
Roberts, Katherine
Tschida and
Marguerita Klein
Zebra Finch
Metacognition and study strategies
⦿Metacognition a regulatory system that helps a
person understand and control his or her own
cognitive performance

⦿Metacognition allows people to take charge of

their own learning.

⦿Learners often show an increase in self-

confidence when they build metacognitive
⦿Metacognitive skills are generally learned
during a later stage of development.

⦿For all age groups, metacognitive knowledge

is crucial for efficient independent learning
Metacognition skills
⦿Learn how to set Learning Goals
⦿Understand your own Learning Styles
⦿Evaluate your own Learning
Managing your own learning: Self
Regulated Learning
What is self regulated learning?
“an active, constructive process whereby
learners set goals for their learning and then
attempt to monitor, regulate, and control their
cognition, motivation and behaviour, guided
and constrained by their goals and the
contextual features in the environment”

Pintrich (2000)
Strategies for self regulated learning

⦿Goal setting – what do you want to achieve in

the end?

⦿Planning – how will you achieve your goal?

Think of the process. How much time do you
want to spend to achieve your goal?
⦿Self motivation – how will you keep
yourselves on track to achieving your goal?

⦿Attention control – a cognitive process that

requires significant self-monitoring.
⦿Flexible use of learning strategies – to be able
to implement multiple learning strategies
across tasks

⦿Self-monitoring – assume ownership of your

learning and achievement outcomes.
⦿Appropriate help-seeking – do not only seek
advice from others, but do so with the goal of
making yourselves more autonomous

⦿Self-evaluation – the ability to evaluate your

own learning, independent of teacher-issued
summative assessments
Group Activity:
Thank you and God
bless us all!

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