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Angular Session 1

Topics: -

1. Angular Introduction.
2. Angular Setup.
3. Angular Project Creation through CLI.
4. Going through angular project files.
5. Commands for running and build angular application.
6. Angular CLI Commands
 Create Component
 Create Pipe
 Create Directive
 Create Module
 Create Service
7. Integrate bootstrap with angular.

Angular Setup

List of software we need for Angular

1) Visual Studio Code


2) NodeJS

All NodeJS versions do not compatible to the angular, please follow the below link to find the
angular version compatible NodeJS version.


once nodeJS installed successfully run following command in the cmd.

Node --version or Node -v

3) Angular CLI

For installing the angular CLI, we must run the following command

npm install --global @angular/cli

Shorthand syntax like below

npm i -g @angular/cli
Suppose if we want to install specific version of CLI then use the following command

npm i -g @angular/cli@version – here version will be replaced with number, if we are not
define the version then it defaults take as latest.

Once CLI installed successfully then use following command for confirmation

ng version

Angular Project Creation Through CLI

For creating angular project, we have to use the following command

ng new <projectname>

** Angular project should not allow the space between the project names. instead of that we
can use “underscore” or “dash”

Going Through Angular Project Files

Package.json :- contains packages to run and build our angular application. Custom scripts can
also be added.

Main.ts :- The main entry point for the application. This file contains the code to bootstrap the
application root module (AppModule)

Styles.css:- This file contains the global styles of our application. Styles that are local and specific
to a component are often defined with in the component itself for easier maintenance.

Index.html:- The main HTML page that is served when someone visits your site.

tsconfig.app.json : TypeScript compiler configuration for the Angular app

tsconfig.spec.json : TypeScript compiler configuration for the unit tests

app.component.{ts,html,css,spec.ts} : The root component (AppComponent) TypeScript, HTML

template, StyleSheet and Spec files.

app.module.ts : This is the root application module (AppModule)

Commands for running and building angular application

For running angular application, we use ng serve or npm start

For building angular application, we use ng build

What is the difference between these two commands?

The ng build command is intentionally for building the apps and deploying the build artifacts.
The ng serve command is intentionally for fast, local, and iterative developments and also for builds,
watches and serves the application from a local CLI development server.

The main difference is – The ng build command writes generated build artifacts to the output folder
and the ng serve command does not. By default, the output folder is - dist/.

We have one more command called ng build –watch. command will regenerate output files when
source files change.

for running test cases we use the ng test command. In angular test files are define with spec

Polyfills in angular are few lines of code which make your application compatible for different
browsers. The code we write is mostly in ES6(New Features: Overview and Comparison) and is not
compatible with IE or firefox and needs some environment setups before being able to be viewed or
used in these browsers.

Angular CLI Commands

Creating component – ng generate component <componentname> or ng g c <componentname>

Creating module – ng generate module <modulename>

Creting pipe – ng generate pipe <pipename>

Integrate bootstrap with angular

First, we have to install package into the angular application


once installed successfully then add it into angular.json file styles array or import in styles.css

video link : https://people.ey.com/:v:/g/personal/garlapati_chaitanya_gds_ey_com/


FY23 - Middleware (Mw) - Angular Session 2023 - All Documents (ey.com)

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