Digital Signatures: Digital Signatures Are Used To "Sign" Messages To Validate The Source and Integrity of The Contents

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Digital Signatures

Digital Signatures are used to “Sign”

messages to validate the source and
integrity of the contents.

Digitized Written Signature??
 Simply taking a digital picture of a written
signature does not provide adequate security.
 Such a digitized written signature could easily
be copied from one electronic document to
another with no way to determine whether it
is legitimate.
 Electronic signatures, on the other hand, are
unique to the message being signed and will
not verify if they are copied to another

Digital signatures are used just
like handwritten signatures.
 Digital signatures are used just like
handwritten signatures.
 When you add them to a document, you are
"signing" that document as a way of
endorsing or agreeing with what the
document says.
 Unlike handwritten signatures, digital
signatures are used only with computers.
They are electronic signatures that can be
used to sign electronic documents, like word
processing files or spreadsheets.
What is a digital signature?
 A digital signature is a kind of ID. You can
use it on the Internet to identify yourself in
a secure manner. This is extremely useful in
areas such as electronic commerce. For
instance, when making a credit card
purchase on the Internet, you can use your
digital signature to "sign" that purchase.
This helps to ensure that only you can make
purchases with your credit card number.

Requirements for a Digital
 The signature must be a bit pattern that depends on the
message being signed
 The signature must use some information unique to the
sender, to prevent both forgery and denial.
 It must be relatively easy to produce digital signature.
 It must be relatively easy to recognize and verify the digital
 It must be computationally infeasible to forge a digital
signature, either by constructing a new message for an
existing digital signature or by constructing a fraudulent digital
signature for a given message.
 It must be practical to retain a copy of the digital signature in
How is a Digital Signature
 Very briefly, a typical digital signature
works like this:
 A signature in the form of a code is generated
by applying an algorithm, such as RSA, and the
sender's private key to some or all of the
message contents.
 The recipient verifies the signature by
decrypting it using the sender's public key.

Message Authentication
 Message authentication is playing an
important role in a variety of applications,
especially those related to the Internet
protocols and network management, where
undetected manipulation of messages can
have disastrous effects.

Conventional Encryption for
Signatures and MACs
 There is no shortage of good message authentication
codes, beginning with DES-MAC, as defined in FIPS PUB
 Conventional (symmetric) encryption could be used for
digital signatures - DESMAC specified by FIPS
 However, message authentication codes based on
encryption functions such as DES, which were designed
for hardware implementation, may be somewhat limited
in performance for soft-ware, and there is also the
question of U.S. export restrictions on encryption

Conventional Encryption for
 When secret key cryptography is used, a message
authentication code (MAC) is calculated from and
appended to the data.
 To verify that the data has not been modified at a later
time, any party with access to the correct secret key can
recalculate the MAC. The new MAC is compared with the
original MAC, and if they are identical, the verifier has
confidence that the data has not been modified by an
unauthorized party.
 FIPS 113, Computer Data Authentication, specifies a
standard technique for calculating a MAC for integrity
Microsoft Word

Secret Key Electronic
Signatures Issues
 If two parties share a secret key, and one party
receives data with a MAC that is correctly verified
using the shared key, that party may assume that
the other party signed the data.
 This assumes, however, that the two parties trust
each other. Thus, through the use of a MAC, in
addition to data integrity, a form of electronic
signature is obtained.
 Using additional controls, such as key notarization
and key attributes, it is possible to provide an
electronic signature even if the two parties do not
trust each other.
Big Brother - If parties do not
share a secret key

The Idea
 Goal - guarantee that message must have
originated with certain entity
 Idea - encrypt with private key, decrypt
with public key
 Only owner of the private key could have
generated original message

Digital Signatures and
 Can combine techniques - signed by
private A, encrypt by public B
 A forms: X = encrypt(PUBB, encrypt(PRVA,
 B extracts: M = decrypt(PUBA,
decrypt(PRVB, X))

Digital Signatures and
 Digital signatures use asymmetric encryption
to provide assurance of authentication of the
origin of a message and, sometimes, the
integrity of its contents.
 They can also prevent repudiation (denial)
as they can be used to prove, that providing
the private key has not been disclosed, the
signature is that of the sender.

Public Key Electronic
 Another type of electronic signature called a digital
signature is implemented using public key
 Data is electronically signed by applying the
originator's private key to the data.
 To increase the speed of the process, the private
key is applied to a shorter form of the data, called a
"hash" or "message digest," rather than to the
entire set of data.
 The resulting digital signature can be stored or
transmitted along with the data.
Public Key Electronic
 The signature can be verified by any party using
the public key of the signer.
 This feature is very useful, for example, when
distributing signed copies of virus-free software.
Any recipient can verify that the program remains
 If the signature verifies properly, then the verifier
has confidence that the data was not modified
after being signed and that the owner of the
public key was the signer.

Steps in making a digital

Steps in making a digital
 Joe runs a one-way hash function to create a fixed length
message digest from the message to be sent
 Joe encrypts the message digest with his private key to
create a digital signature.
 Joe sends the signature and the message to Alice
 Alice decrypts the signature with Joe’s public key to
reveal the message digest
 Alice then applies the same one-way function to the
message she received from Joe to produce a message
 Alice compares the message digest she created with the
message digest sent by Joe. If they compare the
integrity of the messages is verified.

Steps in making a digital

Steps in making a digital
 Public key cryptography verifies integrity by using
of public key signatures and secure hashes.
 A secure hash algorithm is used to create a
message digest. The message digest, called a
hash, is a short form of the message that
changes if the message is modified.
 The hash is then signed with a private key.
Anyone can recalculate the hash and use the
corresponding public key to verify the integrity of
the message.

Steps in making a digital

Importance of Digital
 Digital Signatures are a central component
of modern cryptographic systems.
 In analogy to handwritten signatures on
paper documents digital signatures are
used to guarantee the authenticity of
electronic documents.
 Thus they play an important role for
example in secure and reliable systems for
electronic commerce.
What makes a digital
signature break?
 Digital signatures contain a special number.
This number is generated by a complex
mathematical formula when you sign a
document. When the digital signature is
added to a document, the document is
passed to the formula. The formula
examines the document and generates a
number. This number is then saved as part
of the digital signature.

What makes a digital
signature break?
 When somebody uses your public key to decode your
signature, the same process occurs. The document is
again passed to the formula, and the formula returns
a number. The returned number is then compared to
the number stored in the signature. If the numbers
are the same, then the document hasn't been
tampered with, and the signature is good. If the
numbers are different, then something in the
document has changed, and the signature will break.
 This means that once a document is signed, it can't
be changed without breaking the signature.

How do I know the signature
isn't a fake?
 Even if the signature isn't broken, you
might be concerned that somebody has
falsified a signature. For example, if your
friend Bob managed to create his own
digital certificate with your name on it, he
could send documents with your signature
on them. In effect, Bob would be forging
your signature.

How do I know the signature
isn't a fake?
 To make sure that a signature is authentic, you
can check who issued or created the certificate.
Each certificate is issued by what is called a
certificate authority (CA). Certificate authorities
can be anyone, from the government to your
next door neighbor. Whenever you view a digital
signature, you can see who the certificate
authority was that issued the original certificate.
You then have to decide for yourself whether you
can trust that certificate authority.

How do I know the signature
isn't a fake?
 For example, if you looked at a signature
and saw that the certificate authority was
the State of California, you would probably
want to trust that signature. The State of
California would have rigorous guidelines
for issuing digital certificates. However, if
the certificate authority was "Wild Bill", you
might have second thoughts -- who knows
what criteria Wild Bill might use?

How do I know the signature
isn't a fake?
 Since digital certificates are stored on your
desktop computer, the only other way for
somebody to "forge" your signature is for
them to get access to your computer.
However, digital certificates can also be
password protected, in order to prevent
this from happening.

Are digital signatures being
used today?
 Electronic commerce is also turning to digital
signatures. "Smart cards," which are much like
credit cards, can be used to store your digital
certificate. You can then "swipe" these cards on
your computer to sign things on the Internet,
such as credit card purchases or bank deposits.
 Over the next year, the number of applications
using digital signatures will continue to grow. It
will likely become the standard for identifying
yourself on the Internet.

Obtaining a Digital
 User Certificates are generated by a CA:
 Any user with access to the public key of
the CA can recover the user public key that
was certified
 No party other than the certification
authority can modify the certificate without
this being detected

Anatomy of a Digital

Revocation of Certificates
 1. The user’s secret key is assumed to be
 2. The user is no longer certified by this
 3. The CA’s certificate is assumed to be


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