Unit 4 - Pleasure & Celebration

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Unit 4


To grasp that spirit

growth is a divine p
and reason for our
By the end of this unit, the
participants will have . . .
1. Crystallized the conviction that
spiritual parenting and
reproduction emanates from the
nature of God
2.Felt the urgency of their
involvement in the spiritual
parenting and reproduction
Learning Task #1-
Definition of Spiritual Parenting
It is the PROCESS of devoting to continuous
attention to a believer for the purpose of growth
from the time of spiritual birth until a person is
established in a normal adult Christian walk.
Can you identify the 3 key elements that must be
present in the spiritual parenting?
 Group #1
Read the following references
to reinforce your conviction
about spiritual parenting.
1. 1 John 2:12-14
2. Heb 5:12-14
3. John 15:8,16

 Visualize your ideas about

spiritual parenting in the
manila paper and present
them to the entire group.
Task 2- Inspiration in
Spiritual Parenting (Group #2)

Spiritual Parenting is a Divine Pleasure

Read Isaiah 40:11; Isaiah 58:10-12

• What image of God is used of His personal

involvement with our lives?
• What words are used to describe God’s personal
involvement with his people?
• What are the implications of that in spiritual
• What is God’s promise if we will involve in caring
the spiritual progress of others?
• ISA 58:10 and if you spend
yourselves in behalf of the
• ISA 40:11 hungry and satisfy the needs of
the oppressed, then your light will
He tends his flock rise in the darkness, and your
night will become like the
like a shepherd: noonday.
He gathers the
lambs in his arms • ISA 58:11 The LORD will guide
you always; he will satisfy your
and carries them needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
close to his heart; You will be like a well-watered
he gently leads garden, like a spring whose
waters never fail.
those that have
young. • ISA 58:12 Your people will
rebuild the ancient ruins and will
raise up the age-old foundations;
you will be called Repairer of
Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets
with Dwellings.
“If we learn to pour out
• Read with care the ourselves, to meet
statement . And in people’s deep heart-
needs, if we learn to
your group share
have the Father’s
your desires that heart, then we will
you wish will raise up men and
happen in your women who will
church. We will become firm
hear from you. foundations of
spiritual builders and
Group # 3

From the following references . . .

1 Corinthians 4:14-15
Galatians 4:19
1 Thessalonians 2:7-11

• What words or images did Paul use to describe

his relationship with his spiritual children?
• When would he stop caring for his spiritual
• Can you paint or describe in your own words
how spiritual parent look like?
• Have you seen such a model in your church?
• 1TH 2:7 but we • 1TH 2:11 For you
were gentle among know that we dealt
you, like a mother with each of you as a
caring for her little father deals with his
children. own children,
Spiritual Parenting is a Personal Delight –
Group #4
1. What & When are you most happy about?

2. Please comment on the following statement.

Agree or disagree?

“Authentic happiness is “other

centered”. When you rejoice
outside of yourselves or you
rejoice in spite of personal
benefits, then, you experience a
higher level of rejoicing.”
3. Share your personal experiences on this
higher level of rejoicing in your group.
4. Describe the higher level of rejoicing in . . .
3 John 4
2 Corinthians 2:3
1 Thessalonians 3:9


1TH 3:9 How can we thank
God enough for you in return
for all the joy we have in the
presence of our God
because of you?
Spiritual Parenting is Conserving
Evangelistic Endeavors – Group #5
• Why is spiritual
parenting rarely
practiced in the
• Read and write down your churches.
observations on the
different expressions of • Do you agree that
spiritual parenting in the without commitment
following references: and conviction to
Acts 14:21-22; Acts 19:8- spiritual parenting
10; Acts 15:36; Acts 20:31; your church will
Acts 18:11
simply be filled with
problematic and
• How do you describe the childish members?
impact of spiritual
parenting in … • What can you do to
Acts 19:9-11; reverse the trend in
Acts 19:20 our churches today?
The Imperatives of spiritual Parenting –
Learning Task 3

1. A new believer is
vulnerable to sin and
Satan’s attack: doubts,
discouragement and
failure. He needs help.

Read and examine the roles

of Satan
Mark 4:15
1 Timothy 5:15
1 Thessalonians 3:5
2. A new believer is moldable or
bendable. Transformation is best
realized through personal care.
Changed life means effective service
for Christ.

Spiritual parenting will in sure

healthy relationship.
1 Thes. 2:11-12
Without personal
guidance, new
Christians will miss
the opportunity in
the crucial period in
his life to grow in
Christ rapidly.
Conversely, if no
personal attention is
given, wrong pattern of
life will be established,
lasting growth is difficult
to attain.

Read: Ephesians 4:22-24

Colossians 3:5-10
“ Disciples are
3. A new believer
produced most
grows spiritually at effectively through
the normal phase personal spiritual
when spiritual care. Spiritual
parenting is parenting speeds up
applied. the process of
growth in the new
believer’s life.”
4. New believers will spiritually
reproduce through the
presence and couching of the
spiritual parents.

“Spiritual parenting
ensures spiritual
“ Journey
of life
Group sharing
• What spiritual parenting
insights did you learn?
• What part of the video
clipping personally moved

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