History and Exam

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The key takeaways are the importance of taking a thorough patient history and performing a focused physical examination in order to make an accurate diagnosis. This lecture discusses the steps, components, and procedures for history taking and physical examination in surgery.

The main steps in making a diagnosis as a surgeon are taking a thorough patient history, performing a physical examination, and ordering appropriate investigations to identify the underlying cause of the patient's problem.

The key parts of taking a patient's surgical history are collecting their biodata, documenting their presenting complaints and history of the complaints, reviewing their past medical and surgical history, and obtaining other relevant histories like gynaecological, drug, immunization, family, and social histories.


Be able to take a structured , concise patient
Beable to understand the basis for clinical
Be able to carryout a focused general and
systemic exams in surgery with a view to making
a diagnosis
A patient presents to a surgeon with a specific
complaint(s) called symptom(s) and surgeon’s aim
is to make the patient better.
To achieve this he tries to identify the cause of the
problem(making a diagnosis) by following very
important steps ;
History taking
Physical examination
Appropriate investigations
• Forthe purpose this lecture the first two steps
shall be discussed
Parts of a surgical history
Presenting complaint(s) with duration, preferably
History of presenting complaint(s)
Past surgical and medical history
Gynae history( where applicable)
Drug history and allergies
Immunization history (where applicable)
Family and Social History
Review of Systems.
History taking is the most important aspect of the
steps in making a diagnosis
It directs the clinician to eliciting abnormal clinical
First introduce yourself and get consent from the
The following are the parts of a surgical history

• 0
Presenting complaints
Alternatively called the ‘Chief complaints’
This is what brought the patient to the
hospital(surgical clinic or emergency)
When there are more than one presenting complaints
they are listed with durations chronologically eg
C/O Groin swelling x 2/7
Abdominal pain x 1/7
Vomiting x 1/7
History of Presenting Complaints
Here, the details of each complaint is documented as
accurately as possible mostly in patient’s words
Preferably questions related to the system involved are asked
and documented
As much as possible allow patient tell his/her story and only
guide when necessary by asking specific questions using
terms that can easily be understood by patients
Usually , in surgery we use the 5Cs( complaints , course ,
cause , complications and care) as a guide.
Past medical and surgical history
Here, note all previous non-trivial illnesses, operations ,
accidents , periods of admissions with dates eg hypertention
, DM , Epilepsy , SCD , Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
diseases etc
Gynaecological History
• In
women gynaecological history is sought for and
Immunization History
• This
usually applicable to paediatric
Drug History and Allergies
Note all drugs patient is taking ,their doses and duration
Note the presence or otherwise of specific drug allergies
and how the allergies manifested
Family and Social History
 Patient’s family history example, the position amongst his
sibling, number of children and family history of similar
illnesses , any deaths in the family and likely causes of the
Smoking and alcohol history , including recreational drug
Assess patients economic status, where he lives , their
source water supply etc
Review of other systems

History of presenting complaints encompasses

detailed enquiry into the system(s) related to the
presenting complaints
However , a review of other systems entails
enquiry into remaining systems not captured in
the ‘body of the history’ to identify unsuspecting
GIT ; Vomiting ,Appetite ,regurgitations etc
Resp System : Cough , hemoptysis, dyspnea
CVS: Dyspnea ,palpitations ,chest pain etc
UGS:loinpain/swellings,suprapubic pain,
LUTS ,hematuria
Musculoskeletal :muscle pains ,joint swellings
Common presenting Complaints In Surgery

Pain is one of the commonest presenting complaints

and it is an indicator disease.
As subjective as pain is, the doctor should characterize
the pain using this helpful acronym SOCRATES…
Site , Onset/periodicity , Character , Associations
,Timing , Exercebating/Relieving factors ,Severity

How it was discovered
Changes in size/Shape
Associated symptoms eg pain
Other Lumps
Preceding history of trauma etc
Physical examination is geared towards eliciting signs that
help in making a diagnosis
Patient should be comfortable , reassured ,relaxed and a
chaperone made available especially when examining an
opposite sex.
Adequate exposure while ensuring patients dignity is
assured…adequate screening of patient
Ensure minimal discomfort or inconveniences
Appropriate patient positioning is also important.
The examining doctor stands on the patients right
Examination in surgery proceeds regionally
rather than by systems
2parts : General ( which attempts to ascertain
patients general state of health) and regional
Proceed using
IPPA(Inspection,Palpation,Percussion and
General examination
Mental health status
State of consciousness




Nutritional status
Febrile or otherwise
Digital clubbing
Peripheral Lymph nodes
Assessment of Vital Signs : Temperature , Pulse ,
blood Pressure and Respiration( including SPo2)
Regional Examination
Examination of the Head and Neck
Eyes : pupillary reaction to light , sclera for
jaundice(usually during gen exam) , exophthalmos
Ear ,Nose : External auditory canal ,eardrum and
Chest Examinations :
Abdominal Examination: should be performed in a warm ,
private and well lit environment.
Exposure is from nipple line to mid thigh.
Remember IPPA Steps in physical examination.
oInpect the abdomen from the foot of the and patients side at
eye level
oInspect for the following : size(distended,full or flat) and
symmetry,movement with respiration,scars , distended veins,
visible peristalsis, lumps, pigmentation ,hernia orifices
oPalpate the abdomen for tenderness,enlarged
solid organs(Liver,Spleen and Kidneys) and
abdominal masses/lumps
oCharacterise any palpable masses
oPercuss the abdomen to elicit ascites(shifting
dullness or fluid thrill) , and for characterization
of certain intraabdominal masses
oAuscultate the abdomen for bowel sounds aortic
bruit and succession splash.

Digital Rectal Examination

External Gentalia
•Thank you for

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