Understanding The Self - SETTING GOALS FOR SUCCESS
Understanding The Self - SETTING GOALS FOR SUCCESS
Understanding The Self - SETTING GOALS FOR SUCCESS
- directs a person’s behavior toward a particular
- is the object toward which behavior is directed,
usually within a specified period of time.
- in the context of industrial/organization
psychology, goal is simply what the individual is
consciously trying to do.
- for Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, goals direct
attention, effort and actions.
FACTORS WHICH MAY INFLUENCE GOALS: • Psychologist Albert Bandura defines self-
➢ Values efficacy as the person’s belief that he/she
- gives direction to behavior can successfully perform behaviors that will
- those which the person considers personally produce desired effects
important and worthy – it entails judgment of personal capacity and
- could be the basis for what is desirable, actions
correct, and good
• Psychologist Carol Dweck introduced two
➢ Needs categories of mindset:
- activate the behavior
- motivation is usually aroused by the need for ➢ Fix mindset
or lack or something that may propel a - believe that their basic qualities (e.g.,
person to act intelligence or talents) are simply fixed traits
- according to Drive-driven theory by Clark - worry about making mistakes
Hull, humans are motivated to satisfy need in
order to maintain homeostasis or internal ➢ Growth mindset
equilibrium. - believe that their most basic abilities can
- unmet needs will cause a state of bodily be developed through dedication and
tension and consequently, homeostasis is hard work
disturbed. - understand that mistakes and effort are
critical to learning
TWO CLASSIFICATIONS OF NEEDS: - welcome challenges and seek critical
• Physiological needs feedback to help them learn
- innate needs of the body (e.g., food, - embrace learning, mistakes, and effort
water, air, sleep, and sex) that promotes achievement
• Psychological needs
- arise from friendship with other people GOAL SETTING
(e.g., affiliation, achievement, altruism, • for goal setting to be most successful, it
esteem, and status) should be SMART