Bio Mono
Bio Mono
Bio Mono
Dragon tree (Dracaena marginata) is a stiff-leaved plant with green sword-
like leaves edged with red that are mostly parallel veined. In stems of Dracaena
plants, the vascular system consists of primary collateral bundles similar to other
monocotyledonous species. The root system of the Dracaena marginata is
incredibly dense which shows that this plant contains fibrous roots. This small
tree will grow to about 20 feet in warm outdoor climates, but it is generally
grown as a potted houseplant and kept pruned to 6 feet or less. Dracaena
marginata is known for purifying the air of the carcinogen, benzene, commonly
found in the off-gassing of synthetic materials, cigarette smoke and other
household chemicals.
Sansevieria trifasciata or commonly known as snake plant is an evergreen,
succulent, perennial plant producing long, narrow, erect or slightly spreading
sword-shaped leaves up to 75cm long. They bear numerous flowers in an
elongated clusters near their tips. These flowers have six 'petals' that are partially
fused into a tube 6-12 mm long and separate into six spreading lobes. It is
commonly grown as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical regions, and as a
pot plant in many other areas of the world. It prefers a well-drained soil in a sunny
or partially shaded position, and a pH between 6 and 7. Snake plants are used to
treat ringworm and fungal diseases. Also, fiber obtained from the leaves is used to
make string, mats, etc.
Epipremnum aureum, also known as devil's ivy, is a houseplant
that stands out due to its heart-shaped satiny leaves with silver, pale
green, yellow or whitish spots, or a flame pattern. It is classed as a
monocotyledon because most of its leaves are parallel veined. The
inner layer of its stem has vascular bundles that are scattered. It
prefers medium light, medium relative humidity, and moist soil. It can
also tolerate low light for long periods. Devil's ivy is an air-cleaning
plant known for removing formaldehyde in the air.
Psidium guajava, commonly known as guava, is a shrub or
small tree usually growing 1-6 m tall, but occasionally reaching 10
m in height. The flowers of guava tree have a base number of five
petals. It has aromatic leaves, opposite, entire, 4-8 cm long, with
prominent veins on the underside, resembling ribs. Psidium
guajava is used in many parts of the world for the treatment of a
number of diseases, e.g. as an anti-inflammatory, for diabetes,
hypertension, caries, wounds, pain relief and reducing fever.
Mango (Mangifera indica) a large evergreen tree in the anacardiaceae
family that grows to a height of 10-45 m, dome shaped with dense foliage,
typically heavy branched from a stout trunk. Mango seeds have an outer shell
with a seam which is a characteristic of a dicot. The taproots of the mango
tree are another thing that supports the classification of Mangiferea indica as
a dicot. Various parts of plant are used to treat diarrhea, asthma, bronchitis,
cough, hypertension, insomnia, rheumatism, toothache, etc. All parts are used
to treat tumor, snakebite, blisters, wounds in the mouth, diarrhea, liver
disorders, excessive urination, tetanus, asthma, etc.