The Transitivity of Relational and Existential Processes
The Transitivity of Relational and Existential Processes
The Transitivity of Relational and Existential Processes
Table of contents Identifying relational processes
Possessive relational processes
Existential processes
Relational processes
- Carrier & Attribute are linked by a relational process verb =>Linking verb
Xám : quality type
+) Attribute is expressed by adj or AG (adj
group) : “kind”
Types of Attribute: Vàng : class type
3 types: Quality type , Class type, +) Attribute is expressed by Noun or NG
Circumstance “intelligent boy”
Xanh : circumstance
+) Attribute is expressed by prepositional
phrases : “in London”
• Linking Verbs:
- Forms of “be”, some exceptions :
+ Perception-type linking verbs: “look” , “seem”, “sound”, “smell”, “taste”,….
E.g: He looks fine.
This cake tasted weird.
+ Change-type linking verbs: “become” , “turn into”, “get”, “go”,……
E.g: The sky are getting dark now.
He grows exhausted.
+ Circumstance-type linking verbs:
- Is the linking verb expressing time, matter or quantity.
E.g: The business course lasts 1 or 2 months. (time)
This error concerns government systems. (matter)
My sister stands one meter high. (quantity)
This dress costs 10 dollars.
•Expansion of Attributes:
(Adjective functioning)
- Attribute can expand into Adj Group
She acted very well.
( Adv + Attribute => adj Group)
The coffee beans are dark brown.
(adj+ attribute => adj Group)
• Attribute can be post-modified
(that clause, to +V or V-ing clause, Prepositional phrases)
This geometry is difficult that nobody in my class can
problem solve it.
Carrier Relational process Attribute (that clause)
[MEN] : I can hear the unique melody.
[ACTION] : I am listening the unique melody.
[ATTRIBUTE] : This melody sounds unique.
[MEN] : I can see the view.
[ACTION] : I am looking the view.
[ATTRIBUTE] : The view looks wonderful.
Learning and teaching
Attributive clauses
Danny had realized all his ambitions -> perception
The villagers grow coffee and corn -> change
Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all
-> circumstance
- Possessive processes include
relationship of part to whole and of
3. Possessive
relational - Participants: Possessor and Possessed
processes Eg:
He has a car
Possessor Possessed
The car has a wing-view mirror each side
Possessor Possessed
- Negative possession is in the sense of
Eg: The exhibition consists of a series of Note:
photographs taken in 1915. • The extends to cases of have as
- Possessive process clauses normally select
a delexical verb where the
simple present for now references and meaning of possession is not
continuous tense in general are seldom used. present at all.
Eg: The gallery possesses a number of the • This can present problem for
artist's early works. learners if the are no
Not ‘is possessing’ comparable metaphorical uses
- Possessive processes are very common in
in the mother tounge.
English, often involving nominalization
Eg: She has a bad stomachache (“My stomach
aches badly”)
3. Existential processess
• One participant: Existent
Eg: There's a restaurant around the corner
• In informal spoken English, people tend to use there’s and there was with both singular and
plural Existents.
Eg: There’s two people waiting outside.
• It is quite common for the Existent to be an event or situation, usually involving some kind of
Eg: There is an increasing number of people using social networking sites.
01 02
Tense and Tenses in
process type context
Tense and process type
- Much less common is the use of simple tense with action processes for future
time reference (sentence 1), where the event is fixed of scheduled (sometimes
called timetabled future), now reference in commentaries of demonstrations
(sentence 2), past time actions within (usually spoken) narrative (sentence 3).
Eg: We have a meeting at 3 p.m. (1)
John tells Marry about your mistakes and Marry gets angry. (2)
I open the box, but unfortunately Nancy sees that. (3)
• Continuous tenses with mental processes
- The combination of present continuous and other continuous tense
or processive tense with mental processes often call carries the sense
of beginning
Eg: I can see that you’re feeling bad.
=> The two uses of continuous tense with mental processes would
probably not be of high priority for most learners.
• Continuous tenses with relational process
- The linking verb is “be”, continuous tenses often suggest a kind of
temporary behavior (the process is much more like an action process).
Eg: She is being a silly girl.
=> These usages would not be of high priority for most learners.
02. Tenses in context
Tense selection in
Past perfect tense - used to Eg: My day was a disaster. First, it had
introduce background events snowed during the night, which meant
previous to a point in the I had to shovel before I could leave for
story/ the reference work.
Future in past was/were going to, Eg: These landers were able to send
would, and was/ were to - locate hack important data about the
events later than that point in story atmosphere of the planet.
line, anticipate events
Simple present tense- scene setting Eg: Tien Hoi is a small village in the
section, to make story more vivid (not outskirt of Ha Noi.
typical, and a high priority for learners)
• Simple present in generic description
(description of people, places, and things) and in
Tense specific description (description of specific
selection in individuals rather than classes of people, places,
descriptions things) - with mainly relational process clause
and sometime with action process (to delineate
what is being described).
in prediction
Future continuous- locates events
simultaneous with the absolute time (will
be changing)