LIFE SKILLS - Eunice Faith Manuel

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Socio-emotional skills are very important to be developed in our students for them
to be able to work collaboratively anywhere, anytime, and always in their lives.

As stated in our Program Educational Objectives, FCPC graduates shall “actualize

high ethical standards in working singly and COLLABORATIVELY.” Also, one
of FCPC’s Core Values is COLLABORATION. Here in FCPC, socio-emotional
skills are developed by providing activities where they encourage students to
work with each other. It is because, by the time that students finish their studies,
they will be looking for a job. A job where they work with other people. In
companies nowadays, teamwork is very important to grow. As Michael Jordan
said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”
Therefore, a company to be successful, needs a team working collaboratively to
reach their goals.

Some ways we can develop these skills are the following: school clubs, science
fair, and student council. In the classroom, GECA, performance tasks, and group
Everybody has creative potential and from the moment you can express creative
potential, you can start changing the world. – Paulo Coelho, author, and lyricist

Creative thinkers are what most companies look for especially in the field of
science. Employers think of them as someone who thinks outside the box and
brings something new to the company. Creative thinkers are risk-takers.
Thinking outside the box is a necessity. In our country, the government has lots
of ways to solve our problems, especially in the economy. Yet, our economy still
struggles. That is why creative thinking is important to find and create new ways
to solve these problems. Creative thinkers are optimistic. They see problems as
opportunities to change things for a better future. There are a lot of things we are
still to discover.

For this life skill, I would like to have a scouting program for my students.
Learning the basic survival skills will also help them develop their creative
thinking skills.
Students are using the internet, social networking sites, and other online
resources when doing their assignments. It is important to develop their
critical thinking to help them analyze the information they are reading and CRITICAL THINKING
hearing from the internet. What they learn is what they are going to use in
real-life situations. Though most of them are fond of watching science-
fiction movies and TV series, it is important that they must know how to
differentiate facts from fiction.

There are many science-fiction movies that students can watch on the
internet. Some of the most popular movies to watch are Journey to the
Center of the Earth, Interstellar, Gravity, and Martian. Letting our students
watch these kinds of movies will help them to develop their critical
thinking skills.

Some activities where I can help my students to develop their critical

thinking skills are by relating our lessons to science-fiction movies, doing
research, and conducting science fairs.
In high school, I am so focused on playing volleyball for 3 years. The only univ
ersity I have tried to take an entrance examination was at Polytechnic University
 of the Philippines. At that time, I was only interested to take Computer Enginee
ring. Unfortunately, they were not accepting enrollees anymore. So, I’ve
decided to take BS Math. I was already in college, but playing volleyball was
still my priority. I played for our college department, and we were the
champion. The university trainer saw me playing in the championship and he
offered me to be a part of the university varsity team. But I failed one of my
subjects. Since I failed one of my subjects, my parent prohibited me from
playing volleyball. So, I’ve decided to transfer to OLFU because I am ashamed
of declining the offer of the university after saying yes.

Going back to our topic, sound decision-making is very important to our

students. Their decisions may either lead them to the right path or lead them
astray. Some of our students will be future leaders of our country. Some of them
will be doctors in the future. Some of them will be businessmen. Some of them
will also be teachers. Every day, we make decisions that can greatly impact our
future. Therefore, we must be cautious and intelligent in making decisions to
have a better future.
Think of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. What comes to your mind? For me,
sudden changes. Imagine a 2-year-old child raised by a single mother today.

Stress Management His mother worked from home since the pandemic. Spending 24/7 of his time
with his mom for 2 years. What would you think would be the child’s reaction
if he suddenly cannot see his mom? Left for 2 hours. Imagine the stress of this
child. He will be forced to get out of the house without a mask walking in the

For that reason, stress management is very important to be learned by our

students. The Philippines is one of the countries left behind in terms of
technology. Then, in 2016, the Fourth Industrial Revolution started. Imagine
the stress level of Filipino workers in our country. With the sudden changes
(where we think of advancement), there comes along the anxiety to be able to
easily adapt to a fast-paced environment. Imagine those who are working at
night for an international company.

At school, we encourage them to be part of school organizations, sports club,

and other activities. Doing what they like the most and spending time with
other people can help reduce stress.

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