Chen 3009 - Tutorial 2-2021 Revised
Chen 3009 - Tutorial 2-2021 Revised
Chen 3009 - Tutorial 2-2021 Revised
Lihong LIU
Email: [email protected]
Regimes in horizontal tube:
bubble or froth flow
plug flow
stratified flow
wave flow
slug flow
annular flow
dispersed flow
Hewitt-Roberts map
Regimes in vertical tube:
bubble flow
slug flow
churn flow
Semi-annular flow
annular flow
dispersed flow
Homogeneous Method:
𝝆=𝜺 𝒈 𝝆𝒈 +𝜺 𝒍 𝝆𝒍
𝝆 𝒗𝟐 𝑿 𝑮𝟐 𝑿
− ∆ 𝑷=𝒇 =𝒇
𝟐𝑫 𝟐𝝆𝑫 𝝁= 𝜺 𝒈 𝝁 𝒈 + 𝜺 𝒍 𝝁𝒍
Lockhart-Martinelli diagram
Heterogeneous Method:
𝟐 𝑮 𝒍𝟐 𝑿 𝜒=
𝑷 =ϕ ∆ 𝑷
𝒈𝒍 𝒍 𝒍
− ∆ 𝑷 𝒍=𝒇
𝟐 𝑫 𝝆𝒍
𝑮 𝒈𝟐 𝑿
∆ 𝑷 𝒈𝒍 =ϕ 𝒈𝟐 ∆ 𝑷 𝒈 − ∆ 𝑷 𝒈 =𝒇 Chisholm Equation
𝟐 𝑫 𝝆𝒈
True or False
Question 1
Disperse flow
Annular flow
Slug flow
Bubbly flow
The evolution of the steam/water flow in a vertical boiler tube.
Vertical, typical velocity of gas for bubble flow:
Hewitt and Roberts map (page 32)
𝒅𝒑 𝒅𝒑
( 𝒅𝒙 ) 𝒈𝒍
= ∅𝟐 ( 𝒅𝒙 ) 𝒈
− 𝝆𝒈 𝒈
𝒅𝒑 𝒅𝒑
( 𝒅𝒙 ) 𝒈𝒍
= ∅𝟐 ( ) − [ 𝜺 𝝆 +( 𝟏 − 𝜺 ) 𝝆 ] 𝒈
𝒅𝒙 𝒍
𝒈 𝒍
Question 3
Question 4
Lockhart-Martinelli correlation is used to find liquid-phase factor or gas-
phase factor based on χ value and T – T, V – T/T – V and V – V situations.
Baker Diagram Hewitt and Roberts map
Question 5
Slug: mid bottom
Annular: upper left True
Calculation Question 1
𝝆=𝝆 𝒂 𝜺 𝒂+ 𝝆 𝒘 𝜺 𝒘
𝜺 𝒘 =𝟏 − 𝟎 . 𝟗𝟖𝟖𝟖=𝟎 . 𝟎𝟏𝟏𝟐
For separated model (Page 14-15)
𝑮 𝒍𝟐 𝑿 𝑮𝒍 𝑫
∆ 𝑷𝒍 =𝒇 𝑹𝒆𝒍=
𝑷 =ϕ 𝟐 ∆ 𝑷
∆ 𝟐 𝑫 𝝆𝒍 𝝁𝒍
𝒈𝒍 𝒍 𝒍
𝑮𝒈 𝑫
∆ 𝑷 𝒈𝒍 =𝝓 𝒈𝟐 ∆ 𝑷 𝒈 𝑮𝒈𝟐 𝑿 𝑹𝒆𝒈 = 𝝁 𝒈
∆ 𝑷 𝒈=𝒇
𝟐 𝑫 𝝆𝒈 𝑷𝑴
𝝆 𝒈=
Separated model ε, L-M
chart determined
Homogeneous mode ε
Data: methanol density: 710 kg/m3 (ρl) and viscosity: 0.4 cP (μl)
Pipe: D = 100 mm = 0.1 m; X = 40 m
Condition: P1 = 60 atm = 60 x 1.01 x 105 Pa = 6.06 x 106 Pa
T = 60 oC = 333 K;
Gas phase:
mg = 200 t/d = 200 x 1000 kg / (24 x 3600 s) = 2.315 kg/s;
Mg = 13 g/mol; Z = 1.03; μg = 0.015 cP = 1.5 x 10-5 Pa·s;
Liquid phase:
ml = 6000 t/d = 6000 x 1000 kg / (24 x 3600 s) = 69.4 kg/s,
mg = 2.315 kg/s; μg = 1.5 x 10-5 Pa·s;
ml = 69.4 kg/s; μl = 4.0 x 10 Pa·s;
-4 ρl =710 kg/m3
X=40 m P2?
P1=6.06 x 10 Pa 6
𝑮 𝒍𝟐 𝑿 𝑮𝒍 𝑫
∆ 𝑷𝒍 =𝒇 𝑹𝒆𝒍=
𝟐 𝑫 𝝆𝒍 𝝁𝒍
𝑷 =ϕ 𝟐 ∆ 𝑷
∆ 𝒈𝒍 𝒍 𝒍
𝑮𝒈 𝑫
∆ 𝑷 𝒈𝒍 =ϕ 𝒈 ∆ 𝑷 𝒈 𝑹𝒆𝒈 =
𝑮 𝒈𝟐 𝑿 𝝁𝒈 ϕ
∆ 𝑷 𝒈=𝒇
𝟐 𝑫 𝝆𝒈 𝑷𝑴
𝝆 𝒈=
Turbulent flow
𝜌 𝑣𝐷 𝐺𝐷 8841.9 ×0.1 6
𝑅𝑒𝑙= = = =2.2 ×10 > 2000
𝜇 𝜇 0.4 ×10
Turbulent flow
fl = f g =
Lockhart-Martinelli diagram
Φl = 2.1
Φl 2= 4.41
Chisholm equation
Since the pressure drop is large (15.3/60=25.5%), the average pressure should be used.
Use P=(60+44.7)/2=52.35 atm for calculating the gas density.
Using new P2 to calculate the average density for several iterations, finally get P 2=43.73 atm
Calculation Question 3
Air and water flow upwards at 0.1 kg/s and 1 kg/s, respectively, in a vertical
steel tube of internal diameter D = 50 mm and length L = 0.2 m. The fluids
are at temperature of 20 °C and the expansion of the air may be assumed to
be isothermal. The inlet pressure is 1 bar. Determine the flow pattern and
the pressure drop. (μa = 18 ×10-6 Pa s; μw = 0.9×10-3 Pa s; water density =
1000 kg/m3)
Known information
Vertical tube diameter D=50 mm, length X=0.2 m
Air mass flow rate G=0.1 kg/s, water mass flow rate L=1.0 kg/s
Air viscosity a = 18×10-6 Pa s, water viscosity w = 0.9×10-3 Pa s
T=20 °C=293 k, p1=1 bar=1 Pa, water density=1000kg/,
Find flow pattern and the pressure drop.
𝑮 𝒍𝟐 𝒎𝒍 A
𝝆𝒍 𝑨
𝑮 𝒈𝟐 𝒎𝒈
𝑮𝒈 =
𝝆 𝒈=
Check the Hewitt and Roberts diagram, the flow pattern is annular flow.
According to Lockhart-Martinelli diagram
Since the pressure drop is small, the assumption is valid.
For the two-phase flow in a vertical pipe, generally we should use the gas pressure
gradient (rather than the liquid pressure gradient) to calculate the two phase
pressure gradient, because the gas velocity is much higher than the liquid velocity.