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Emerging trends in electrical (Government Polytechnic, Ratnagiri)

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Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering Group. (EE/EP/EU)


Unit I
Digitization beyond automation
This unit focuses on following aspects:
1.1 Industrial Revolutions:
 Introduction-Versions 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0.
 Benefits of Industry 4.0.
 Challenges in implementation of Industry 4.0.
 Comparison of I3.0 with I4.0.

1.2 Components of Industrial Revolution 4.0:

 CPS (Cyber Physical Systems).
 IoT (Internet of Things).
 Cloud Computing: IoT Cloud applications, Benefits of cloud in an IoT ecosystem.
 Cloud Manufacturing.
1.3 IoT principle and features.
 Principle of IoT.
 Features of IoT.

1.4 IoT application areas in electrical systems:

 Building automation.
 Smart metering.
 Illumination systems (public lighting).
1.5 Specific demands on electrical power distribution in automated production plants
 Efficient engineering with digital twins.
 Fail-safe power supply.
 Incorporation into industrial automation.
 Integration in end-to-end energy efficiency concepts.
 Data management in the cloud.

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Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
7. Sequence of devices in IoTarchitecture from bottom layer to top layer is 2

a. Sensosrs->things->IoTgateway->Edge IT-> Data Center/ Cloud

b. Things ->Sensosrs ->IoTgatway->Edge IT-> Data Center/ Cloud
c. Things ->Sensosrs -> Edge IT->IoTgatway-> Data Center/ Cloud
d. Data Center/ Cloud-> Edge IT ->IoTgatway->Sensosrs->Things
8. The role of internet technologies and IoT in the context of Industry 4.0 2
a. They from the base to connect everyday items.
b. They from the base for an environmental friendly products
c. They form among others base for corporate communication
d. IoT and internet have no role to play
9. ----------------- is the direct contact between two smart objects when they share 1
information instantaneously without intermediaries
a. Device to device
b. Device to gateway
c. Gateway to data systems
d. Between data systems
10. Top layer in IOT architecture is 2

a. Sensors, connectivity and network layer

b. Application layer
c. Management Service
d. Gateway and network
11. Agriculture IoT stick is smart gadget work on principle of 2
a. Plug & sense
b. Plug and play
c. Plug and work
d. Plug and socket
12. Data speed in 4G is________. 2
a. 10Mbps
b. 64Kbps
c. 2 Mbps
d. 2.4 Kbps
13. Electrical power and locomotives are the inventions of 2
a. First revolution
b. Second revolution
c. Third Revolution
d. Fourth revolution

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Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
14. Industrial revolution is 1

a. Significant change that affects a single industry only

b. New technologies and novel ways of perceiving the world that trigger
a profound change in economic and social structures

c. An event that happened in a previous century and doesn't

affect modern society
d. A series of technological advances that may or may not have a
profound effect on societies
15. Which series of events best describes the transformations of the first three 2
industrial revolutions?
a. Mechanization of production; introduction of mass production; the
digital revolution
b. Mechanization of production; invention of steamships and railroads;
the digital revolution
c. Discovery of electricity; the growth of mass production; the digital
d. Mechanization of production; the agrarian revolution; the digital
16. IOT cloud application may have capability of 2

a. Only Machine learning

b. Only Performing analytics
c. Only Generating reports
d. All of the above
17. IoT, Cyber Physical Systems, AI and Machine learning is characterized by 1

a.First revolution
b.Second revolution
c.Third Revolution
d. Fourth revolution
18. Key impact of the Third Industrial Revolution is 1

a. Agrarian societies become more urban.

b. The world became less reliant on animals and humans for energy
c. Mass production created more jobs for skilled workers.
d. Electronics and information technology began to automate

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Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
19. The following applications are included under smart lighting: 1
i. Smart bulbs
ii. Smart dimmers.
iii. Smart flash mount lighting.
a. Only i
b. Only ii
c. Only iii
d. i, ii and iii.
20. E-learning helps in: 1
i. Increases Effectiveness.
ii. Improves productivity
iii. Hands on advanced technological tools.
a. Only i
b. Only ii
c. Only iii
d. i, ii and iii.
21. The objective of industry 4.0 is 1
a. Increase efficiency
b. Reduce complexity
c. Enabled self-controlling
d. All above
22. SCADA is abbreviation of 1
a. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
b. Smart Control And Data Acquisition
c. Sensors Control And Data Acquired
d. Smart Control And Data Acquired
23. Data speed in 5G is__________. 1
a. 1Gbps
b. 64Kbps
c. 2 Mbps
d. 2.4 Kbps
24. _______________devices are able to intervene the physical reality like 2
switching of the light or adjust the temperature of room.
a. IoT Gateway
b. Cloud
c. Sensors
d. Actuators
25. Data is aggregated , summarized, filtered and forwarded by ______________ 2
for further processing
a. IOT gateway
b. Cloud
c. Sensor
d. Actuator

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Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:
26. ________ is the other way of referring to IoT devices. 2
a. Connected.
b. Smart
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

27. IIoT means 1

a. Information Internet of things.
b. Industrial Internet of things.
c. Innovative Internet of things.
d. Itemized Internet of things.

28. Advance analytics and monitoring in IoT ecosystem is provided by 2

a. IoT Gateway
b. Cloud
c. Sensors
d. Actuators

29. _________is best described about industry 4.0. 1

a. Analytics
b. Speed
c. Smart factory
d. Prediction

30. CPS means 2

a. Central Power System
b. Central Physical System
c. Cyber Power System
d. Cyber Physical system
31. CMfg means 2
a. Cloud Manufacturing
b. Cloud Making Fix Gadgeting
c. Cloud Making Fix gateway
d. Cone Manufacturing
32. Following is the feature of IoT 1
a. Connectivity
b. Analyzing
c. Sensing
d. All of the above
33. AMR means 1
a. Automatic Meter Recycling
b. Automatic Monitoring Record
c. Automatic Monitoring Reading
d. Automatic Meter Reading

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Sr. Marks
Choose the correct option for each of the following:

34. Following is the application of Industry 4.0 1

a. 3D Printing
b. Mobile Devices
c. Smart Sensors
d. All of the above

35. Electrical Energy is related to which industry revolution 1

a. Industry Revolution 1.0
b. Industry Revolution 2.0
c. Industry Revolution 3.0
d. Industry Revolution 4.0

36. Top First layer in IOT architecture is 1

a. Sensors Connectivity
b. Application Layer
c. Management Service
d. Network Layer

37. Who is the founder of Industry Revolution 4.0 1

a. Prof. Paul Dirac
b. Prof. Klaus Schwab
c. Prof. Richard Feynman
d. Prof. William Gilbert

38. The first revolution is about 1

a. Water and steam to mechanize production
b. Mass production Electronics & IT
c. Electric Power
d. Mass production

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Unit II
Smart Grid

This Unit focuses on following aspects:

2.1 Smart grid

 Introduction: Need of Smart grid.
 Stages in evolution of smart grid.
 Layout and its components.
 Comparison of smart grid and Conventional Power grid
 Advantages, Barriers and challenges
 Smart Grid activities and Projects in India.
2.2 Micro-Grid & Distributed Generation
 Introduction and Definition of Micro-grid
 Difference between conventional grid and micro-grid
 Difference between smart grid and micro-grid
 Need and Significance of micro grid.
 Major Components of Micro-grids.
 Operation of micro grid - Grid connected mode, Islanded mode
 Classification of Micro Grid based on types of supply, Sources, Scenario, and size
 Distributed Generation Systems: Need and Significance of Distributed Generation
 Distributed Generation Technologies, Role of Distributed Generation in Smart Grid, and
Distributed generation in India.
2.3 Smart Substation:
 Introduction of Smart substation, features of substation automation
 Layout and Components of smart substation,
 Challenges in smart substations

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switch can separate the micro-grid from the main grid automatically or manually, and it then
functions as an island.
2.2.7 Classification of Micro Grid based on types of supply, Sources, Scenario, and size:
Micro grids are classified based on
i) Types of supply — AC , DC and Hybrid
ii) Source — Renewable (solar, wind, biomass, small hydro) , Diesel, Hybrid
iii)Scenario — Residential, Industrial and Commercial
iv) Size — < 10 kW, between10kW to 1 MW, >1 MW

Figure 2.10 Block diagram of AC and DC micro-grid

AC & DC Grid
In AC micro-grid, all Distributed Energy Resources and loads are connected to a common AC
bus. Block diagram of AC and DC micro-grid. Refer fig 2.10. DC generating units as well as
energy storage will be connected to the AC bus via DC-to-AC inverters, and further, AC-to-DC
rectifiers are used for supplying DC loads.
Many new distributed energy resources are direct DC, e.g. photovoltaic (PV) generation,
stationary batteries, mobile batteries, and fuel cells. Also, many high efficiency loads are also
direct DC. Lay out of DC micro-grid system is shown in figure Utilizing a DC bus in micro-grid
may avoid many of the power conversion steps required when using an AC bus, potentially
leading to higher energy efficiency and improved economic operation. Refer fig 2.11

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Sr. No. Suggested Reference Books/Website links

DwarkadasPralhadasKothariSmart Grid and Renewable Energy, 2011, 2, 305-311
5. ―THE SMART GRID Introduction‘ e-book by _Department Of Energy, USA_
7. Scholarly articles for Smart Grid: Concepts and Deployment Dr. S. Chakrabarti
Department of Electrical Engineering,IIT Kanpur

Choose the correct option for each of the following: Marks
1. Electric grid is a single entity with …. 1
a. Multiple generation plants and transmission network
b. Conventional generation plants and transmission network
c. Multiple generation plants and distribution network
d. Multiple generation plants, transmission and distribution
2 Smart grid an electric grid that uses information and communication 1
a. To gather data and act on information
b. To gather data only

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c. To gather the information only

d. To gather data and not to act on information
3 Objective of Smart grid is… 1
a. Smart utilization of all the available resources.
b. Best utilization of all the available resources
c. optimum utilization of all the available resources
d. all of the above
4 Function of the communication network in Smart grid is….. 1
a. Energy Generation
b. Control and connectivity
c. Applications
d. Optimum use of energy
5 Following are sub-domains of Grid domain of Smart Grid. 1
a. Generation domain only
b. Generation and transmission domain only
c. Generation , transmission and distribution domain only
d. Distribution and transmission domain only
6 Third stage in evolution of Smart Grid is…. 2
a. Preliminary stage
b. Elementary stage
c. Evolutionary stage
d. Post evolutionary stage
7 Self-healing is the significant feature of …… 2
a. Conventional grid
b. Smart grid
c. Micro grid
d. Macrogrid
8 Which of the following plays crucial role in optimization of cost of 1
a. Macro grid
b. Micro grid

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c. Smart grid
d. Conventional grid
9 Challenge faced by Energy Storage System of smart grid is…. 2
a. Complex design and network
b. Security
c. Consumer awareness
d. Stability of Power flow
10 ISGTF abbreviation stands for …. 2
a. India Smart Grid Task Force
b. International Scout And Guide Fellowship
c. International Smart Grid Task Force
d. India Standard Grid Task Force
11 Classification of micro grids is based on … 1
a. type of controlling apparatus
b. type of supply (AC/DC)
c. type of load
d. number of generating units
12 Distributed generation plays significant role in macro grid to improve 1
a. increasing the power demand on the grid
b. increasing the transmission line losses
c. increasing the reliability factor of supply
d. increasing the cost of power generation
13 Technologies for Distributed Generation includes 2
a. Micro- compressors
b. Micro –hydro turbines
c. Macro –hydro turbines
d. Macro- turbines
14 A key feature of a micro-grid is its ability………from the utility 2
seamlessly during grid disturbance
a. not to separate and isolate itself
b. to separate and isolate itself

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c. to separate but not to isolate itself

d. not to separate and isolate itself
15 _____________is a stakeholders of smart grid. 1
a. Oil manufacturing companies
b. Utility companies
c. Motor manufacturing companies
d. Political Parties
16 A localized grouping of electricity generations, energy storages, and 2
loads is termed as?
a. Macro grid
b. Micro grid
c. National grid
d. State grid
17 What is the full form of DR in the perspective of Smart Grids? 1
a. Divide and Rule
b. Demand and Response
c. Delivery Rate
d. Data Reduction
18 A micro-grid is designed for a ____________usually for a certain 2
community whiles the smart grid is designed for the ________electrical
a. small scale, whole
b. medium scale, whole
c. large scale ,whole
d. small scale, partial
19 India Smart Grid Task Force (ISGTF) recommended __________number 2
of pilot projects in different distribution companies.
a. 20
b. 18
c. 14
d. 16

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20 ―Transform the Indian power sector into a secure, adaptive, sustainable 2

and digitally enabled ecosystem that provides reliable and quality energy
for all with active participation of stakeholders.‖
a. Micro Grid Vision for India
b. Smart Grid Vision for USA
c. Smart Grid Mission for India
d. Smart Grid Vision for India
21 Micro Grid can be operated said to be in islanded mode when…… 2
a. it function synchronously
b. it functions autonomously.
c. it function asynchronously
d. it stops functioning.

Answer ke:Unit-II
Unit-II –Smart Grid
1-d ; 2- a ; 3-d ; 4-b ; 5-c ; 6-c ; 7-b ; 8-b ; 9-a ; 10-a ; 11-b ; 12-c ; 13 –b ; 14-
b ; 15-b ; 16- b ; 17 –b ; 18-a ; 19-c ; 20-d ; 21-b

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Sr. No. Question Marks

1. Which of following is features of a smart city? 2

a) Preserving and developing open spaces
b) Promoting Rapid Transit system
c) Providing Online services
d) All of above
2. Retrofitting in smart city means _____________ 1
a) Increase area of city
b) Decrease area of city
c) Make existing area more efficient and livable
d) Increase infrastructure base
3. Electronic service delivery is ___________ part of smart solutions. 2
a) E governance
b) Water management
c) Energy management
d) Urban mobility
4. Bhendi Bazar Project in Mumbai is an example of __________. 1
a) Retrofitting
b) Redevelopment

c) Greenfield development
d) Pan city development
5. Greenfield Development means 2

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a) Implementing greenery in city

b) Implemented in city area
c) Implemented around city area
d) None of above
6. Smart metering is part of _______. 2
a) Water management

b)Energy management

c) A and B
d) None of above
7. Pan city development is related to provide smart solutions for ____ 1
a) Existing infrastructure of city
b) New infrastructure of city
c) Outside of city
d) New city
8. Which of following is not included in Smart City Mission? 1
a) Mumbai

b) Nashik

c) Kolhapur

d) Aurangabad

9. The role of Electric Vehicles in Energy transition is _______ 2

a) Reduce oil consumption
b) Increase Energy security
c)Reduce carbon emission
d) All of above
10. BEV stands for 1
a) Basic Electric Vehicle
b) Basic Electronic Vehicle
c) Battery Electric Vehicle
d) Battery Electronic Vehicle

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Sr. No. Question Marks

11. Which of following is not part of Electric Vehicle? 1

a) Battery Pack
b) IC Engine
c) Controller
d) Motor
12. When two batteries are connected in series ____ rating is added. 1
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Voltage and Current
d) Power
13. BMS Controller measures ______ parameters. 1
a) Voltage
b) Current
c) Temperature
d). Voltage, Current and Temperature.
14. __________ give fast pick up of BEV. 2
a) Brushed DC Motors
c) AC Induction Motor
d) Synchronous Motor
15. Permanent magnets are not present in _____ motor. 1
a) AC Induction
c) Both A and B
d) Brushed DC Motor
16. Plug-in-Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is charged from _______ . 2
a) Power grid
b) IC Engine of vehicle
c) Both A and B

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d) Either A or B
17. Hybrid Electric Vehicle _______ drive system. 2
a) Single
b) Two
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
18. _____________charging station is known as fast charging station. 2
a) Residential

b) Parking

c) Public

d) Parking and Public

19. The typical charging time for a 50 KW BEV for 100 Km travel is __ 2
a) 1-2 hours
b) 2-3 hours
c) 10 minutes
d) 20-30 minutes
20. A fuel cell vehicle emits _______ . 2
a) Water
b) Heat
c) Both A and B
d) Carbon
21. A fuel cell provides which voltage to electric motor? 1
a) AC
b) DC
c) Both A and B
d) None of above

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Unit IV
Intelligent Motor Control Centers
This unit focuses on following aspects:
4.1 General/traditional Motor control center:
 Role in Motor protection and motor management.
 General architecture or arrangement.
 Components: symbols and functions.
 Traditional MCCs: advantages and disadvantages.
4.2 Intelligent or Smart MCCs:
 Need of IMCC, requirements of IMCCs, Role of IMCCs as compared to traditional MCCs.
 Functional Block diagram/s with general arrangements.
4.3 Devices and Components typical to IMCCs:
 Intelligent relays,
 Fuses,
 Control devices,
 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
 AC drives
 Power Monitoring Unit
 Network cabling
 Software.
 Basic components of intelligent systems - Basic Microcontrollers
4.4 Selection of MCC:
 Basic Motor Operation functions
 Enhanced Motor Operation functions
 Selection Criteria

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Sr. No. Suggested Reference Books/Website links

1. Intelligent motor control:

Intelligent motor control using neural network technology:

Handbook of Electrical Motor Control Systems: by U. S. Eshwar (Tata McGraw-Hill
Publications, ISBN-13: 978-0-07-460111-2, ISBN-10: 0-07-460111-3.
4. Hand book by: Siemens-STEP-Series-Basics-of-Motor-Control-Centers.
Choose the correct option for each of the following: Marks
1. Motor control involves…. 1
a) Starting the motor.
b) Stopping the motor.
c) Direction and speed controls of the motor.
d) All of the above.
2. Identify the component of the motor-starter. 1
a) Fuse.
b) Circuit breaker.
c) Over-load relay.
d) Main Switch.
3. Identify the component/s of the motor-supply circuit. 1
a) Circuit-breaker.
b) Fuse.
c) Power Contacts.
d) All of the above.
4. Fuse is used in the circuit to… 1
a) Protect the circuit components from short circuit faults
b) Limit the starting current.
c) Disconnect the circuit from supply mains in the event of any fault
d) All of the above

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5. Contactor is …. 1
a) Manually operated switch
b) Protection device
c) Electromagnetic coil
d) Electromagnetically operated circuit breaker
6. Overload relay protects the motor from… 1
a) Over-voltage condition
b) Over-current condition
c) Excessive speeding
d) Undesirable oscillations
7. Fuse protects the motor from… 1
a) Under-voltage condition
b) Excessive speeding.
c) Short-circuit condition.
d) Undesirable oscillations.
8. NO contact means… 1
a) Number One contact
b) Neutral On contact
c) Normally On contact
d) Normally Open contact
9. NC contact means… 1
a) Neutral Cut contact
b) Normally Cut contact
c) Normally Closed contact
d) No Closed contact
10. Red push-button is generally used to… 1
a) Start the motor
b) Accelerate the motor
c) Decelerate the motor
d) Stop the motor
11. Green push-button is generally used to… 1

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a) Start the motor

b) Accelerate the motor
c) Decelerate the motor
d) Stop the motor
12. Motor rotation of three-phase induction motor can be reversed by. 1
a) Interchanging R & Y phases
b) Interchanging Y & B phases
c) Interchanging B & R phases
d) Any one of the above
13. Motor Control Centre (MCC) is…. 1
a) Compact assembly
b) Modular assembly
c) Integration of motor control & distribution components
d) All of the above
14. PLC stands for… 1
a) Phase Load Centre
b) Programmable Logic Controller
c) Phase Locked Contactor
d) Programmable Load Contactor
15. VFD stands for…. 1
a) Very Fast Drive
b) Variable Fastest Drive
c) Variable Frequency Drive
d) Voltage Frequency Drive
16. On control panel, the operating state is shown by. 2
a) Push-buttons
b) Circuit-breaker
c) Indicator lamps
d) Overload-relay
17. A combination starter is a single enclosure comprising… 2
a) Motor starter

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b) Fuse
c) Circuit breaker or disconnecting switch
d) All of the above
18. The push buttons are used for … 2
a) Stopping motors
b) Starting motors
c) Jogging or inching of motors
d) All of the above
19 A conventional MCC unit is …. 2
a) Purely Electrical unit
b) Purely magnetic unit
c) Electromagnetic unit
d) Electromechanical unit
20 Traditional MCC offers… 2
a) Well-coordinated control
b) Better protective functionality
c) Highly effective controls
d) None of the above
21 Intelligent MCC is smart MCC because. 2
a) It has multiple feeders
b) It has a common power busbar
c) It has multiple combination starters
d) It has communication capable motor management device
22 Difference between MCC and IMCC lies in…. 2
a) Multiple feeders
b) Common power busbar
c) Intelligent relays
d) Circuit breaker
23 The heart of IMCC is… 2
a) Smart circuit breaker
b) Fast acting fuse

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c) Smart motor management device

d) All of the above
24 IMCC offers… 2
a) Optimized use of control components
b) Increased control flexibility
c) Improved safety
d) All of the above
25 IMCC requires… 2
a) Effective communication networks with high bandwidths
b) Extensive process data
c) Components for Proper diagnostic features
d) All of the above
26 As compared to MCC, the IMCC offers… 2
a) Increased downtime
b) Inferior quality control
c) Proactive condition monitoring
d) Unpredicted maintenance
27 Protective functions offered by Intelligent relay include. 2
a) Phase loss
b) Current imbalance
c) Overload
d) All of the above
28 A relay is said to be intelligent if it has the feature/s of 2
a) Built-in network communication
b) Programming facility to set the protective parameters
c) Diagnostics
d) All of the above
29 Identify the non-contact type sensor… 2
a) Photoelectric sensor
b) Inductive proximity sensor
c) Capacitive proximity sensor

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d) All of the above

30 Limit switch is operated by… 2
a) Displacement limit
b) Current limit
c) Voltage limit
d) Speed limit
31 IMCC has dedicated software that… 2
a) Delivers known computing environment in MCC
b) Generates screens for effective control implementation and
c) Tests the entire system for accurate functions and communication
d) Does all of the above.
32 The following is not a Basic Motor function: 2
a) Under voltage protection.
b) Single phasing protection.
c) Detecting motor bearing condition.
d) Voltage and current indicating meters.
33 Conventional MCCs are preferred when: 2
a) The components therein do not become obsolete over 12 to 15
years of time.
b) Very huge amount of data/information needs to be communicated
to the DCS.
c) The cost effectiveness of equivalent IMCC is very poor.
d) A very large number of additional functions need to be
incorporated in the starter sections
34 Identify the symbol below: 1

a) 1 NO power contact
b) 1 NC auxiliary contact

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c) NO – Push button switch

d) NC – Push button switch
35 Identify the symbol below: 1

a) 1 NC power contact
b) 1 NO auxiliary contact
c) NC – Push button switch
d) NO – Push button switch
36 Identify the symbol below: 2

a) 2 NO Push button
b) 2 NC Push button.
c) 2 NO + 2 NC Push Button.
d) None of the above.
37 Time delay fuses are recommended for applications wherein 2
a) The inrush current is more than 500%
b) The inrush current is very low of the order of 150%
c) The inrush currents are absent.
d) The normal rated currents are expected not to be exceeded.
38 Non-time delay fuses are recommended for applications wherein 2
a) The over currents are more than 500% for a very long time
b) The over currents are equal to 500% for a very long time
c) The over currents are slightly less than 500% for a very long time
d) The over currents are around 500% for a fraction of a second.
39 A combination starter contains 2
a) Starter with overload relay

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b) Fuses
c) Switch for disconnection
d) All of the above
40 IMCCs are a better choice when, 2
a) conventional MCCs are very cheap
b) a significant number of changes are going to be needed to be
made in the controls
c) conventional MCCs are very costly
d) no major significant changes are going to be needed to be made in
the controls
41 Time delay fuses provide following protection to motors: 2
a) over voltage and short circuit protection
b) under voltage and short circuit protection
c) overcurrent and short circuit protection
d) under current and short circuit protection
42 Non-time delay fuses provide following protection to motors: 2
a) quick over voltage protection
b) quick short circuit protection
c) quick under voltage protection
d) quick lightening protection
43 Fuses are rated by 2
a) maximum continuous current they can handle
b) maximum continuous voltage they can work at
c) both a) and b)
d) none of the above.
44 The circuit breakers are rated such that their rated current (continuous) 2
a) exceeds the current rating of the fuses in the related circuit
b) exceeds the voltage rating of the fuses in the related circuit
c) does not exceed the cable conductor current rating used in the
d) does not exceed the cable conductor voltage used in the circuit

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45 The power monitoring unit has circuitary that does not cover the
following in MCC:
a) protection
b) operation
c) measurements
d) load characteristics
46 Network cabling does not 2
a) carry communication signal from intelligent relay
b) carry communication signal to PLC
c) carry communication signal to AC drives
d) carry communication signal to coupled mechanical load
47 In automated systems solenoid actuated valves form the interface 2
a) pneumatic and electrical control
b) Magnetic and electrical controls
c) Electronic communication systems
d) Landline and mobile communication networks.
48 The following is not a basic motor operation function: 2
a) Current indication
b) Energy condition monitoring
c) Overload protection
d) Single phasing protection
49 The following is not an enhanced motor operation function: 2
a) Energy condition monitoring
b) Motor bearing condition monitoring
c) Overload protection
d) Restarting after sudden voltage dips
50 Intelligent MCCs are a better choice when: 2
a) A huge amount of data is communicated to the DCS
b) Personnel working on the systems need expensive training.
c) Component obsolescence will not be faced for a long period

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d) Standard starters are sufficient for the work to be done.

Answer key to Unit 4 MCQs

1-d, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a, 5-d, 6-b, 7-c, 8-d, 9-c, 10-d, 11-a, 12-d, 13-d, 14-b,
15-c, 16-c, 17-d, 18-d, 19-d, 20-b, 21-d, 22-c, 23-c, 24-d, 25-d, 26-c,
27-d, 28-d, 29-d, 30-a, 31-d, 32-c, 33-a, 34-c, 35-c, 36-c, 37-a, 38-d,
39-d, 40-b, 41-c, 42-b, 43-c, 44-c, 45-d, 46-d, 47-a, 48-b, 49-c, 50-a.

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Reference web links:

Choose the correct option for each of the following: Marks
1. PPA is the 1
a) MOU between two parties
b) Mode of behavior between two parties
c) Contract between two parties
d) Conditions for terminating the contract between two parties
2. Duration of PPA is generally 1
a) Upto Six Months
b) One Year
c) 1-2 Years
d) 5-20 Years
3 In PPA the party which generates the electrical power is 1
a) Seller
b) Buyer
c) Operator
d) Organizer
4 In PPA the party which is looking to purchase electricity is 1
a) Seller
b) Buyer
c) Operator
d) Organizer
5 Cross-subsidies can be defined as 1
a) A mechanism of charging consumer at different tariffs.
b) A mechanism of identifying types of consumer.

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c) A mechanism of penalizing consumer for electrical theft.

d) A mechanism of charging consumer at different tariffs.
6 Flat-rate tariff , Volumetric tariff, multi-part tariffs are 1
a) Types of subsidies
b) Slabs of billing
c) Key factors for Tariff Design
d) Types of consumers
7 The only way to reduce Electricity Duty is 2
a) To reduce consumption per unit.
b) To reduce generation
c) To reduce the power factor
d) To reduce the maximum demand
8 FAC Charges is the amount 1
a) that utilities apply on bills based on kWh use of the consumer
b) that utilities apply on bills based on p.f. of the consumer.
c) that utilities apply on bills based on the MD of the consumer.
d) that utilities apply on bills based on varying price of fuel or Coal.
9 Electricity rates charged to the consumer as agreed in 1
a) PPA
b) MOU
c) National Power Policy
d) None of the above
10 Wheeling charges in consumers electricity bill are for 2
a) the electricity transportation charges to be paid to the transmission
b) the transportation charges towards use of four wheelers used for
c) the transportation charges to be paid to the Toll agencies
d) None of the above
11 Average billing rate consist of 2
a) Fixed and Energy charges

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b) O & M charges
c) Labor charges
d) Transmission charges
12 Overall Average Cost of Supply (ACoS) not depends on 1
a) Fuel prices
b) Salary hikes
c) Capital inflow
d) Tariff
13 Unit of the Average billing rate is 1
a) kVAh
b) INR /kWh
c) kWh/INR
d) INR
14 Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) is prepared by 1
b) State Government
c) Central Government
d) Central Electricity Authority
15 Which following parameter not use for determination of ARR 2
a) Interest on Loan
b) Depreciation
c) Income Tax
d) Profit
16 Availability Based Tariff (ABT)is introduced by 1
a) National Thermal Power Corporation
b) State Distribution Companies
c) Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)
d) Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC)
17 Objective of Availability Based Tariff is 2
a) To maintain Grid frequency

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b) Available energy as per consumer demand

c) Supply energy when it is available
d) Make Availability of energy at high cost
18 Which of following in not a function of ABT 2
a) Facilitating grid discipline;
b) Facilitating trading in capacity and energy; and
c) Facilitating merit order dispatch as and when made effective
d) Facilitating consumers to purchase energy
19 The energy rates in Time of Day (or TOD) tariff 2
a) Are fixed during day time
b) Are fixed during night time
c) Are not fixed during night time
d) Are not fixed during time of the day
20 Time of Day (TOD) tariff give incentive to consumer during 1
a) Off-peak times
b) Peak times
c) Off-peak and peak times
d) Complete day time
21 Basic purpose of ToD tariff is to 2
a) Shift the load from off-peak to peak hours
b) Shift the load from peak to off-peak hours
c) Keep tariff rate different for day
d) Attract consumers to consume more energy
22 In TOD tariff the non-peak hours are 1
a) 0600 hrs To 2200.
b) 0900 hrs To 1200 Hrs
c) 2200 hrs. To 0600
d) 1800 hrs To 2200 hrs
23 For LT and HT Consumers the non peak and peak hours are 1
a) Different
b) Same

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c) Peak hours same but non peak hours different

d) Peak hours different but non peak hours same
24 Which state is incorrect in relation to ToD 2
a) Reduction in cost of power purchase due to reduction in peak
b) Advantage to Utility
c) Incentivizes to consumers is same for entire day
d) Additional revenue on account of TOD surcharge during peak hours
25 kVAh based tariff encourages consumer to 1
a) Maintain power factor near unity
b) Constant Maximum demand
c) Maintain constant Voltage
d) Maintain constant frequency
26 kVAh based tariff is applicable to consumers 1
a) All consumers
b) Consumer having load below 20kW
c) Consumer having load above 20kW
d) It is not depends on consumer load
27 In kVAh based tariff PF incentive to consumers 2
a) Are remove
b) Reduced to 50%
c) Not change
d) Are increase
28 Which statement is wrong in connection with kVAh based tariff 2
a) If PF level is less than 0.90 then penalty shall be given.
b) If PF level is greater than 0.95 PF incentives shall be given.
c) Both kVAh Lag and Lead consumption is consider for incentives
d) Both kVAh Lag and Lead consumption is not consider for incentives
29 Resultant reactive energy is not equal to zero in kVAh based tariff 2
a) RkVAh Lag and Lead occurs at same time

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b) RkVAh Lag and Lead cannot occur simultaneously

c) RkVAh Lag and Lead value have not same amplitude
d) Because of the error in PF calculation
30 Net metering means 1
a) the billing mechanism for solar & grid power combined
b) the mechanism for billing the internet users
c) the billing mechanism for solar & grid power separately.
d) the mechanism for billing the industrial consumer
31 Gross metering means 1
a) the billing mechanism for solar & grid power combined
b) the mechanism for billing the internet users
c) the billing mechanism for solar & grid power separately.
d) the mechanism for billing the industrial consumer
32 As per MERC rules the solar power generated by the consumer shall not
exceed (2M)
a) 10% of the rated capacity of that distribution transformer
b) 15% of the rated capacity of that distribution transformer
c) 25% of the rated capacity of that distribution transformer
d) 50% of the rated capacity of that distribution transformer

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Appendix B
Answer key of sample questions
Unit Name of the Answer key to MCQs
No. Unit
1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d, 5-c, 6-d, 7-b, 8-c, 9-a, 10-b, 11-a, 12-a, 13-b, 14-b,
1 beyond 15-a, 16-d, 17-d, 18-d, 19-d, 20-d, 21-d, 22-a, 23-a, 24-c, 25-b, 26-c,
automation 27-b, 28-b, 29-c, 30-d, 31-a, 32-d, 33-d, 34-d, 35-b, 36-a, 37-b, 38-a.
1-d ; 2- a ; 3-d ; 4-b ; 5-c ; 6-c ; 7-b ; 8-b ; 9-a ; 10-a ; 11-b ;
2 Smart Grid
12-c ; 13 –b ; 14- b ; 15-b ; 16- b ; 17 –b ; 18-a ; 19-c ; 20-d ; 21-b
Smart City 1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c, 6-c, 7-a, 8-c, 9-d, 10-c, 11-b, 12-a, 13-d, 14-a, 15-
3 (Electrical
a, 16-c, 17-b, 18-c, 19-d, 20-c, 21-b
1-d, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a, 5-d, 6-b, 7-c, 8-d, 9-c, 10-d, 11-a, 12-d, 13-d, 14-b,
15-c, 16-c, 17-d, 18-d, 19-d, 20-b, 21-d, 22-c, 23-c, 24-d, 25-d, 26-c, 27-
4 Motor
Control d, 28-d, 29-d, 30-a, 31-d, 32-c, 33-a, 34-c, 35-c, 36-c, 37-a, 38-d, 39-d,
40-b, 41-c, 42-b, 43-c, 44-c, 45-d, 46-d, 47-a, 48-b, 49-c, 50-a.
1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5-a, 6-c, 7-a, 8-d, 9-a, 10-a, 11-a, 12-d, 13-b, 14-a, 15-
5 Metering and d, 16-c, 17-a, 18-d, 19-d, 20-a, 21-b, 22-c, 23-b, 24-c, 25-a, 26-c, 27-b,
Billing 28-d, 29-b, 30-a, 31-c, 32-b.

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