Form 5 Chapter 5 - Environment

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Chapter 5 –

car exhaust fumes sewage pesticides traffic
factory fumes Plastic fertilisers car alarms
aerosol sprays oil spills landfills road works
building construction
Anna thinks we are eating our own rubbish
because chemicals in the water stick to plastic
and get into the food chain. They get into fish
that we then eat
drinking water quality oil spills nuclear plants accidents forest destruction floods

drought endangered species smog acid rain polluted beaches

Car exhaust fumes sewage pesticides traffic

Car exhaust fumes sewage fertilisers car alarm

plastics landfills road works

factory fumes

aerosol sprays oil spills landfills building construction


fossil fuels


The words and phrases below are related to the disaster.
Write a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) on each line.
1. l_ck of w_t_r 7. _ft_rsh_cks
2. b_rn_ng l_v_ 8. d_ f_ r _ st _ t _ _n
3. g_ _ nt w_v_
4. cr_ps d_str_y_d by water
5. h_gh w_nds
6. st_rv_t_ _n
The words and phrases below are related to the disaster.
Write a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) on each line.
1. lack of water 7. After shocks
2. burning lava 8. deforestation
3. giant wave
4. crops destroyed by water
5. high winds
6. starvation
Complete the sentences with these words
Complete the sentences with these words

eco-friendly products


alternative energy sources

green belt

endangered species
Global warming
Be going to
When to use FUTURE SIMPLE ?
1. Decisions at the time of speaking
example :
When to use FUTURE SIMPLE ?
2. Predictions with no evidence
example :

Lots of people will join our

conservation group.

Everyone will buy eco-friendly

When to use FUTURE SIMPLE ?
3. after verb of opinion such as think, believe, sure , expect,
suppose, be sure, and words like probably and maybe
example :
I will come with you to her
house .

Stop having fires in the forest,

otherwise I’ll will call the police.

Don’t worry. I will help you with

your homework.
Will you pick up all your rubbish Threat/warning
when you finish, please? Offers and request
Subject + Will/Shall + V1 We use SHALL with I and We to ask for
- Advise
- To make suggestion

NEGATIVE - An offer
- Example
- Which animal shall we do our project on?
Subject + Shall/Will + Not + V1 - Shall we go on an eco-friendly holiday this year?
- Shall I show you where the wildfire started ?

Shall/will + Subject + V1

Subject + AM/IS/ARE + GOING TO + V1

Subject + AM/IS/ARE + Not +GOING TO + V1

AM/IS/ARE + Subject + GOING TO + V1
Affirmative Interrogative Negative

• I will be driving • Will I be driving?  I/you/he/

• You will be driving • Will you be driving? she/it/we/
• He will be driving • Will he be driving? they
• She will be driving • Will she be driving? will not/won’t
• It will be driving
be driving
• Will it be driving?
• We will be driving • Will we be driving?
• You will be driving • Will you be driving?
• They will be driving • Will they be driving?
1. For a continuous action in the future.
2. For an action that will be in progress at a specific time in
the future.

At nine o’clock
tomorrow I’ll be
flying to Madrid!
3. To ask polite questions.

Will you be
using the
4. For making guesses about the future.

• I’m sure the sun will be shining in California next

week. It’s always sunny there.
5. For making guesses about the present.

I won’t call my
sister since it’s
late. She will be
sleeping now.
Essay : Writing a strong introduction

The opening paragraph of an essay should introduce :

- Topic of what you are going to write and clearly state your opinion in answer to the
question in the task.

- Avoid simply copying the words from the task; think pf your own introduction.

- Describe something you know about the topic

- Give your opinion using formal language.

Essay : Writing a strong introduction
Task 1. Read this extract from the writing task and circle the topic. Then read three alternative opening paragraphs
written in answer to the task and answer the questions below them.

One reason why zoos keep animals in cages is to study them and protect them for the future.
Is this a good ways or a bad ways to help animals?

g bu t , in my B. Zoos know that many types of C. Wild an

imals are
a l n ee d prote e p animals
wildlife are in danger. If they can find danger in th
e modern w
in increasin
A. A ni m ldn ’t ke m orld. I thin
io n , z o os shou and protect the ways of saving these animals by we should d
o all we ca k
opin u dy them o d way t
studying some of them, then I think our knowled n to increase
t o st a go ge of nature
cages u re. It ’s n
they are doing something very good it. and protect
e f u t
for th for nature,
help the

1. wrongly uses informal language, such as contractions (eg. They’re instead of they are)? A
2. copies too many words form the task? A
3. does not introduce the topic? C
4. does not give an opinion on the question in the task? C
5. correctly introduces the essay task ? B
Essay : Writing a strong introduction
Task 2. Read this writing task and circle the topic.

You have been talking about the environment in class. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. (140 – 190 words)

Some countries are now banning plastic bags in shops, Is this a

good or a bad thing for shoppers?
Banning plastic bags in
Write about:
1. plastic rubbish
2. water pollution
3. _____ (your idea)
Essay : Writing a strong introduction
Task 3. Read these two alternative opening paragraphs for the essay that was written in answer to the question in 2.
Decide in class which one successfully introduces the topic and the writer’s opinion. Then tick the correct box .

in p la stic bags are

u ld s o on be covered il lio ns o f
Every day, m rs for an hour or two
co e
The earth o vering th ppe
pla sti c s , c
B used by sho think tha
bits of th e oceans, I hrow aw a y, I
and ru in in g and then t re duces the
A countryside n g and what m in s h o p s
this is w r o banning the ish in the world which
think that g is good for ubb
ries a re d o in amount of r
some count verybody
is good for e
Essay : Writing a strong introduction
Task 4. Now read the rest of the essay and answer the questions below it.

First of all, a huge proportion of our rubbish is made of plastic which does not decompose like paper and other
waste products. Plastic takes years to disappear from the land.

In addition, many of the world’s oceans and rivers are polluted by millions of plastic bags which are a danger to
fish and other animals. Ducks and birds can get trapped to them and die, for instance, and fish get slowly
poisoned if they eat them.

Moreover, there is no need for plastic bags in shop. People can easily get used to taking their own shopping bags
with them when they go out.

All in all, I think more and more countries should stop shops using dangerous and unnecessary plastic bags. The
world would be a much better place without them.

1. Underline the main point the writer makes about Notes 1 and 2
2. Underline the main point the writer makes as a third idea.
3. In which paragraph does the writer use examples to support one of the point?
_________ 3
Essay : Writing a strong introduction
Task 5.Using examples is a good way of explaining and supporting points in your essay. Look at the following
statements about food and use your imagination to help you write examples.

1. Some of the food we buy would be easy to grow ourselves. For

we could grow fruit and vegetables in our gardens.
example, ________________________________________________

2. Some people do not have time or energy to grow their own food. For
old people may be too tired and some people work all day
example, ________________________________________________
and want to relax at the weekend .
Essay : Writing a strong introduction
Task 6. Read this writing task and then use the plan below and the Language Bank to help you write your essay. When
you have finished your essay, check your work carefully.

You have been talking about the environment in class. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view. (140 – 190 words)

Many people have decided to grow their own food these days. Is it a
good thing or a bad thing for people?

Write about:
1. food from shop
2. prices and cost
3. _____ (your idea)
Essay : Writing a strong introduction
Many people have decided to grow their own food these days. Is it a
good thing or a bad thing for people?

Food from shop-stale, rotten,

ripe, unable to select (packed), Write about: Food from shops-
minimum satisfaction of
less choices, additives , 1. food from shop
preservatives,. Supermarket consumers-customers
2. prices and cost have to select the goods
deals in many perishable
goods like vegetables, fruits, 3. _____ (your idea) on their own without any
dairy products, etc. These aid and no extra facility is
goods may spoil if not sold provided to them in these
within limited within a time markets, and they feel
least satisfied.

Food from shops-prices and costs higher –

as shop is a large scale retail organisation
and it deals in almost all the goods and
services of daily use of consumers, it needs
huge amount of capital to be invested.
Essay : model answer
Many people have decided to grow their own food these days. In my opinion, this is good things because as consumes,
we gain a lot of benefits by doing so.
First, the food that we purchase from shops could be stale, rotten or too ripe. Most of the tine, we are not given the food from
option to select food of better quality as the food is packed or sealed in a container. The majority of produce sold in grocery shop
stores go through a long process of being picked, shipped and distributed to various stores and end up staying in storage or on
the shelf for a while before being purchased, losing nutritional values. As shops deal in many perishable goods like
vegetables, fruits, dairy products and others, these goods may spoil if not sold within a limited time. In addition, there are also
lesser choices compared to markets where variety of option are available. Besides, food in shops are normally added with
additives, preservatives to enhance the taste and to extend shelf-life of the products.
The prices and cost of food from shops depends on many factors. Prices of all goods at these stores are always fixed. prices and
No bargaining is allowed in prices. As a shop is a large scale retail organisation and it deals in almost all the goods and cost
services of daily use of consumers, it needs huge amount of capital to be invested. Sometimes, the cost is absorbed by the
Last but not least, buying food from shops provide minimum satisfaction for consumers. We have to select the goods on own ideas
our own without any aid and no extra facility provided for us in these stores, and we feel least satisfied.
To conclude, growing our own food is a simple solution to numerous health, environmental, and economic problems.
We save money on gas and produce that would have been spent travelling to the grocery stores and the food in its freshest
form is not only the tastiest way to enjoy it, but also the most nutritional. Which would you prefer, an apple that has been
sitting on a shelf in the store for a week, or one that was just picked seconds ago from a tree in your backyard?

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