Statistical Process Control-BBA

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 Basics of Statistical Process Control

 Control Charts
 Control Charts for Attributes
 Control Charts for Variables
 Control Chart Patterns
 SPC with Excel
 Acceptance Sampling

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Why Quality Control

Variation in all operating systems necessitates quality

analysis and quality control. We need analysis and
control because of the inherent conflict between these
two factions
Variation (non-uniformity) is inevitable in every
operating system (no two units of output are alike)
The production and use of products and services are
most economical when those products and services are
of uniform quality

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Basics of Statistical
Process Control
 Statistical Process Control
 monitoring production process
to detect and prevent poor UCL
 Sample
 subset of items produced to
use for inspection LCL
 Control Charts
 process is within statistical
control limits

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha


 Random  Non-Random
 common causes  special causes
 inherent in a process  due to identifiable
 can be eliminated factors
only through  can be modified
improvements in the through operator or
system management action

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Statistical Process Control

It is concerned with establishing standards, monitoring standards,

making measurements and taking corrective actions during
products and services are being produced and serviced
Assignable and Random Causes of Variations in the Process
• The causes of this variations are inherent in the process and occur
by chance.
• Random and uncontrolled variations display pattern and that
change over time.
Purpose of SPC
The purpose of SPC is to bring the process in to a state of
statistical control and improve its performance by assessing the
consequence of variations caused due to assignable or random
Quality at Every Stage
Quality of inputs Quality of outputs
monitored monitored
(Acceptance (Acceptance
Sampling) Sampling)
Random disturbances

INPUTS Transformation OUTPUTS


Statistical Process
Control (SPC)

Feedback Mechanisms

Monitoring Quality Levels at Every Stage of the Transformation Process


 tool for identifying problems and
make improvements
 contributes to the TQM goal of
continuous improvements

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Quality Measures

 Attribute
 a product characteristic that can be
evaluated with a discrete response
 good – bad; yes - no
 Variable
 a product characteristic that is continuous
and can be measured
 Weight, length, temperature, time, thickness

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Applying SPC to

 Nature of defect is different in services

 Service defect is a failure to meet
customer requirements
 Monitor times, customer satisfaction

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Applying SPC to
Service (cont.)
 Hospitals
 timeliness and quickness of care, staff responses to requests,
accuracy of lab tests, cleanliness, courtesy, accuracy of
paperwork, speed of admittance and checkouts
 Grocery Stores
 waiting time to check out, frequency of out-of-stock items,
quality of food items, cleanliness, customer complaints,
checkout register errors
 Airlines
 flight delays, lost luggage and luggage handling, waiting time
at ticket counters and check-in, agent and flight attendant
courtesy, accurate flight information, passenger cabin
cleanliness and maintenance

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Applying SPC to
Service (cont.)
 Fast-Food Restaurants
 waiting time for service, customer complaints,
cleanliness, food quality, order accuracy, employee
 Catalogue-Order Companies
 order accuracy, operator knowledge and courtesy,
packaging, delivery time, phone order waiting time
 Insurance Companies
 billing accuracy, timeliness of claims processing,
agent availability and response time

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Control Charts

• The control charts are the most widely used

tools to monitor a process.
• Control charts are the plots used to monitor
outputs or inputs of a process, which produces
a product or service for meeting the customer
Where to Use Control Charts

 Process has a tendency to go out of control

 Process is particularly harmful and costly if it goes
out of control
 Examples
 at the beginning of a process because it is a waste of time
and money to begin production process with bad supplies
 before a costly or irreversible point, after which product is
difficult to rework or correct
 before and after assembly or painting operations that
might cover defects
 before the outgoing final product or service is delivered

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Control Charts

 A graph that establishes  Types of charts

control limits of a
process  Attributes
 Control limits  p-chart
 upper and lower bands of  c-chart
a control chart
 Variables
 range (R-chart)
 mean (x bar – chart)

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Control Charts for Variables
(X bar and R Charts)

• X bar chart is Mean Chart

• R chart is Range Chart
• The types of control charts are used for a
manufactured part, which the inspector checks by
measurement not by gauging. Such as length,
weight, diameter, temp, hardness, tensile strength
• To find out whether the process is in the state of
control or not, control limits are set up.
• The control chart is usually maintained for
averages and not for individual components.
Control Charts for Variables
(X bar and R Charts)

• Control chart consists of central line corresponding to the

desired standard of the level at which the process is to be
performed and other two lines are corresponding to Lower
Control Limit (LCL) and the Upper Control Limit (UCL).
• These limits are chosen such that values falling between
them can be attributed to chance variations, while values
falling beyond them are attributed to lack of statistical
• Thus the points out side the limits will signal that something
is wrong- an assignable cause.
Process Control
Out of control



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample number

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Normal Distribution

-3 -2 -1 =0 1 2 3

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

A Process Is in
Control If …

1. … no sample points outside limits

2. … most points near process average
3. … about equal number of points above
and below centerline
4. … points appear randomly distributed

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Control Charts for
 Mean chart ( x -Chart )
 uses average of a sample
 Range chart ( R-Chart )
 uses amount of dispersion in a

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Statistical Process Control

7.05 mm Upper Specification Limit


M + 3.σM Upper Control Limit (UCL)

Targeted or Aimed-at Central Line (CL)

Mean M = 7.00 mm

M - 3.σM Lower Control Limit (LCL)

6.95 mm Lower Specification Limit (LSL)

Specification & Control Limits for the Diameter of a Pencil

x-bar Chart

= x1 + x2 + ... xk
UCL = x + A2R =
LCL = x - A2R

x = average of sample means

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

x-bar Chart Example
SAMPLE k 1 2 3 4 5 x R
1 5.02 5.01 4.94 4.99 4.96 4.98 0.08
2 5.01 5.03 5.07 4.95 4.96 5.00 0.12
3 4.99 5.00 4.93 4.92 4.99 4.97 0.08
4 5.03 4.91 5.01 4.98 4.89 4.96 0.14
5 4.95 4.92 5.03 5.05 5.01 4.99 0.13
6 4.97 5.06 5.06 4.96 5.03 5.01 0.10
7 5.05 5.01 5.10 4.96 4.99 5.02 0.14
8 5.09 5.10 5.00 4.99 5.08 5.05 0.11
9 5.14 5.10 4.99 5.08 5.09 5.08 0.15
10 5.01 4.98 5.08 5.07 4.99 5.03 0.10
50.09 1.15

Example 15.4
Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha
x- bar Chart
Example (cont.)

= x 50.09
x= = = 5.01 cm
k 10

UCL = x + A2R = 5.01 + (0.58)(0.115) = 5.08
LCL = x - A2R = 5.01 - (0.58)(0.115) = 4.94

Retrieve Factor Value A2

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

5.10 –

5.08 –
UCL = 5.08
5.06 –

5.04 –

5.02 – x= = 5.01

5.00 –

4.98 –
x- bar
Chart 4.96 –

Example 4.94 –
LCL = 4.94

(cont.) 4.92 –
| | | | | | | | | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample number

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

R- Chart


R = range of each sample
k = number of samples

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

R-Chart Example
SAMPLE k 1 2 3 4 5 x R
1 5.02 5.01 4.94 4.99 4.96 4.98 0.08
2 5.01 5.03 5.07 4.95 4.96 5.00 0.12
3 4.99 5.00 4.93 4.92 4.99 4.97 0.08
4 5.03 4.91 5.01 4.98 4.89 4.96 0.14
5 4.95 4.92 5.03 5.05 5.01 4.99 0.13
6 4.97 5.06 5.06 4.96 5.03 5.01 0.10
7 5.05 5.01 5.10 4.96 4.99 5.02 0.14
8 5.09 5.10 5.00 4.99 5.08 5.05 0.11
9 5.14 5.10 4.99 5.08 5.09 5.08 0.15
10 5.01 4.98 5.08 5.07 4.99 5.03 0.10
50.09 1.15

Example 15.3
Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha
R-Chart Example (cont.)

R 1.15 UCL = D4R = 2.11(0.115) = 0.243

R= = = 0.115
k 10 LCL = D3R = 0(0.115) = 0

Retrieve Factor Values D3 and D4

Example 15.3
Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha
R-Chart Example (cont.)
0.28 –
0.24 – UCL = 0.243
0.20 –

0.16 – R = 0.115
0.12 –
0.08 –
0.04 – LCL = 0
| | | | | | | | | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample number

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Using x- bar and R-Charts

 Process average and process variability must be

in control.
 It is possible for samples to have very narrow
ranges, but their averages is beyond control
 It is possible for sample averages to be in
control, but ranges might be very large.

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Control Chart Patterns



Sample observations
consistently below the LCL
center line
Sample observations
consistently above the
center line
Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha
Control Chart Patterns (cont.)



Sample observations
consistently increasing LCL

Sample observations
consistently decreasing

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Control Charts for

 p-charts
 uses portion defective in a sample
 c-charts
 uses number of defects in an item

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha


UCL = p + zp
LCL = p - zp
z = number of standard
deviations from process average
p = sample proportion
defective; an estimate of process average
p = standard deviation of sample
p(1 - p)
p =
Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha
p-Chart Example

1 6 .06
2 0 .00
3 4 .04
: : :
: : :
20 18 .18

20 samples of 100 pairs of jeans

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

p-Chart Example (cont.)

total defectives
p = total sample observations = 200 / 20(100) = 0.10

p(1 - p) 0.10(1 - 0.10)

UCL = p + z = 0.10 + 3
n 100
UCL = 0.190

p(1 - p) 0.10(1 - 0.10)

LCL = p - z = 0.10 - 3
n 100
LCL = 0.010

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha


0.18 UCL = 0.190



Proportion defective

Example 0.10
p = 0.10

(cont.) 0.08



0.02 LCL = 0.010

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Sample number

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Sample Size

 Attribute charts require larger sample sizes

 50 to 100 parts in a sample
 Variable charts require smaller samples
 2 to 10 parts in a sample

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

SPC with Excel



Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

SPC with Excel:

Dr.Gyanesh Kumar Sinha

Acceptance Sampling

• One of the powerful statistical technique of

quality control is acceptance sampling.
Acceptance is based on the inference made from
the sample and hence the technique is known as
acceptance sampling.
• This technique is generally used in those
situations where items are inspected in batches
or lots.
• Acceptance of entire lot or batch is based on the
sample observed
Single Sampling Plan

• A single sampling plan in which accept/reject decisions are

based on the results of single sample of n items from a lot
of p items.
• Each of n sample items are inspected and categorized as
either acceptable or defective. Such a plan is known as
single sampling plan.
• If the number of defective items in the sample exceeds a
pre-specified cut off level, C, the entire lot is rejected.
• Since a finding of C or fewer defective items in the sample
implies accepting the batch, C is often referred to as the
acceptance level.
Double Sampling Plan

• In the single sampling plan, if the sample on inspection is

found defective then the lot is rejected. In the second
sampling plan, the lot is not rejected but again a second
sample is drawn to judge the quality.
• Let , n1 = no.of products in the first sample
• A1 = Acceptance no. for first sample
• n2 = No.of products in the second sample
• A2= Acceptance no. for both the samples.

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