Semiconductor Physics
Semiconductor Physics
Semiconductor Physics
The materials whose electrical conductivity lies between those
of conductors and insulators, are known as semiconductors.
Silicon 1.1 eV
Germanium 0.7 eV
Cadmium Sulphide 2.4 eV
If a band is completely filled with electrons, and the band immediately above it is empty,
the material has an energy band gap. This band gap is the energy difference between
the highest occupied state in the valence band and the lowest unoccupied state in the
conduction band. The material is either a semiconductor if the band gap is relatively
small, or an insulator if the band gap is relatively large.
The bands are actually composed of a finite number of very closely spaced electron
energy levels.
Formation of Bands
Energy Band Gap
Energy Band Diagram
Energy Band Diagram
Forbidden energy band is small
for semiconductors.
Impurities are added at the rate of ~ one atom per 106 to 1010
semiconductor atoms. The purpose of adding impurity is to
increase either the number of free electrons or holes in a
Extrinsic Semiconductor
Two types of impurity atoms are added to the semiconductor
Fermi Level
The Fermi level (EF) is the maximum energy level, which can
be occupied by an electron at absolute zero temperature.
Fermi Energy Diagram for Intrinsic
Forbidden Fermi
Energy Level (EF)
The Fermi level (EF) lies at the middle of the forbidden energy
Fermi Energy Diagram for N-type
Level (EF)
Level (EF)
The Fermi level (EF) shifts upwards towards the bottom of the
conduction band.
Fermi Energy Diagram for P-type
Level (EF)
The Fermi level (EF) shifts downwards towards the top of the
valance band.
If the dopant atoms contain one less electron then there will
be an extra unoccupied band slightly higher in energy than
the valence band. This is called the acceptor band and can
accept electrons from the valence band with lower thermal
energies than the pure crystal bands can This is called a p-
type semiconductor (P is for positive since the dopant atom
will appear to have one fewer electrons, it will look to be
ND = n
2 2
p n / n n / ND
i i
For P-Type semiconductor
ND = 0 i.e. Concentration of donor atoms
And p>>n, then
NA + 0 = 0 + p
NA = p
2 2
n n / p n / NA
i i
Important Information
However, in a real crystalline solid the periodicity of the lattice and the
electrostatic potential from the nuclei together mean that in the quantum world in
a crystalline material the electron energy, E, is not simply proportional to the
square of the momentum, and so is not proportional to the square of the wave
vector, k.
When plotted against the wave vector, k, the bands of allowed energy are not really
flat. This means that bands can overlap in energy, as the maximum value in one
band may be higher then the minimum value in another band. In this case the
relevant maximum and minimum will occur for different values of k because energy
bands never cross over each other.
This is one way in which metals can have partially filled energy bands. The
available energy states are filled with electrons starting with those lowest in energy.
Such overlapping of bands as a function of k does not occur in semiconductors.
Direct and indirect-band gap materials :
Direct-band gap s/c’s (e.g. GaAs, InP, AlGaAs)
Due to collisions with ions the electrons loses energy and attains a
finite velocity called drift velocity.
N N L q.N .v
q q
Current per unit area (Current density)
I q.N .v
A L. A
J q.n.v
Where n is the number of electrons per unit volume
Conductivity of a conductor
J q.n.v
J q.n.( .E )
J .E
where ( q.n. ) is called the conductivity of a metal.
1 1
Conductivity in semiconductors
J tot ,drift q( p p n n ) E E
Conductivity of N and P-type
For intrinsic semiconductor
i q.(n. n p. p )
q.n. n
For P-type semiconductor (p>>n)
q. p. p
Diffusion Current
• Due to thermally induced random motion, mobile particles
tend to move from a region of high concentration to a region
of low concentration.
• Current flow due to mobile charge diffusion is proportional to
the carrier concentration gradient.
• Diffusion current within a semiconductor consists of hole and
electron components:
dp dn
J p ,diff qDp J n ,diff qDn
dx dx
dn dp
J tot ,diff q( Dn Dp )
dx dx
Diffusion Current
The total current flowing in a semiconductor is the sum of drift
current and diffusion current:
The holes from p-side diffuses to the n-side while the free
electrons from n-side diffuses to the p-side.
Nature of semiconductor (p-type or n-type)
Carrier concentration
Experimental Determination of Carrier concentration and
F(electric) F( magnetic) 0
F q.E
n.q.E B.J 0 E - J q.n.v
The Hall coefficient
RH -
VH Hall Voltage, d = Distance between front & back surface
The electrical conductivity for an extrinsic semiconductor is
n .RH For N-type semiconductor
p .RH For P-type semiconductor
• Position sensing:
• Sensing the presence of magnetic object is the most common industrial
application of Hall effect sensors The Hall effect sensors are also used in
the brushless DC motor to sense the position of the rotor and to switch
the transistor in the right sequence.
• DC current transformers:
• Hall effect sensors may be utilized for contactless measurements of DC
current in current transformers. In such a case Hall effect sensor is
mounted in the gap in magnetic core arround the current conductor. As a
result, the DC magnetic flux can be measured, and the DC current in the
conductor can be calculated.
• Automotive fuel level indicator:
• The Hall sensor is used in some automotive fuel level Indicators. The
main principle of operation of such indicator is position sensing of
floating element.
This can either be done by using a vertical float magnet or a rotating
lever sensor.
Zener Diode
Zener diodes are semiconductor diodes which have been
manufactured to have their reverse breakdown occur at a
specific, well-defined voltage (its “Zener voltage”), and that
are designed such that they can be operated continuously in
that breakdown mode.
Commonly available Zener diodes are available with
breakdown voltages (“Zener voltages”) anywhere from 1.8 to
200 V
Zener Diode as voltage regulator
The function of a regulator is to provide a
constant output voltage to a load connected in
parallel with it in spite of the ripples in the
supply voltage
The variation in the load current and the zener
diode will continue to regulate the voltage until
the diodes current falls below the
minimum IZ(min)value in the reverse breakdown
As the input voltage Vin varies (Vin > Vz ) the
zener diode maintains an almost constant
voltage across the output terminal.
Resistor R is used for current limiting.
Minimum current used for current limiting is
The resistor is selected so that when the input voltage is at
VIN(min) and the load current is at IL(max) that the current through
the Zener diode is at least Iz(min). Then for all other combinations
of input voltage and load current the Zener diode conducts the
excess current thus maintaining a constant voltage across the
The Zener conducts the least current when the load current is
the highest and it conducts the most current when the load
current is the lowest.
• Thus, for a direct band gap material, the excess
energy of the electron-hole recombination can
either be taken away as heat, or more likely, as
a photon of light.
• This radiative transition then
conserves energy and momentum
by giving off light whenever an
electron and hole recombine. CB
Light output
LED Construction
Candidate Materials
What is Population
Stimulated Emission
E2 E2 E2
h h
h h In
E1 E1 E1
hu 13
2 2 2 2
Metastable IN OUT
hu 2 1 hu 21
E Coherent photons
E 1 E E
1 1 1
( a) (b ) (c) (d )
(a) v (b)
eV Eg
Than electrons in
Holes in VB the valance band
EFp near EV
EFn-EfP = eV
There is therefore a population inversion between
eV > Eg
energies near EC and near EV around the junction.
eV = forward bias voltage
Fwd Diode current pumping This only achieved when degenerately doped p-n
injection pumping junction is forward bias with energy > Egap
Pumping Mechanism in Laser
Absorbtion in the
Insulation depletion layer
p+ Active Area causses current to
flow across the
Depletion region photodiode and if
the diode is
n- region reverse biased
n+ Back Diffusion current flow will be
Back Metalization induced
Photovoltaic effect
The photovoltaic effect is the creation of voltage or electric current in a material upon
exposure to light.
The photovoltaic effect was first observed by French physicist A. E. Becquerel in 1839
The voltage potential created by a typical silicon PV cell is about 0.5 to 0.6 volts dc
under open-circuit, no-load conditions. The power of a PV cell depends on the
intensity of the solar radiation, the surface area of the PV cell, and its overall
Solar cell
Power can be delivered to an external circuit by an illuminated junction thus
Converting Solar energy to electrical energy
1. Crystalline silicon
2. Cadmium telluride
3. Copper indium diselenide
4. Gallium arsenide
5. Indium phosphide
6. Zinc sulphide
Solar cell characteristics
FILL FACTOR: The fill factor is the ratio of the actual maximum
obtainable power to the product of the open circuit voltage and short
circuit current. This is a key parameter in evaluating performance.
IMPP - MPP current (A),
VMPP - MPP voltage (V)
Isc - short circuit current (A),
Voc - open cirquit voltage (V)