Group F Course Managementt
Group F Course Managementt
Group F Course Managementt
To become an international standard
English course institution and the largest in
South Sumatra with 1000 students in 2020
and internationally certified.
• Competent English-speaking graduates actively communicate in English
fluently, actively and have an international diploma.
• Creating a course institution with facilities and infrastructure that
support the international learning system technologically and methods
that have internationally certified teachers and graduates.
• Realizing the implementation of a course institution with an orderly fair,
transparent, accountable financial system that grows in a sustainable and
directed manner.
• Become a course institution that is able to provide services in a
professional, responsible, precise and directed manner.
The goal of Bright English School itself
is for 100% of its students to have
international certification.
Opened in 2013, it was first established in
the 21 Metro area with still renting space.
Until 2015, he already had his own “ruko”
and moved permanently until now. This
course was actually established specifically
for teaching English
Structure Organization