Timeline of Communication Technology
Timeline of Communication Technology
Timeline of Communication Technology
Prior to 20th
30,000 BC In ice-age Europe, people mark ivory, bone, and stone with patterns to keep track of
time, using a lunar calendar.[1]
14,000 BC In what is now Mezhirich, Ukraine, the first known artifact with a map on it is made
using bone.[1]
Prior to 3500BC Communication was carried out through paintings of indigenous tribes.
3500s BC The Sumerians develop cuneiform writing and
the Egyptians develop hieroglyphic writing.
16th century BC The Phoenicians develop an alphabet.
AD 2637 Roman Emperor Tiberius rules the empire from island of Capri by signaling
messages with metal mirrors to reflect the sun.
105 Tsai Lun invents paper.
7th century Hindu-Malayan empires write legal documents on copper plate scrolls, and write
other documents on more perishable media.
751 Paper is introduced to the Muslim world after the Battle of Talas.
1450 Johannes Gutenberg finishes a printing press with metal movable type.
1520 Ships on Ferdinand Magellan's voyage signal to each other by firing cannon and raising
1792 Claude Chappe establishes the first long-distance semaphore telegraph line.
1843 Samuel Morse builds the first long distance electric telegraph line.
1844 Charles Fenerty produces paper from a wood pulp, eliminating rag paper which was in
limited supply.
1849 Associated Press organizes Nova Scotia pony express to carry latest European news for
New York newspapers.
1876 Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson exhibit an electric telephone in Boston.
20th century
1920 Radio station KDKA based in Pittsburgh began the first broadcast.
1942 Hedy Lamarr and George Antheil invent frequency hopping spread
spectrum communication technique.
1947 Douglas H. Ring and W. Rae Young of Bell Labs propose a cell-based approach which led
to "cellular phones."
1958 Chester Carlson presents the first photocopier suitable for office use.
1963 First geosynchronous communications satellite is launched, 17 years after Arthur C.
Clarke's article.
Erna Schneider Hoover invent a computerized switching system for telephone traffic.
8-inch floppy disk removable storage medium for computers is introduced. [4]
Nordic Mobile Telephone, the worlds first automatic mobile phone is put into operation
Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau build the prototype system which became the World
Wide Web at CERN.
Anders Olsson transmits solitary waves through an optical fiber with a data rate of 32
billion bits per second.
IBM ThinkPad 700C laptop computer created. It was lightweight compared to its
1996 - Motorola StarTAC mobile phone introduced. It was significantly smaller than previous
21st century
2001 First digital cinema transmission by satellite in Europe of a feature film by Bernard
Pauchon and Philippe Binant.
2004 What would become the largest social networking site in the world, Facebook is launched.
June 7, 2010, in conjunction with the iPhone 4, FaceTime is launched as an iPhone constituent.