Prepare Sauces R Equired For Menu Item: Learning Outcome 3

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Prepare Sauces R

equired for Menu

Learning Outcome 3
Sauce is a flavorful liquid, usually
thickened that is used to season, flavor
and enhance other foods. It adds:

4.Appearance (color and shine)
Basic Sauces for
Vegetables, and
1. White Sauce
- it's basic ingredient is milk which is
thickened with flour enriched with butter.
2. Veloute Sauce
-it's chief ingredients are veal, chicken and
fish broth, thickened with blonde roux.
3. Hollandaise
-it is a rich emulsified sauce made from
butter, egg yolks, lemon juice and cayenne.
4. Emulsion
-(as fat in milk) consists of liquid dispersed with
or without an emulsifier in another liquid that
usually will not mix together.
5. Brown Sauce / Espagnole
-it is a brown roux-based sauce made with
margarine or butter, flavor and brown stock.
6. Tomato
-it is made from stock (ham/pork) and tomato
products seasoned with spices and herbs.
Variation of S
Hot Sauces
- made just before they are to be used.

Cold Sauces
- cooked ahead of time, then cooled,
covered, and placed in the refrigerator to
Thickening Agents
A thickening agent thickens sauce to the rig
ht consistency. Sauce must be thick enough
to cling lightly to the food.

Starches are the most commonly used thick

eners for sauce making. Flour is the princip
al starch used.
Starches thicken by gelatinization, which is the process
by which starch granules absorb water and swell many
times their original sizes.
Starch granules must be separated before heating in
liquid to avoid lumping. Lumping occurs because the
starch on the outside of the lamp quickly gelatinizes into a
coating that prevents the liquid from reaching the starch

Starch granules are separated in the two ways:

• Mixing the starch with fat. Example: roux
• Mixing the starch with a cold liquid. Example: slurry
Roux - is a cooked mixture of equal parts by
weight of fat and flour.
1. Fat
a. Clarified butter. Using clarified butter
results to finest sauces because of its flavor.

b. Margarine. Used as a substitute for

butter because of its lower cost.

c. Animal fat. Chicken fat, beef drippings

and lard.

d. Vegetable oil and shortening. Can be

used for roux, but it adds no flavor.
2. Flour
The thickening power of flour depends on its
starch content. Bread flour is commonly used
in commercial cooking. It is sometimes
browned for use in brown roux. Heavily
browned flour has only 1/3 the thickening
power of not brown flour.
• White roux -cooked just enough
to cook the raw taste of flour; used
for béchamel and other white
sauces based on milk.
• Blond roux -cooked a little
longer to a slightly dark color; used
for veloutes.
• Brown roux - cooked to a light
brown color and nutty aroma. Flour
maybe be browned adding to the
fat. It contributes flavor and color
to brown sauces.
Common Problems in

3.poor texture
4.synersis (weeping)
5.oil streaking
Methods Of
Preparing S
Sauces Blanches
(White Sauce)

Purpose Butter Flour Liquid:

Light Sauce 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 cup
General Sauce 1 ½ tbsps 1 ½ tbsp 1 cup
Thick Sauce 5 tsps 2 tbsps 1 cup
Soufflé 2 tbsps 2 tbsps 1 cup
Hygienic Principle And Practices in Sauce Making

1. Make sure all equipment is perfectly clean.

2. Hold sauce no longer than 1½ hours. Make only
enough to serve in this time, and discard any that
is left over.
3. Never mix an old batch of sauce with a new batch.
4. Never hold hollandaise or béarnaise or any other
acid product in aluminum. Use stainless-steel
Making Roux

1. Melt fat.

2. Add correct amout of flour,and stir

until fat and flour is thoroughly mixed.

3. Cook to the desired degree of

white, blond or brown roux.
Basic Finishing Techn
iques in Sauce Making
1. Reduction
•Using reduction to concentrate basic flavors
•Using reduction to adjust textures
•Using reduction to add new flavors

2. Straining
this is very important in order to produce a
smooth, lump free sauce.
3. Deglazing
To the glaze means to swirl a liquid in a sauté pan to
cooked particles of food remaining on the bottom.

4. Enriching with butter and cream

Heavy cream - add to give flavor and richness to sauce
Butter - add softened butter to hot sauce and swirl until
it melt. Serve immediately to prevent separation of

5. Seasoning - adds and develop flavor

Store and Reconst
itute Stocks, Sa
uces and Soups
Learning Outcome 4
Storage of St
ocks/ Sauces
and Soups
Stock is a clear, flavored liquid that freezes well.
Chilled stock can be frozen in 1 gallon amounts to be
used for sauces. However, once a stock has been used
to make a sauce The sauce itself should not be frozen.
Sauces do not freeze well and should be made in
amounts needed on the day of production.
A good way to cool the stock is to place the hot
stock pot in sink full of cold water and ice cubes until it
is lukewarm but it should not exceed one hour. After
leaving it uncovered for the first half hour and stirring
occasionally to cool, it should be covered with an
upside down plate to prevent evaporation which
would cause the stock to become two concentrated.
Storage of Starch and Sauces
Sauces and starches should be kept in airtight container and
stored in a cool dry place away from the moisture, oxygen, lights,
and pests. Food made with starches contains egg, milk, cream of
other dry products all of which make them prone to bacterial
contamination and food-borne illnesses.
Thickened sauce should also be prepared, served, and stored
with coution. These products should be stored in the refrigerator
and never left to stay for long at room temperature.

Storing Equipment
1. glass/ plastic container
2. stock pot
3. refrigerator
Ways to Reconstitute Stocks
1. Skim the surface and strain off the stock through a
china cup lined with several layers of cheesecloth
2. Cool the stock as quickly as possible as follows:

• Set the pot in a sink with blocks, rack or other

object under it. This is called venting. This allows
cold water to flow under the pot or around it.
• Run cold water into the sink, but not higher than
the level of the stock.
• Stir the pot occationally so the stocks cool
Cooling stock quickly and properly is important. Improperly
cooled stock may spoil in 6 to 8 rs.
3. When cool, refrigerate the stock in covered containers.
Stock will keep 2 to 3 days if properly refrigerated. Stock can
also be frozen and will last for several months.

Ways to Reconstitute Stock, Sauce

and Soup
1. By adding water
2. By using other liquid like evaporating milk, coconut milk,
and fruit juices

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