Newborn Reflexes

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 A reflex is an involuntary or automatic action that your
body does in response something without even having to
think about it

 Neonatal reflexes – inborn reflexes present at birth and

occur in a predictable fashion

 Normally developing newborn should respond to certain

stimuli with these reflexes
 Helps a paedodontist to identify whether the child is
developing normally or not

 Tells about what abnormalities the child may be having

if all reflexes are not proper

 Knowledge of development of motor skills – helps to

identify whether development is going on at a proper
rate or not
 1. Blink Reflex -to protect the eye from any object
coming near it by rapid eyelid closure.

 2. Rooting reflex - Newborn’s cheek is brushed or

stroked near the corner of the mouth, the child will turn
the head in that direction.
 They start sucking, thus allowing for breast feeding.
 3. Sucking Reflex - When a newborn’s lips re touched,
the baby makes a sucking motion. Diminish at 6 months
of age
 Disappears around 12 months

 4. Swallowing reflex - Food that reaches the posterior

portion of the tongue is automatically swallowed.
 5. Palmar Grasp Reflex - Grasp an object placed in their
palm by closing their fingers on it. Disappears at 6
weeks to 3 months. A baby begins to grasp meaningfully
at about 3 months of age.
 Begins at 32 weeks of gestation

 6. Step (Walk) in place Reflex - Newborns who are held

in A vertical position with their feet touching a hard
surface will take a few quick alternating steps.
Disappears by 3 months of age
 Present at birth
 7. Plantar Grasp Reflex - When an object touches the
sole of a newborn’s foot at the base of the toes, the toes
grasp in the same manner as the fingers do. Disappears
at about 8-9 months of age in preparation for walking.
 Present at 32 weeks of gestation

 8. Moro / Startle Reflex- Can be initiated by startling the

newborn with a loud noise or by jarring the bassinet.
Fingers assume a typical “C” position. The reflex
stimulates the action of someone trying to ward off an
attacker, then covering up to protect himself.
 Begins at 28 weeks of gestation
 9. Babinski Reflex-When the side of the sole of the foot
is stroked in an inverted “J” curve from the heel upward.
This reaction occurs because nervous system
development is immature.
 Present at birth, disappears at approximate 9-10 months

 10. Magnet Reflex - If pressure is applied to the soles of

the feet of a newborn lying in a supine position, he or she
pushes back against the pressure.
 11. Landau Reflex - A newborn who is held in a prone
position with a hand underneath supporting the trunk
should demonstrate some muscle tone. Babies may not
be able to lift their head or arch their back ( at 3 months),
but they sag into an inverted “U” position.
 Appears at approximately 3 months, disappears at 12-24
 Appropriate knowledge of reflexes enables a
 To identify whether the child is developing normally or
 To identify whether development is going on at a proper
rate or not
 Knowledge of abnormalities if all reflexes are not proper

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