Buscor CH4 Formats

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At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
1. be familiar with the structure of the different
formats of business correspondence.
2. write sample business correspondences using
different formats

Formats of
Composing an actual written business letter, and making sure the business letter format
is correct, can seem antiquated, and yet it remains more vital than ever for small
business owners.
Whether you need to write a cover letter to persuade someone to read a report, introduce
yourself to a potential customer or express thanks, a well-crafted business letter can
stand out. Written letters remain an important—and perhaps even crucial—part of every
small business owner’s communications strategy.
Various studies have suggested that paper-based communications may be more
memorable and enriching than those shown on screens, such as email.

1. Full Block Form

2. Modified Block Form
3. Semi-Block Form
4. Indented or Traditional Form
5. Hanging Style
6. Memorandum Style
Full Block Form
Full Block format features
all elements of the letter 
aligned to the left margin of
the page. It has a neat and
simple appearance.
Paragraphs are separated by
a double line space.
Modified Block Form

Modified block differs from

block style in that the date, 
sign off, and signature lines
begin at the center point of
the page line.. Depending on
the length of the letter,
paragraphs may be
separated by a single or
double line space.
Semi Block Form
Semi-block is similar to
full block but has a more
informal appearance. All
elements are left-aligned,
except for the beginning of
each paragraph, which is
indented five spaces.
Paragraphs are separated
by a double line space.
Indented or Traditional
Indented style is “quite
outmoded but still popular
in some countries. This
layout indents each line in
the inside address. The
same indention pattern is
followed in every line in
every paragraph.
Hanging Style
A hanging letter style
is when a paragraph is
indented so that the
first line hangs over
the rest. This layout
indents each line in the
inside address.
Memorandum Style

The format of a memo is

much simpler. You write
“Memo” or
“Memorandum” at the top,
followed by a To line, a
From line, a Date line, a
Subject line, and then the
actual body of the message.
1. Go back to the FB Closed Group
2. Use the details you can see at our Closed Group to come up with three
business letters following the formats below:
 Full block Form
 Modified Block Form
 Semi Block Form
3. Save each file via PDF Format. Use your name as
Filename (Surname, First Name, MI)
4. Send the finish output via email. (
[email protected])
5. Deadline: September 26 (Sunday) 11:59PM

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