Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Services: Lawrence Ryan A. Daug, RN, MPM CHN 1 - Instructor
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Services: Lawrence Ryan A. Daug, RN, MPM CHN 1 - Instructor
Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Services: Lawrence Ryan A. Daug, RN, MPM CHN 1 - Instructor
2. Discuss the different health care packages at a specific life stage based on Republic
Act 11148.
ANC should commence in the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women who
failed to visit during the first trimester are automatically not counted in the ANC
indicator. Field reports also showed that women usually seek prenatal care when
Challenges in the delivery of maternal and child health
services (DOH RPRH Report, 2018):
1. Low utilization of Family Planning Packages of PhilHealth. This low utilization may arise from
confusion between patients and providers brought about by differing interpretations in the
implementation of the guidelines;
2. Decrease in the number of PhilHealth accredited Maternal and Child Program (MCP) facilities;
RA 11148 also identifies all the services needed, from prenatal check-ups, immunization of
pregnant and children, dietary supplementation programs for the target groups, training of
health and nutrition workers, provision of other health and nutrition services, psychosocial
stimulation, and provision of other assistance that each stakeholder may offer.
The policy also mandated the Department of Health, the National Nutrition
Council, Department of Agriculture, in coordination with other national
government agencies, local government units, civil society organizations, and other
stakeholders to create the implementing rules and regulation of the policy. It shall
cover all nutritionally-at-risk population, with focus on pregnant and lactating
women, all Filipino children who are newly born up to two years of age. The policy
should also prioritize population living in geographically isolated and
disadvantaged areas (GIDAs), unserved and underserved communities such as the
indigenous people, areas with high prevalence of malnutrition, persons in the
vulnerable sectors, and those communities affected by a crisis or arm conflict.
Safe Motherhood Program
The Philippines faces unique challenges in aligning its health system with the needs
of its inhabitants, primarily because of the country's geography and income
distribution. Several communities are in isolated mountain regions of the country or in
coastal areas which are difficult to reach. Further, there are wide disparities in the use
of health services across income levels The Philippine government placed health
general, and maternal health on its high political agenda of reform.
The project aimed to strengthen the ability of the health system to deliver a package
of interventions, including maternal care family planning control of sexually
transmitted infections, and adolescent health services—with a priority on serving
disadvantaged women.
Set of interventions of the program:
Sector governance: improving accountability and regulatory oversight;
out-patient departments, Barangay Health Stations, Rural Health units, and private
clinics which are manned by community health volunteers and led by a midwife. Its
primary functions are to conduct health risks and needs assessment and provide basic
provides the parenteral administration of oxytocin (3rd stage), loading anticonvulsant, initial dose of
antibiotic; assisted imminent breech deliveries; removal of retained products and placenta; and,
emergency newborn interventions such as resuscitation, sepsis, and oxygen treatment. BEmONC
3. CEmONC - capable facilities provide all services rendered in BEmONC facilities with the addition
of cesarean section, blood banking and transfusion, highly specialized obstetric intervention,
management of low birth weight and preterm babies, and other newborn specialized services.
Intrauterine device insertion, vasectomy, and bilateral tubal ligation are likewise performed in these
facilities. An itinerant team composed of a physician, a nurse, and a midwife is in-charge for the