Pile 2
Pile 2
Pile 2
• PROJECT NAME : pile foundation
B Vamshi (18RJ1A0177)
G Rohit (18RJ1A0193)
G Nihal (18RJ1A0199)
K Akshaya(18RJ1A01A5)
Mohammad Saifuddin (18RJ1A01B0)
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Literature
• review
• Methodology
• Reference
As the urbanization increases worldwide, the available land for building is becoming scarier and
scarier, and the cost of land is becoming higher and higher. Thus the popularity of tall structure
are increasing day by day to withstand the load of these structures proper stiff foundation is to be
used such as pile foundation. In this study, an attempt has been made to design the pile
foundation. It also includes different pile cap parameters such as shape (Triangular, square &
rectangular), length, spacing of piles in groups and pattern of the pile group. With the various
combinations of soil parameters and loads. In this project the main aim is to find out the ultimate
bearing capacity of the foundation for the given soil conditions.
Foundation is that part of structure which transmits the load of the structure to the ground. It
is the supporting part of the structure. It acts a connecting link between the structure and
ground. The pile foundation is a type of deep foundation. A complete pile design project
involves determination of pile capacity for given soil conditions to fix the diameter, length
and judicious grouping of piles to transfer the upcoming load to soil below for safe
functioning of the foundation system throughout its operating life and finally covering the
pile with the properly design pile cap. Apart from their ability to transmit foundation loads to
underlying strata, piles are also widely used as a means of controlling settlement and
differential settlement. For the design of the pile, the designer has to come up with best
possible option for the given conditions of the soil by considering the aspects such as bearing
capacity, group action and design.
The pile foundation is necessary to resist the uplift forces created due to water table rise or any
other cause. Uplift forces are more common in the construction of transmission towers and off-
shore platforms. These structures will need pile foundations:
➢ When the strata just below the ground surface is highly compressible and very weak to
support the load.
➢ When the plan of structure is irregular to its outline and load distribution. It would cause non-
uniform settlement.
➢ When horizontal forces in addition to vertical loads are to be resisted.
➢ When soil layer immediately below the structure are When structure is subjected to uplift,
overturning moments subjected to scour.
➢ Where expansive soils, such as black cotton soil exist, which swells or shrink due to change in
water content.
➢ In areas where settlement issues are common due to soil liquefaction or water table issues,
pile foundation is a better choice.
➢ Pile foundation is necessary for areas where the structure surrounding has chances for soil
erosion. This might not be resisted by the shallow foundations.
➢ Pile foundation is needed near deep drainage and canal lines.
IS: 2911[1] The load carrying capacity calculation formula for single pile for different soil
conditions are taken from Code gives the useful information for the design consideration for the
bored pile, driven pile and pile cap for the pile group. Spacing, behavior of the pile in the pile
group and reinforcement specifications for the pile group are used as per recommended by the
code. The lateral resistance of the single pile is calculated using the code method. Bearing
capacity is taken from the code.
J.E Bowles[2] had a new concept based on the shifting rate of piles, and the settlement rate of
the surrounding soils has been suggested for the study of negative skin friction. Negative skin
friction occurs when the settlement rate of the surrounding soils is greater than that of the piles.
Some relative equations have been established to define the negative friction zone of piles.
Negative skin friction is dependent on the time factor and the degree of consolidation of the soil
mass and can be negligible when the soil mass is nearly completely consolidated.
K. R. Arora[3] gives a good idea about the classification of the different types of piles. General
theories for the analysis of the single pile and brief knowledge of the pile group are also taken
from this reference
M.J. Tomlinson and V. N. S. Muthy[4] gives a good idea for the understanding of the
behavior of pile under load. Murthy also gives a good sense of understanding for the
failure of the single pile for specific type of soil and method of analysis for the pile
P.C. Varghese[5] carried out the design of pile cap considering the case study of raja
garden flyover which is situated in Delhi. The designing of the pile cap was done using
the bending theory and truss analogy method. Various load combinations including
seismic, longitudinal and transverse loads were considered. Reinforcement details for
each method were included. The load combinations considered for design of pile cap
were the total vertical load, total longitudinal moment and total transverse moment.
Load on pile cap had been calculated considering the maximum effects from normal
case, seismic longitudinal case and seismic transverse case. In this paper the analysis
was done by the bending theory and truss analogy method for the different pile caps
under the flyover and maximum area of steel calculated by either of the method was
1. For Poor bearing soils such as Soft clay, Medium Clay or any clay etc. under reamed
pile foundation with pile cap and grade beam or Bored cast insitu Pile foundation with pile
cap may be adopted.
2. For clay soil with G+2F, G+3F, silt+3floors loads, under reamed piles with pile caps
connected with grade beams is best suited. If the hard strata available is at 10m depth, End
bearing/ Bored cast insitu piles with pile caps may be adopted. This type of foundation is
also best suited for multi storeyed building also.
3. If the load on foundation is 500KN (say G+2Floor load), Under reamed pile foundation
for a depth of 3.5m to 4.50m with pile caps shall be adopted. If the load on foundation is in
the range of 2000KN to 3000KN, Bored cast in ‘situ concrete piles with 6.0m to 20.0m
depth with pile caps shall be adopted. This type is adopted in case of multi storeyed
This type of Pile is suitable for situations where accurate determination of pile length cannot be
made on the basis of sub soil investigation and in cases where lengths of different piles may be
different. Driving of piles in sandy soils results in volume changes. In loose soils compaction
takes place. This has a beneficial effect on the soil strength.
Driving piles are advantageous in sandy soils, when compared with bored cast in situ Piles. in
Sandy soils, the point resistance is large compared to the skin resistance and compaction at the
tip greatly helps to improve the pile load. For driven piles through sandy soil and resting on a
firm cohesionless material, ‘N’ value shall be between 35 and 45.
Driving piles into clays may alter the structure of the soil and reduce rather than increase the
strength of the soil medium. Driven piles are generally not desirable in clayey soil since the set
value resistance.es are false due to pore pressure resistance. Driven piles are not suitable in
predominantly boundary strata
Spacing of piles End bearing : Piles (hard strata) =2.5 D Piles resting on rock =2.0
D Friction Piles =3.0 D where D is dia of piles.
Settlement of driven cast insitu piles: Not more than 10mm for 20 blows with a 3
tonnes drop hammer over a height of 1.0m as a general guide. Estimate for driven cat
in situ pile:
The cost of pile foundation is roughly one floor cost for the building upto 8 storeys
10% extra for each additional floor may be added.
[1] I.S, 2911, (Part I / Sec I) -1979, Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi, June 1980. June,
1980 [2] J. E. Bowles, “Foundation Analysis and Design”, McGraw Hill Publishers, 1996.
[3] K.R Arora, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, fifth edition, Standard Publisher
Distributors, New Delhi, 2001.
[4] M.J. Tomlinson and V.N.S. Murthy, “Pile Design and Construction Practice”, fourth edition,
E & FN Spon Publishers, U.K., 1994.
[5] P.C. Varghese, “Analysis and Design of Sub-Structure”, Oxford & IBH Publishers, New
Delhi, 1996.
[6] S. C. Gupta, “Analysis and design of piles in a group”, The Indian Concrete Journal, June
2003, pp 1143-1146.
[7] S. Ramamurtham, “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi,
[8] Tridibesh Indu, “Truss analysis of pile caps”, The Indian Concrete Journal, September 1997