Chapter 5 Hazard Identification - 2
Chapter 5 Hazard Identification - 2
Chapter 5 Hazard Identification - 2
Hazard Identification
Let’s think together....identify the potential hazards
Let’s think together....identify the potential hazards
Introduction of Hazard Identifications
Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOP)
HAZOP guidewords
Identify study nodes and decide on possible
hazards based on HAZOP guidewords
Construct HAZOP review table subsequently
assess the hazard’s cause, consequence and action
What is Hazard Identification?
Questions that must be asked for each process in
chemical plant
What are the hazards?
What can go wrong and how?
What are the chances?
What are the consequences?
Provide basic information for risk assessment
Figure 10-1 Hazards identification and risk assessment procedure
When it should be performed?
At any stage during the initial design or ongoing
operation of a process.
It serves to enables modifications to be easily
incorporated into the final design and to operate
the ongoing process better in terms of safety.
Who should perform?
It usually requires a committee which composed of cross-section of
experienced plant, laboratory, technical and safety professional
One individual must be a trained safety personnel and serves as the
committee chair. He will lead the discussion and must be expert in the
chemical process under review
One individual must also be assigned the task of recording the results
The meeting duration must be short enough to ensure continuing
interest and input from all committee members
It takes a large investment of time and effort, but the results are well
worth the effort
How to perform?
1. Process hazard checklists
provide a list of items and possible problems in the
process that must be checked.
should only be applied during the preliminary stage of
hazard identification and not be used as a
replacement for a more complete hazard procedure.
1. Process hazard checklists
A classic example is an automobile checklist that one might review before driving away on
a vacation. This checklist might contain the following items:
Check oil in engine.
Check air pressure in tires.
Check fluid level in radiator.
Check air filter.
Check fluid level in windshield washer tank.
Check headlights and taillights.
Check exhaust system for leaks.
Check fluid levels in brake system.
Check gasoline level in tank.
Checklists for chemical processes can be detailed, involving hundreds or even thousands
of items.
2. Hazard surveys
1. Hazards surveys
It is more like to inventory of
hazardous materials, or, it
can be detailed as the Dow
Fire & Explosion Index.
use a rating form
How to perform?
3. Safety review
It is a method used to identify safety problems in laboratory and process area
and to develop solutions.
Two (2) types
Informal: small changes to existing processes
Formal: new process, substantial changes to existing processes
When the final piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID) are available
During commissioning
During operation to ensure that plant emergency and operating procedures are
regularly reviewed and updated as required
Type of HAZOP
Process HAZOP
The HAZOP technique was originally developed to assess plants and
process systems
A “family” of specialized HAZOPs. More focused on human errors than
technical failures
Procedure HAZOP
Review of procedures or operational sequences
Sometimes denoted SAFOP - SAFe Operation Study
Software HAZOP
Identification of possible errors in the development of software
Objective of HAZOP
For identifying causes and the consequences of
perceived mal operations of equipment and
associated operator interfaces in the context of
the complete system.
Why & How HAZOP Is Used?
Identifies potential hazards, failures and operability problems.
Recommended as a principal method by professional institutions and
legislators on the basis of proven capabilities for over 40 years.
Most effective as a team effort consists of plant designers, operating
personnel, control and instrumentation engineer etc.
Encourages creativity in design concept evaluation.
Results in fewer commissioning and operational problems and better
informed personnel, thus confirming overall cost effectiveness
What is needed to perform HAZOP?
For preliminary HAZOP For Detailed HAZOP
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
Process Flow Sheet (PFS ( P & ID )
or PFD) Process Calculations
Process Data Sheets
Description of the Instrument Data Sheets
Process Interlock Schedules
Layout Requirements
Hazardous Area Classification
Operating instructions
HAZOP Procedures
1. Detailed flow sheet, break into process units, select a unit
2. Choose study node (vessel, line, operating instruction)
3. Describe the intent of study node (vessel: to store)
all conceivable possibilities such as NO or NOT, MORE, LESS, AS WELL AS, PART
6. If deviation is applicable, determine possible causes and note any protective systems
7. Evaluate consequences
8. Recommend actions
9. Record information
Process flow for HAZOP
Select Line
What changes in plant or method will prevent the deviation or make it Consider other changes or agreed
less likely or protect against the consequences? to accept hazard
and generate many failure events which have the same consequences
Stifles brainstorming although this is not required at the late stage of
Weaknesses of HAZOP
Takes little account of the probabilities of events or consequences, although
quantitative assessment are sometime added. The group generally let their
collective experiences decide whether deviations are meaningful
Poor where multiple-combination events can have severe effects
not arise
When identifying consequences, HAZOP tends to encourage listing these as
Water In
HAZOP Example
Description of the process
The reaction is exothermic. A cooling system is provided to remove the
excess energy of reaction. In the event of cooling function is lost, the
temperature of reactor would increase. This would lead to an increase in
reaction rate leading to additional energy release. The result would be a
runaway reaction with pressures exceeding the bursting pressure of the
reactor. The temperature within the reactor is measured and is used to
control the cooling water flow rate by a valve.
Perform the HAZOP study on this unit to improve the safety of the process