Final Announcement PIT XXII IPD 2023
Final Announcement PIT XXII IPD 2023
Final Announcement PIT XXII IPD 2023
Dearest colleagues,
Continuing Medical Education (CME) has been considered as a lifelong commitment for doctors
to provide the optimal care for patients. Every physician must always develop himself and
his knowledge along with medical science that always evolves and develops; especially in this
era of globalization, as well as various challenges in the new post-pandemic era.
As one of the efforts to face this challenge, we, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty
of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya - Saiful Anwar General Hospital, as one of the health and
medical education centers, especially in East Java, are proud to present Pertemuan Ilmiah
Tahunan XXII Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya. This year,
we carry the theme “Adopt and Adapt toward Internal Medicine in the 5.0 Era: Ready for
the Leap?” as a picture of a world that is slowly leaving the stagnant pandemic era towards
an era of rapid development of information-technology in the world, especially in the fields
of medicine and internal medicine.
This continuing education event will be held in online and offline sessions, and will take place
at Hotel Santika Premiere Malang on 25-27th August 2023. We are holding several forms of
activities such as Scientific Symposiums, Integrated Case Discussions, Hands-On and Virtual
Workshops, Meet the Internist, Scientific Competition, and Alumni Gathering.
We really hope that this scientific activity will be one of the best choices to refresh our
knowledge of science, as well as refresh our souls with various interesting travel experiences
in city.
Welcome to Malang
Best regards
Chairman of Committee PIT XXII IPD FKUB 2023
Event Committee
Steering Committee
1. Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya
2. Head of Internal Medicine Department FKUB-RSSA
3. Chairman of PAPDI Malang
Organizing Committee
Chairman : dr. Herwindo Pudjo Brahmantyo, Sp.PD, K-HOM, FINASIM
Secretary : dr. Achmad Rifai, Sp.PD, K-GH, FINASIM
Treasurer : Dr. dr. Shinta Oktya Wardhani, Sp.PD, K-HOM, FINASIM
General Information
2. Accreditation
3. Programs
Program At A Glance
DAY 1 - Friday, 25th August 2023 DAY 2 - Saturday, 26th August 2023
08.30 - 08.50 Opening Ceremony 08.30 - 09.20 Scientific Symposium-2.1 Scientific Symposium-2.2
08.50 - 09.40 Scientific Symposium-1.1 Scientific Symposium-1.2 09.20 - 10.10 Scientific Symposium-2.3 Scientific Symposium-2.4
11.20 - 13.00 --- Friday Prayer --- 11.50 - 12.20 Closing Ceremony & Announcement
13.50 - 14.40 Scientific Symposium-1.5 Scientific Symposium-1.6 13.00 - 13.30 Zoom Breakout Room Preparation On-site Re-registration
14.40 - 15.45 Meet the Internist 13.30 - 16.00 WS-2.1 WS-2.2 WS-2.3 WS-2.4 WS-2.5 WS-2.6 WS-2.7 WS-2.8
Symposium (Online) Meet the Internist (Online) Virtual Workshop (Online) Hands-On Workshop (Offline)
Symposium Day-1 (Friday, 25th Aug 2023)
08.50 - 09.40 SS-1.1 “The Role of Cytoprotective Agent in SS-1.2 “Psychogeriatric: Behavioral Disorders
Management of Acid-Related Disorders” in Elderly with Dementia”
Moderator: dr. Mochamad Fachrureza, Sp.PD Moderator: dr. Eden Suryoiman Winoto, Sp.PD
08.50 - 09.10 The Role of Defensive Factor in Pathogenesis Behavioral Disorders in People With Dementia
of Acid-Related Disorder Dr. dr. Sri Soenarti, Sp.PD, K-Ger, FINASIM
dr. Bogi Pratomo Wibowo, Sp.PD, K-GEH, FINASIM
09.10 - 09.30 Cytoprotective Agent for Management Acid Management of Dementia Patient with
Related Disorder : Focus on Rebamipide Behavioral Disorders
Dr. dr. Supriono, Sp.PD, K-GEH, FINASIM dr. Yuniar Sunarko, Sp.KJ(K), MMRS
09.30 - 09.40 Discussion Discussion
09.40 - 10.30 SS-1.3 “Palliative Care Intervention in Life- SS-1.4 “Adult Vaccination: What’s Next After
limiting Ilnesses” COVID-19?”
Moderator: dr. Siti Fatma Prehatiningsih, Sp.PD Moderator: dr. Muhammad Anshory, Sp.PD
09.40 - 10.00 Basic Concepts and Psychosomatic Approach Update on Dengue Vaccination
in Palliative Care dr. Heri Sutanto, Sp.PD, K-PTI
Dr. dr. Hamzah Shatri, Sp.PD, K-Psi, M.Epid
10.00 - 10.20 Palliative Care in Elderly with Dementia Vaccination in Elderly: Focus on Pneumococcal
Dr. dr. Sri Soenarti, Sp.PD, K-Ger, FINASIM Vaccine
Prof. Dr. dr. Gatot Soegiarto, Sp.PD, K-AI, FINASIM
10.20 - 10.30 Discussion Discussion
10.50 - 11.10 Role of Exemestan in Post-Menopausal Woman with Hormonal Receptor Breast Cancer
dr. Herwindo Pudjo Brahmantyo, Sp.PD, K-HOM, FINASIM
Symposium Day-1 (Friday, 25th Aug 2023)
13.50 - 14.40 SS-1.5 “Dengue Today’s Challenge & Future SS-1.6 “How to Delay the Progression of Chronic
Solution” Kidney Disease (CKD)”
Moderator: dr. Didi Candradikusuma, Sp.PD, K-PTI Moderator: dr. Achmad Rifai, Sp.PD, K-GH, FINASIM
13.50 - 14.10 Understanding and Treating Critical Signs of Strategy in Carrying Out Metabolic Control in
DHF: Focus on Liver Injury CKD Patient
dr. Niniek Budiarti, Sp.PD, K-PTI Dr. dr. Nur Samsu, Sp.PD, K-GH, FINASIM
14.10 - 14.30 Fluid Management in Dengue Hemorrhagic Dietary Strategies for CKD Patient
Fever: What is the Best Choice? Dr. dr. Atma Gunawan, Sp.PD, K-GH, FINASIM
dr. Dewi Indiastari, Sp.PD, K-PTI, FINASIM
14.30 - 14.40 Discussion Discussion
Symposium Day-2 (Sat, 26th Aug 2023)
08.30 - 09.20 SS-2.1 “Recent Updates and Challenges in the SS-2.2 “Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiovascular
Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis” Diseases: The Metabolic Triad”
Moderator: dr. Perdana Aditya Rahman, Sp.PD, K-R Moderator: dr. Rinadhi Reza B., Sp.PD, K-EMD
08.30 - 08.50 Past, Present and Future Development of How to Control CVD Risk Factor Efficiently in
Therapeutic Management in Rheumatoid Diabetic Patient
Arthritis Prof. Dr. dr. Achmad Rudijanto, Sp.PD, K-EMD, FINASIM
Prof. Dr. dr. Handono Kalim, Sp.PD, K-R, FINASIM
08.50 - 09.10 Role of JAK Inhibitors for Achieving the GLP-1 Receptor Agonist: When and How to Use
Remission in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients for Managing Type 2 Diabetes?
dr. Bagus Putu Putra Suryana, Sp.PD, K-R, FINASIM dr. Rulli Rosandi, Sp.PD, K-EMD, FINASIM
09.10 - 09.20 Discussion Discussion
09.20 - 10.10 SS-2.3 “Ischemic Heart Disease Management in SS-2.4 “Critical Care Management in Internal
Clinical Practice” Medicine”
Moderator: dr. Eden Suryoiman Winoto, Sp.PD Moderator: dr. Milanitalia Gadys Rosandy, Sp.PD
09.20 - 09.40 Acute Coronary Syndrome: From Early Invasive vs Non-Invasive Haemodynamic
Pharmacology to Recent Intervention Monitoring in Critical Ill Condition
dr. Sasmojo Widito, Sp.JP(K), FIHA dr. Arif Mansjoer, Sp.PD, K-KV, K-IC, M.Epid
09.40 - 10.00 Chronic Coronary Syndrome in Clinical Practice: Positioning of Vasopressor and Inotropic Agent:
From Prevention to Symptoms Control Guidelines and Evidence
Dr. dr. Sally Aman Nasution, Sp.PD, K-KV, FINASIM dr. Ceva Wicaksono Pitoyo, Sp.PD, K-P, K-IC, FINASIM
10.00 - 10.10 Discussion Discussion
Symposium Day-2 (Sat, 26th Aug 2023)
13.00 - 16.00 Virtual Workshop (Online) Hands-On Workshop (Offline at Santika Hotel)
WS 2.2 “Clinical Approach & Diagnosis of WS 2.7 “Point of Care Echocardiography for
Anemia” Hemodynamic Evaluation in Emergency &
Critical Care”
WS 2.3 “All About Upper GI Bleeding: What GP WS 2.8 “Intensive Management of Severe
Should Know?” Infection”
Workshop (Saturday, 26th Aug 2023)
13.30 - 14.00 Therapeutic Strategies to Achieve and Maintain Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Emergencies
Dr. dr. Atma Gunawan, Sp.PD, K-GH, FINASIM
14.00 - 14.30 Therapeutic Strategies to Achieve and Maintain Blood Pressure in Resistant Hypertension
dr. Achmad Rifai, Sp.PD, K-GH, FINASIM
Workshop (Saturday, 26th Aug 2023)
14.00 - 14.30 Management of Variceal Bleeding at the Primary Health Care Facilities
Dr. dr. Supriono, Sp.PD, K-GEH, FINASIM
14.30 - 15.00 Management of Non-Variceal Bleeding at the Primary Health Care Facilities
dr. Bogi Pratomo Wibowo, Sp.PD, K-GEH, FINASIM
Workshop (Saturday, 26th Aug 2023)
13.30 - 14.00 Update on the Management of Osteoarthritis according to the Indonesian Rheumatology
Association (IRA) Guideline
dr. Mirza Zaka Pratama, Sp.PD, M.Biomed
14.00 - 14.30 Evidence Base and Practice of Hyaluronic Acid Injection in Osteoarthritis
dr. Perdana Aditya Rahman, Sp.PD, K-R
15.00 - 15.45 Live Demo & Hands-On Session of Intraarticular Injection for Knee OA
All speakers & moderator
Workshop (Saturday, 26th Aug 2023)
Registration Fee
General Practitioners
Package Description 1st July 2023 - Event
Package Description 1st July 2023 - Event
Event Sponsors & Partners
Secretariat Office
Internal Medicine Department
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya
Saiful Anwar General Hospital