The document describes the typical file structure and contents of an Angular project created using the Angular CLI. It includes folders for source code, assets, testing files, and configuration files for TypeScript, Karma, and the CLI. Key files include app.module.ts for the root module, app.component.ts for the root component, and main.ts as the application entry point.
The document describes the typical file structure and contents of an Angular project created using the Angular CLI. It includes folders for source code, assets, testing files, and configuration files for TypeScript, Karma, and the CLI. Key files include app.module.ts for the root module, app.component.ts for the root component, and main.ts as the application entry point.
The document describes the typical file structure and contents of an Angular project created using the Angular CLI. It includes folders for source code, assets, testing files, and configuration files for TypeScript, Karma, and the CLI. Key files include app.module.ts for the root module, app.component.ts for the root component, and main.ts as the application entry point.
The document describes the typical file structure and contents of an Angular project created using the Angular CLI. It includes folders for source code, assets, testing files, and configuration files for TypeScript, Karma, and the CLI. Key files include app.module.ts for the root module, app.component.ts for the root component, and main.ts as the application entry point.
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Angular Project Structure
Angular Project Structure
Angular Project Structure • node_modules • All 3rd party libraries are installed into this folder when you run npm install. • Those libraries are bundled into our application. • You shouldn't include this folder when deploying your application to production or committing to the git repository. • If you move your project to a new location you should skip this folder and run npm install in a new location. Angular Project Structure • .browserslistrc • This file is used by the build system to adjust CSS and JS output to support the specified browsers below in the file. • .editorconfig • Configuration for code editors • .gitignore • Specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. Angular Project Structure • angular.json • CLI configuration defaults for all projects in the workspace, including configuration options for build, serve, and test tools that the CLI uses Angular Project Structure • karma.conf.js • Karma is a console tool for running tests, which can track source code changes and display the percentage of code tests coverage. • It uses the configuration file karma.conf.js, where the paths to tested files and to the files with tests should be specified. Angular Project Structure • package.json: • Records the minimum version you app needs. If you update the versions of a particular package, the change is not going to be reflected here. • It also includes project properties, description, author & license information, scripts, etc. Angular Project Structure • package-lock.json: • Records the exact version of each installed package which allows you to re-install them. • Future installs will be able to build an identical dependency tree. Angular Project Structure • • Introductory documentation for the root application • • The base TypeScript configuration for projects in the workspace. • All other configuration files inherit from this base file. Angular Project Structure • tsconfig.json: • The base TypeScript configuration for projects in the workspace. • All other configuration files inherit from this base file. Angular Project Structure • • Application specific TypeScript configuration information details, including TypeScript and Angular template compiler options. Angular Project Structure • • Application specific TypeScript configuration information details, including TypeScript and Angular template compiler options. • tsconfig.spec.json • TypeScript configuration for the application tests. Angular Project Structure • src • ng new creates an initial skeleton application at the root level of the workspace, along with its end-to-end tests. • The skeleton is for a simple Welcome application that is ready to run and easy to modify. • The root-level application has the same name as the workspace. • The source files reside in the src/ subfolder of the workspace. Angular Project Structure • src/app/ • This folder contains the where the application logic and data are defined. • This folder contains our modules and components. • Each Angular application must have at least one module and one component. Angular Project Structure • app/app.component.html • Defines the HTML template associated with the root AppComponent. • app/app.component.css • Defines the base CSS stylesheet for the root AppComponent. Angular Project Structure • app/app.component.ts • Defines the logic for the application's root component, named AppComponent. • app/app.component.spec .ts • Defines a unit test for the root AppComponent Angular Project Structure • app/app.module.ts • Defines the root module, named AppModule. • It tells Angular how to assemble the application. • Initially declares only the AppComponent. • As you add more components to the app, they must be declared here. Angular Project Structure • app/app- routing.module.ts • Contains the routes information. • Each route is a path and its associated component. Angular Project Structure • app/assets • Contains image and other asset files to be copied as-is when you build your application. Angular Project Structure • app/environments • Contains build configuration options for particular target environments. • By default there is an unnamed standard development environment and a production ("prod") environment. • You can define additional target environment configurations. Angular Project Structure • app/favicon.ico • An icon to use for this application in the bookmark bar. • app/styles.css • Lists CSS files that supply styles for a project. • The extension reflects the style preprocessor you have configured for the project. Angular Project Structure • app/polyfills.ts • Provides polyfill scripts for browser support. • A polyfill is a piece of code (usually JavaScript on the Web) used to provide modern functionality on older browsers that do not natively support it. Angular Project Structure • app/main.ts • The main entry point for your application. • Compiles the application with the JIT compiler and bootstraps the application's root module (AppModule) to run in the browser. Angular Project Structure • app/index.html • The main HTML page that is served when someone visits your site. • The CLI automatically adds all JavaScript and CSS files when building your app, so you typically don't need to add any <script> or <link> tags here manually.