Presentation On Characteristics of An Entrepreneur

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Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

Difference Between Entrepreneur &

A person who has decided to take control of his future & become self-employed-
whether by creating his own unique business or working as a member of a “team”,
as a multi-level marketing.

An Entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages a business undertaking,

assuming the risk for the sake of profit. Any person who starts and operates a
business is an entrepreneur.
• Entrepreneurial Characteristics
• Risk Taker
• Perceptive
• Curious
• Imaginative
• Persistent
• Goal-setting
• Hardworking
• Self-confident
• Flexible
• Independent
•Entrepreneurial Characteristics
Not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur and run their own business. Being an
entrepreneur requires specific characteristics and skills that are often achieved through
education, hard work, and planning.

•Risk Taker
Businesses face risk. Entrepreneurs minimize risk through research, planning, and skill
Entrepreneurs view problems as opportunities and challenges.

Entrepreneurs like to know how things work. They take the time and initiative to pursue
the unknown.

Entrepreneurs are creative. They imagine solutions to problems that encourage them to
create new products and generate ideas.
True entrepreneurs face bureaucracy, make mistakes, receive criticism, and deal with
money, family, or stress problems. But they still stick to their dreams of seeing the
venture succeed.

Entrepreneurs are motivated by the excitement of staring a new business. Once achieved,
they seek out new goals or ventures to try.

Entrepreneurs need a great deal of energy to see a venture start and succeed. Yet they
are not deterred by the long hours to achieve their goal.
Entrepreneurs believe in themselves. Their self-confidence takes care of any doubts they
may have.

Entrepreneurs must be flexible in order to adapt to changing trends, markets,
technologies, rules, and economic environments.

An entrepreneur’s desire for control and the ability to make decisions often makes it
difficult for them to work in a controlled environment.
Difference Between
Entrepreneur & Manager
Point of Difference Entrepreneur Manager
1. Venture An entrepreneur sets up A manager does not take
a new enterprise or a new venture and
undertakes a venture for renders services in an
his personal existing enterprise.

2. Risk bearing An entrepreneur assumes A manager does not

risk of economic assume or share any risk
uncertainty involved in involved in the
the enterprise. enterprise he is saving.
3. Reward The reward of an The reward of a manager for
entrepreneur for his risk rendering his services is salary
bearing role is profits. which unlike profits is fixed
It is not only uncertain and irregular and can never be
and irregular but can at negative.
times be negative also.
4. Continuity Entrepreneurial Managerial activities are
activities are mainly continuous involving an
discontinuous appearing ongoing coordination of
to initiate change in the business operation.
production process and
then disappearing until
another change is
5. Innovation In order to maximize On the contrary, a manager
the profits, the simply keeps running the
entrepreneur applies enterprise on already established
innovation from time lines on a routine basis. That is
to time in the why a manager is called the
enterprise. Therefore; product of change brought about
an entrepreneur is also by the entrepreneur.
called a change agent.
6. Status-Role An entrepreneur is his By contrast, a manager is a
own boss and enjoys an servant i.e. salaried person
independent status as serving in the enterprise of
the owner of the someone else i.e. the
enterprise. entrepreneur. Thus he is not
independent but the dependent of
the entrepreneur.
7. Prerequisites In consonance with But, a manger needs
the entrepreneurial distinct qualification
role, an entrepreneur such as knowledge of
needs pre-requisites human behavior,
like mission, creative management theory,
thinking, risk-bearing etc. Because, the
ability, etc. managers are made
not born.
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