Chapter 4 - Internet of Things (IOT)
Chapter 4 - Internet of Things (IOT)
Chapter 4 - Internet of Things (IOT)
Internet of
Things (IoT)
Global Network of Smart
physical Things
Topic : Objectives
11/24/2021 5
Introduction to Emerging Technologies -Chapter 4 - IoT
• Advantage
• Improved(active) Customer Engagement
Pros and • Technology Optimization
• Reduced Waste
cons of IoT • Enhanced Data Collection(sensors do that)
IoT devices share the sensor data they where data is either sent to the cloud to Sometimes, these devices communicate
collect by connecting to be analyzed or analyzed locally. with other related devices and act on the
information they get from one another
an IoT gateway or
another edge device
1 2 3 4
Stage 1 (Sensors/Actuators) Stage 2 (Data Acquisition Stage 3 (Edge Analytics) Stage 4 (Cloud Analytics)
• A thing in the context of “Internet of Systems): • Once IoT data has been digitized and • Data that needs more in-depth
Things”, should be equipped with • The data from the sensors starts in aggregated, it may require further processing gets forwarded to physical
sensors and actuators thus giving the analogue form which needs to be processing before it enters the data data centers or cloud-based systems.
ability to emit, accept and process aggregated and converted into digital center, this is where Edge Analytics
signals streams for further processing. comes in
• This stage performs these data
aggregation and conversion functions
In general, an IoT device can be explained as a Hence, the architecture of IoT devices comprises
network of things that consists of hardware, four major components: sensing, network, data
software, network connectivity, and sensors. processing, and application layers
• acoustic sensors
sensors • light sensors
• pressure sensors
• gas RFID sensors
sensors • humidity sensors
• microflow sensors
gyroscopes image sensors
• The data processing layer takes data collected in the sensing layer and
analyses the data to make decisions based on the result.
• In some IoT devices (e.g., smartwatch, smart home hub, etc.), the data
processing layer also saves the result of the previous analysis to improve
the user experience.
• This layer may share the result of data processing with other connected
devices via the network layer.
• The application layer implements and presents the results of the data
processing layer to accomplish disparate applications of IoT devices
• The application layer is a user-centric layer that executes various tasks for
the users.
• There exist diverse IoT applications, which include smart transportation,
smart home, personal care, healthcare, etc.
Smart Home initiative allows subscribers to remotely manage and monitor different
home devices from anywhere via smartphones or over the web with no physical
distance limitations.
• Energy Applications
• IoT provides a way to not only monitor the energy usage at the
appliance-level but also at the house-level, grid level or could be at the
distribution level.
• Smart Meters & Smart Grid are used to monitor energy consumption.
• Green Houses: Control micro-climate conditions to maximize the production of fruits and vegetables and
its quality,
• Compost: Control of humidity and temperature levels in alfalfa, hay, straw, etc. to prevent fungus and
other microbial contaminants,
• Animal Farming/Tracking: Location and identification of animals grazing in open pastures or location in
big stables, Study of ventilation and air quality in farms and detection of harmful gases from excrements,
• Offspring Care: Control of growing conditions of the offspring in animal farms to ensure its survival and
• Field Monitoring: Reducing spoilage and crop waste with better monitoring, accurate ongoing data
obtaining, and management of the agriculture fields, including better control of fertilizing, electricity and
• Smartwatches and fitness devices have changed the frequency of health monitoring.
• People can monitor their own health at regular intervals.
• Not only this, now if a patient is coming to the hospital by ambulance, by the time he or
she reaches the hospital his health report is diagnosed by doctors and the hospital quickly
starts the treatment.
• The data gathered from multiple healthcare applications are now collected and used to
analyze different disease and find its cure.
• Hospitals often use IoT systems to complete tasks such as inventory management, for
both pharmaceuticals and medical instruments
• IoT provides education aids which help in filling the gaps in the education
• It not only improves the quality of education but also optimizes the cost
and improves the management by taking into consideration students
response and performance.
• Through various sensors, we can detect the pollution in the air and water
by frequent sampling.
• This helps in preventing substantial contamination and related disasters
• The Internet of Things platform can be used to accumulate data related to
a specific geographic location using remote monitoring tools and perform
analytics so that early warnings of a disaster can be found out.
• IoT Platform:
• IoT platform is an essential component of a huge IoT ecosystem that
supports and connects all components within the system.
• It helps to facilitate device management, handle hardware/software
communication protocols, collect/analyze data, enhance data flow and
functionality of smart applications