WK - 13 - Computer Teaching Strategies
WK - 13 - Computer Teaching Strategies
WK - 13 - Computer Teaching Strategies
Department of Nursing
Week 13
Computer Teaching Strategies
Learning with
Computer Technology
-used to communicate
information to students and
nurses in a time-saving way;
-to teach critical thinking and
problem solving;
-to provide simulations of reality
-to educate from a distance
-students can learn from
technology and with technology
Instructional consistency
Individualized instruction
Some educators do not have
Time investment needed to learn
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3. Computerized Testing
-used for the purpose of remediation or to
prepare students for licensing
examinations, it include not only
questions but also the answers and
rationale for the correct answer.
4. Games
-board games and trivia games can be used
to teach nursing
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5. Simulations
-provide students with the opportunity to learn
how to solve clinical problems and make
sound decisions.
-results of good or poor decisions can be
-students can take the risk and make mistakes
with no danger to the patient.
-the student is functioning in a controlled
environment where pressures characteristic of
the clinical area do not occur.
-the disadvantage of computer simulations is
the educators find out only what students
might do or are capable of doing in a
situation, not howDepartment
they would actually perform
of Nursing 8
6. Multimedia Presentation
-this may incorporate text, sound tracks,
graphics, still photos, animation, video
clips, and material from web that can be
saved on a laptop computer and shown
to an audience with a computer
projector or can be produces as CD-
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7. Student Response Systems
-allow teacher to instantly measure
-students use remote controls called
clickers to choose an answer from a given
question in a projector display; computer
tallies the responses and shows a graph
of the result in the screen.
-the computer also produces a record of
each student’s response for the
-it help keep students actively involved
during lecture.
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Evaluating Software
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Criteria for Evaluating CAI Software
• Is the content accurate accdg to
published nursing knowledge?
• Is the information up to date?
Ease of Use
• Are the instructions and commands clear
and easy to follow?
• Is there a user’s guide?
• Is there a tutorial with the program?
• Is there telephone support service?
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• Is this computer program the best way
• Does the design help make the content
interesting? Fun?
• Are there appropriate graphics?
feedback on responses?
• Do opportunities exist to repeat material
• If the learner already knows the
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Cost Effectiveness
• What is the purchase price? Are any
discounts available?
• Can copies be made of the program?
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CAI for Patient Education
• Interactive CAI software is also
available for patient education. E.g. Pre
and post-operative teaching, asthmatic
and cardiac education, smoking
cessation and many other topics and
• Health instructions to individual
CAI for Nursing Students and
Nursing Staff
• You must be sure that there is a proper
fit between the CAI program and the
learning objectives.
2 Forms of VR equipment:
1. Head-mounted Display (the
image screen is within a helmet)
2. Table-mounted Display (the
image screen is a computer
monitor or a large wall screen)
Uses of VR:
Teaching skills in medical and
nursing schools.
e.g.: dissection, venipuncture,
Reduce anxiety and Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder, alleviate pain by
means of distraction or hypnosis.