Quantum Weight Loss Guest DR Jack Kruse

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Quantum Weight Loss

Guest: Dr. J a c k Kruse

The purpose of this presentation is to convey

information. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure
your condition or to be a substitute for advice from your
physician or other healthcare professional .

Rudy: Welcome, health heroes, to another session of

the Forget Weight Loss Forever Project. I'm your host, Dr. Rudy Mueller, and
you are here learning from the experts as we guide you through the steps to
find the underlying causes to your health struggles and weight loss resistance
and teach you how to implement real solutions that help you get real
sustainable results.

This next guest expert is a neurosurgeon and true

disrupter to the entire weight loss, paleo, and medical industry. One of his
greatest personal accomplishments through self-experimentation led him to
shedding over 110 pounds in under a year implementing strategies like those
that have been presented on in this event.

He is a very well educated and intelligent m an, and I

can almost promise you that you are going to have to listen to this interview a
few times to pull out all of its amazing gems. It is an honor to introduce to you
Dr. J a c k Kruse.

J u s t tell me what are some of the things that you had

to implement to be able to be so successful with that weight loss in su c h a
short period of time and not have any major side effects to dropping weight
that quickly.

Dr. Kruse: Well, the number one thing is that I realized that everything that I
was taught in medical school was wrong. And that's when I came up with the
leptin prescription and the Cold Thermogenesis protocol.
The leptin prescription is fundamentally based on a light paragon and Cold
Thermogenesis is fundamentally based on the magnetic affects on the
mitochondria. If you read each of the protocols, you are never going to see
those things mentioned in the simple steps that are there, but that's the
fundamental physics behind it.

And the whole goal, really, of both is to make u s more thermally efficient so
that we're able to use energy better. The paradigm the calories in and calories
out is just completely psychotic because anybody who's been, you know,
obese in the past, knows that it doesn't matter what diet you're on. It really
doesn't matter. Anybody can lose weight. The key thing is can you keep it off.

And I did this 10 years ago. And I've been very successful in keeping off, but
the real big successes as far as I'm concerned are how actually these
prescriptions actually projected to other diseases because that was completely
unexpected for me. In fact, my own obesity when I first came up with this I
didn't believe that it would work itself. You know, for me, this was like the
ultimate biohack because basically I was biohacking my beliefs.

And when it fundamentally worked, that's when I had to reevaluate pretty

m u c h everything that, you know, that I was taught and everything that I
believed. And it completely changed my paradigm about how healthcare
probably should be taught, how it should be delivered to people who need it.

Rudy: Do you think we are getting closer to that tipping point?

Dr. Kruse: I think we are getting closer, but I will tell you what I think the
number one issue is that people are missing, is light. Light. People just don't
fundamentally understand.

Everything you read my stuff, you read my book, you read my blog, everything
fundamentally comes down to three things, light, water, and magnetism. The
thing is when people get a glass of water from the sink, they look at water from
that cup and in their cells exactly the same. It turns out that's not the
case. The water in your cells is radically different than what's in your cup.

When people think about light, they think that the light in the house and the
light in the s u n are the same because they are light. Nothing could be further
from the truth.

When it comes down to magnetism, that's probably the one that's the most, I
think, mysterious to people. B u t the best way I discuss that with my patients,
I tell them I want them to think of their habits as magnetic affects. The
problem is when you have bad habits, you keep reverting to them. And it's
because you can't innovate change. And the reason that happens is because
your dopamine levels are low in your brain.

Rudy: And you just spiral and continue down the same path?

Dr. Kruse: Correct. People don't think about habits in terms of magnetic
affects, but effectively, from a physics standpoint, I can explain to people
actually how that's, in fact, the case. And I always have this saying I use with
other physicians that it's not woo if you can explain it. And the problem is most
people who talk about physics especially quantum physics and the effect
therein cannot discuss this from a biologic paradigm. And it's become easier.

Like the question you asked me earlier. Why is it easier for me, Rudy,
fundamentally to get this message out? It's pretty simple. When I did this 10
years ago, I couldn't direct a guy like you to the books that have all this
published information in it. I had to go to the medical school library in
Vanderbilt and spend $10,000 photocopying all these articles from Russia,
from, you know, Eastern Europe, from Poland, from Mass General. I mean,
they were all over the place.

And when I was putting all of this together, I mean, my wife would tell you my
man room was filled with papers, and she was, like, “What in the Hell are you
doing, you know, with all of these papers?” And I said, “Look, I think I may
have found something kind of interesting, you know, in the brain.” And it was
fundamentally tied to actually an injury that I had when I was given a spine
talk in Birmingham, Alabama, where I just stood up and hurt my knee. And
there happened to be an orthopedic surgeon's wife there that worked for a
bio-tech company that was working on this hormone called leptin.

And leptin got discovered in 1994 at Rockefeller University. And I finished

medical school in '93. I never learned about leptin. I had no clue about this
hormone. When I get hurt, she said, “Look, my husband said you're a pretty
smart guy. B ut I think I know why you got hurt. So I'm going to send you a
book and six papers, and I think you need to read them in these order.” And I

And the book was probably the real the shocking thing to me. The book was a
fable. It was like a B S story about a lawyer who stood up in a courtroom. He
was supposed to be the best lawyer in New York City. He had a heart attack
and realized if you are not good enough for yourself, who are you good for? S o
he kind of left his practice, sold everything that he had , went to the Himalayan
Mountains and came back in four years. And everybody said he looked 30
years younger. You know, he had lost all of this weight and basically
transformed his life. He thought differently than he did before.

So I started to read the paper she sent me, and I started to make this
connection. I was, like, Wait a minute. Is it possible that what happened in this
book could be actually constructed biologically? And I started making these
connections. And her original goal was to kind of tell me that the company she
was working for was kind of hiding something. And the company she was
working for was running these synthetic leptin trials that started back in 2000.
And they almost immediately aborted the leptin trials. And it was kind of
shocking to a lot of people at the time that they did it because some of the
initial results were extremely interesting.

And it actually helped certain subsections of people who were obese. So I

started to really look at who it really helped, who it didn't help. And I started
to make all of these connections with things that previously I never made
connections with.

And one of those big things was actually light, water and magnetism. It was
specifically purple light which is U V light and red light which is infrared light.
And then started putting things together that I had learned in biology that I
couldn't make any sense of.

And where it all came together for me, because, you know, I had all of these
little data points in my head but there was no connectivity. There was no
coherence to those thoughts. I was standing in Florence with my family behind
Michelangelo's David and everybody was standing in front of it looking at this
masterpiece. And I was standing behind them.

And I looked up at its and I said to myself, What separates perfection from my
life? That's exactly my thought that was in my head when I saw it. And I looked
u p , and I saw on a little ledge on top of David's head because it is open to the
environment. I saw a little bird. And that's when it clicked. I said, “You know
what? His environment is completely different than mine.”

And when I say environment, I wasn't just talking about the food environment.
You know, a lot of the ancestral health people and paleo people talk about we
are no longer adapted to the food we eat. Well, here is the bigger affect. We are
no longer adapted to the alien su ns that we allow in our environment. And
that's a m u c h bigger affect.

And this is an actual axiom truism that people in the ancestral health
community and the paleo community cannot understand and accept. B u t it's
very simple. The basis of all food chains on this planet is photosynthesis.
What does photosynthesis predominantly related to? Water and light. If you
don't understand about light and water, you don't understand obesity. The
reasons for that is because they form the basis of the food webs.

That's when I really got interested in light and water fundamentally. And,
unfortunately, back then, 10 years ago, I could not go to a resource book that
I can to now. Like for guys like you or guys who are going to be listening to this
Podcast and say you need to read this book. I had to actually give you all these
papers that you had to read. And that made it a very untenable clinical

So that's why one of the doctors I worked with in the hospital when I went
through my own transformation and I did this biohacker myself, he said,
“ J a c k , look, what you found is pretty amazing.” He goes, “You need to put this
information on the Internet and in a coherent form that people can
understand.” That's when I came up with my idea for the quote document and
I came up with my idea for the blog that I would give pieces out of this and
teach people the things that they needed to know to make sense of this.

Little did I know just in the last two years that you no longer have to go back
and read all of these papers that I did. All you have to do is read probably three
books. If you read these three books, everything you need to know about light,
water and magnetism is kind of right there.

And then these books also leave you with more questions because then you
start to realize what I'm saying about physics that it is the only fundamental
science. Biology is not fundamental. It actually works completely on the
physical properties in the universe. That's when it makes understanding
obesity pretty simple.

Because most of the people you're probably going to talk to in this series is
going to want to talk about carbohydrates, fats and proteins. I'm going to be
the one guy that doesn't want to talk about any of those. Because the input to
mitochondria is called the electron chain transport. See, we don't have protein,
fat or carbohydrate transporters as the input to mitochondria. S o, therefore,
why would you want to talk about it? That means that your knowledge base is
not fundamental enough and you need to go deeper.

Rudy: And still m u c h further downstream than what we want to go.

Dr. Kruse: Absolutely. And the reason why it's a conundrum, I think, for
clinicians and patients is because let's face it, Rudy, in medical school I didn't
learn that m u c h about electrons and protons. So I had to spend a pretty
significant part of my practicing life while I was still practicing going back and
teaching myself what I needed to know about physics so that I could construct
my biohack and in three months I lost 77 pounds and in 11 months lost 133

Rudy: That was one of the things that always bothered me in biochemistry was
seeing that the electrons were su c h an important piece and never hearing
proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. And at that point definitely didn't know
where this would lead four years down the line, but listening to you, reading
some of your stuff on the blog definitely opened my eyes to the importance and
why I had that question back then.

Dr. Kruse: Well, and the other big piece of this, when you do learn about
mitochondria because what we learn in, I think, any health science is we learn
the basics. We know about electron chain transport. We know that each
cytochrome spits out protons. Well, as soon as you hear that, you start going
wait a minute. We're talking about electrons and protons. What force in the
universe controls that? It's the electromagnetic force. Well, how m u c h did we
learn about that in medical school, chiropractic school, dental school? Zero.

Rudy: Right.

Dr. Kruse: That's where for me as, I guess, the curious scientist, the curious
clinician that's where I got really interested. That's why the six papers the lady
sent to me, the book, all of a sudden, I started to think is this physically
possible? And why are we missing it as a species. And I started looking at
animals. I started looking in the craziest of places. And I started to see the
answers appear before my eyes. And I was, like, Look, I need to start writing
this stuff down. So that's what I did.

And I stood in front of my family, you know, close to almost 10 years ago now
and told them. I said, “Look, I think I found something.” And it was actually
right at this time of year. It was right around November. It was probably, I
think, the day before Thanksgiving. And I said, “Look, I think I found
something. And I think in one year I'm going to be in a Speedo.” And everybody
in my family laughed except my wife, and the reason my wife didn't laugh is
because she saw in my man room how many fricking papers I had. I probably
read more in 18 months than I did in my entire neurosurgery residency.

Rudy: I have to say happy 10-year anniversary, then.

Dr. Kruse: Exactly.

Rudy: That's awesome.

Dr. Kruse: It was a very uncomfortable time for me, because I was
deconstructing my beliefs. Sh e didn't realize it at the time, but that's
effectively what I was doing. B u t then I would tell you, I got very mad for 18
months when I started to realize that I had been fed a line of bull for pretty
m u c h my whole life.

And where it really became crystallized for me in my own mind's eye is actually
when I did the biohack and it worked. I will tell you right now that nobody was
more surprised than me. It was just one of those things where I was, like, wow.
And I think the thing that really crystallized it for me is when I had gone
through the first three months my son at the time was in private school. So he
hadn't seen me while he was in school until he went on spring break.

And when he came home, he's, like, “Dad what did you do?” And we were
actually at Disney World at the time with my nephew. And my son at the time
was around 13, 14 years old. And he was a big kid. He was already about six
foot, but he was heavy. He was 257 pounds. And he said, “Dad, could this
work on me?”
And I thought about it. And I said, “Yeah, I don't see why not. I've actually never
thought about using it on anybody else.” So he became the first actual, I guess,
you would call ginny pig or other biohack on another h u m a n being.
And when my family went out to go to the parks, him and my son-- my son
and Kyle, my nephew, who also at the time was 21 years old and also heavy.
He was 267 and about five foot eight. They basically said to me, “ J u s t give u s
the non-neurosurgery story about what you found.”

So for three hours they sat there. And these kids, neither one of them had any
clue about the crap I was taught in biology. So they didn't have any
preconceived notions. And they did it. My son in six weeks lost 60 pounds.

Rudy: In six weeks?

Dr. Kruse: Yeah, in six weeks. Not only that, he is 10 years out. He hasn't had
it come back either. And my nephew, I think the story for my nephew is even a
bigger story because at the time he was floundering in his own life. He didn't
know what he wanted to do. In one year he lost 100 pounds. He went down to
167 pounds and joined the military and now works for the U S Navy doing
secret stuff in submarines.

S o, you know, that was kind of my foray into a weight loss. And, like I said, for
me, those biohacks were instructive on obesity. B u t that's where I was 10 years
ago, Rudy. The crazy thing that happened is when I started to apply this in my
clinic, in my neurosurgery clinic, to my patients, I started to notice not only did
they lose weight but other diseases started to get better, other diseases that I
had no fundamental concept of back at that time.

And that's actually when one of the other doctors who used to practice with
me. He was a gastroenterologist. His name is Don Lazarus. He started sending
me cases that neurosurgeons would never see, things like leaky gut, problems
like eosinophilic esophagiti, things we would never treat in classic medicine.
And then people started to get better there. And that's when he said, “Dude,
you’ve got to stop and start writing about this.” There is something to this.
That's when I really started to dive deep. After I had the basics down then I
jumped down a lot of the rabbit holes. And I found the further I went down the
rabbit hole with light, water and magnetism, the more links I found the more
connections to diseases I found. And that's probably the first time I would tell
you, I think, in my clinical life that I truly felt like a doctor again.

Rudy: What were those three books that you really focused on for light, water
and magnetism or that are out now.

Dr. Kruse: Yeah, they are out now. The first one on light is a gentleman named
Roeland van Wijk. And I'll spell if for you. It's R-o-e-l-a-n-d. His middle name is
V-a-n, Wijk, W-i-j-k. The name of the book is Light Sculpting Life. And basically
what he did is he went back for the last 100 years and looked at most of the
data from Russia.

One of the things that is really, really interesting about this book -- I think any
clinician who reads it, their mind will be blown that this stuff has been
published for 100 years and nobody knows about it. B ut when you read it,
you start to realize why the Russians kicked u s in the Olympics for almost 40
years. Because they figured out how to blood dope with light for a really long
time and nobody could catch them because they were using light. And nobody
in biology, none of the tests that we use, can pick these effects u p .

B ut the book is fascinating because it really takes all of these papers and
shows you how they are all connected directly to biochemistry. It still doesn't
make all the connections like I'll make on the blog. B ut it gets the reader who
doesn't know that this science even exists to the table.

And the bibliography in this book is absolutely phenomenal. J u s t so you know,

Rudy, the book only cost about 94 bucks. B ut I have all the papers that are in
the bibliography and it probably cost me about $10,000 for the photocopying.

Rudy: Yeah. Okay.

Dr. Kruse: J u s t of all of that.

The second book on water, this one is a m u c h easier read. Even a third grader
who knows nothing about physics will love this book. It's written by a guy
named Gerald Pollack. He is a Ph . D. researcher at the University of
Washington. The name of book is called The Fourth Phase of Water.

Within three chapters of reading that book you will realize that everything you
fundamentally believed about water is completely incorrect. I came upon this
data not through Pollack's work, believe it or not, but through another guy
named Gilbert Lang who is a Ph . D. researcher who did some amazing work in
50s and 60s. And if you read any of his papers, let me just tell you, if you think
my blogs are hard to read, go read his work.

Basically he uses the English language to describe quantum processes that

occur in water and in proteins. And it's probably the most difficult stuff I have
ever read. B u t you no longer have to do that because Pollack has made it so
simple to understand that I would tell everybody you need to start there.
Because once you understand intracellular water, basically it's a repository for
electromagnetic radiation meaning it's a battery for light, that makes you
realize that all of a sudden the ATP doesn't really matter as m u c h as we really

And then the third book is a relatively new book. It's only been out, I think,
here in the states for about four or five months. B ut it's been in the U K for
almost a year now. It's written by two guys. One guy's name is Johnjoe. B u t the
one guy that I always remember best because he is a quantum biophysicist is
J i m Al-Khalili. The name of the book, I think, is different here in the states. It's
called Life on the Edge. And it originally was published in the U K .

And, basically, what that book does basically shows you how quantum
physics happens in warm, wet environments. See, prior to 2006, nobody, and
I mean nobody, believed that quantum mechanics could happen in biology
because every time in a physics experiment it's been demonstrated that it had
to be extremely cold with superconductors in very controlled environments.

Well, it turns out that these researchers at Harvard University published a

paper that I actually read 10 years ago that postulated the chloroplasts or
leaves were basically mini quantum computers. And one of the things that I
realized in my reading pretty early on is that's exactly what a mitochondria is

And there are other parts of our body that do the same thing. Specifically, one
issue in the eye called the retinal pigment epithelium actually acts the same
way as a chloroplast or -- in fact, almost identical. The only difference is the
frequency of light they both react to.

Rudy: It acts as a receptor.

Dr. Kruse: Well, it's not just a receptor. It's actually a quantum mechanical
nano machine that basically turns U V light into a D C electric current. And
that's exactly what the h u m a n brain works on. And we kind of established
that that biophysical ability which you will see in all of these other books.
There's other books that I would tell people that have all of this science into it.
B u t a guy named Robert Becker wrote a book in the 80s called The Body
Electric that actually gets into all of this. He's the original orthopedic surgeon
who actually found that bone worked on the photoelectric effect.

And most neurosurgeons and most orthopedic surgeons don't even know that
the fundamental biology of bone physiology was worked out by him in the 60s,
and it was worked out on solid state physics. And he was twice nominated for
the Nobel Prize, but the reason nobody knows about him is because he went on
60 Minutes and basically told the world that one of the reasons why people were
getting sick and one of the reasons why people were getting osteoporosis and
we didn't know about it was because of non-native electromagnetic fields. And
that's what he told Mike Wallace on TV.
Rudy: Talk about industry disrupter.

Dr. Kruse: Yeah, he was a total disrupter. And this thing came on in 1977. And
the crazy part was two weeks later his lab was de-funded and no one ever
heard from him again.

And that comes from to the fourth book. His physicist in his lab turned out to
go back to law school. And the reason he went to law school was back in 1977
in New York City where I'm from. We were building power lines from C anad a
from the Niagara Falls area down to the city to bring more electricity down.
And Becker happened to be based in Syracuse. And he started to realize that
these high voltage power lines were causing major problems in his own
research on bone and bone physiology.

So Andrew Marino was his physicist. And he went back to law school because
these guys were embroiled in tons of legal issues with the electric power
authority in New York state. And they were successful in getting New York
state govern you carry a ton in 1977 to put more space between these electric
power lines and where people would live because of the universe square law.

And it cost millions of dollars for the electric power company, but the fourth
book I would tell your readers to read is Marino's book called Going Somewhere.
And the reason why that book is important, not only does it teach you a lot
about non-native electric magnetic fields, but here is the most important thing
it teaches you. It teaches you that evidence based science is only based on
where you look.

And Marino's an extremely bright guy. And since he's a lawyer, you get a very
significant insight into truly how science is done these days. And we are not
really doing science. What we are really doing is corporate identity geek work.
And the more of this you begin to funnel into all of these books, you begin to
start to realize really why everybody's getting sick, really why everybody's getting
obese, why everybody struggles with diet, why everybody struggles with most of
the diseases they have.
Because we were evolutionary adapted to food that was made by
photosynthesis from an atomic source of light. B u t , unfortunately, we live in an
alien s u n of artificial light. And the way we handle electrons and protons in
that environment are radically different than what we have all been led to

Rudy: To distill this out, not only is our food, in essence, being bastardized by
the processing and adding in different types of chemicals and fortifying
nutrients, but it's also soil quality and the changes in the light spectrum
outside that could be affecting that, as well as the electromagnetic waves that
are coming off of, well, anything from cell phone satellites to WiFi routers to cell
phones to the power lines affecting the ability of our food to grow properly?

Dr. Kruse: Yeah.

Rudy: Yeah, and then our own environment.

Dr. Kruse: Here is the crazy part. Most people in the ancestral health
community and the paleo community are focused on the poor food quality.
What they don't realize is the reason why the food quality has been changed
by companies like Monsanto is because when you live in a non-native blue lit
world, what controls germination of seeds? Calcium efflux. That's what is
affected by those things.

And the reason why our food's changed is because our light environment has
changed. Here is the dirty little secret nobody wants to talk about. The one
major thing in biology that should be an eye opener to everything is that
proteins get replaced in our cells by a process called ubiquitination. Gu ess
what controls ubiquitination fundamentally in the cell.

Rudy: I'm going to say the light.

Dr. Kruse: And the spectrum of light. See, everybody believes it's a food story,
Rudy, and it's not.
See, if you really look at the things that we're talking about here and for the
first half an hour, you are going to fundamentally understand that food is
actually in the third position. Light is number one. Okay. Nothing is more
important than understanding light in this equation, because when you
understand how light affects surfaces on our body…

See, we all believed, you learned and I learned, that biochemistry is a

fundamental science. It turns out that's not true either, because we have
surfaces on our body. The eye being one surface, the skin being another, our
arrow digestive system being the other two, meaning, in the lung and in the

And we have a lot of alternative docs and now even mainstream allopathic
docs beginning to talk about, like, leaky gut and things like that. What they
don't fundamentally realize, though, is the most important surface in the
h u m a n body occurs in the eye. And that's where light comes in to actually
turn on or turn off our pituitary gland and all the things the pituitary gland

One of the things that I have been happy to see over the last 10 years is that
people are now beginning to make the link with the skin surface for vitamin
D 3 . B ut the bad part of that is most of the people that think they understand
it really don't because it really is at every surface where light, water, and
magnetism innovates how life is able to work and how biochemistry work.

So I tell my members on my site that once you understand how the surfaces of
u s work, then the surface changes dictate the biochemistry that happens at
deeper levels. And that is a very, very counter intuitive thing to guys like you
and guys in my profession because we learned that the biochemistry at the
surface is the same as it is in deep.

Then when you go through, you know, Van Wijk's book or you go through
photo biomodulation data, that's basically stuff on red light. What do you find
out? That red light can penetrate between 10 and 30 centimeters and change
what happens to cytochrome C in the mitochondria. Well, that gives a
biochemist a big problem because they don't believe that you can do that.
Well, guess what? The science has been published for literally 50 years that
you c an.

Rudy: So red light is what we would get from the s u n ?

Dr. Kruse: This is where the su n becomes important. Every light has
something called colored temperature. Ou r atomic s u n is made up of a bu nc h
of elements. Turns out if you look at it, the way I like to describe it to people, is
I like for them to think about Pink Flood album color when you see the ray of
light and the prism and open it u p.

The most energetic part of the solar spectrum that gets to earth is the purple
part, which is U V. The least powerful one is red light at the opposite. The
colors in between are what the eye camera uses. That's what most of your
listeners and probably you focus in about the eye. I can tell you in my
professional ophthalmology neurosurgery I was always taught that the eye
was a camera.

Well, what did I realize when I came up with my leptin prescription and my
Cold Thermogenesis protocol? That the most important function of the eye is as
a clock. It's the one that controls the circadian clock at the suprachiasmatic
nucleus. And it turns out that the pathways that control that clock have
nothing to do with the spectrum of light that we use in the eye camera. So that
means that the color vision, specifically, green, red and blue are what the eye
camera uses.

Purple and red, h um ans cannot see. You know, we're blind to infrared light and
we're blind to U V light. The reason why we are blind to it is because if we used it
as a camera feature, we would have major problems. It turns out that the brain
uses purple and red light for intracellular signaling. When I came up with this
10 years ago, people thought it was a crazy concept. Now fast forward 10 years
later, we have researchers like Louis De La Soja at Stanford
University using optogenetics to turn on and turn off the pituitary gland.

This is no longer theoretical science. Everything I have said has now been
proven, but the crazy part is the answers were there for somebody who wanted
to pick up the stone and look. I just happened to be the guy that did and
started to use these things and all of these different prescriptions I came up

Rudy: So the purple and blue light are acting as a signaling molecule to help
dictate changes in the physiology of a h u m a n being, but they are also, in
essence, acting as a fuel, is that correct?

Dr. Kruse: Well, they actually do both. You have to realize that your proteins
are adapted to the light spectrum that we work with. Everything that DNA and
RNA code for are based on the visible spectrum, which goes to 260 nanometers
all the way to 700. And everything works based on the photoelectric effect.

I will give you a perfect example just to make this simple since we are talking
about weight loss and people may be interested. People who have problems
with weight loss have this really key problem. They have a cytochrome one
which is the first input to your mitochondria. They have this redox couple
called NAD positive and NADH. All carbohydrate electrons have to feed into
cytochrome one.

What does that do? Well, when you eat a ton of carbohydrates, remember they
are only design to grow in long-life cycles. So that raises your NADH level but
lowers your NAD positive levels. Well, NAD positive actually absorbs light at
340 nanometers, which is strongly in the U V range. See, alternative and
allopathic doctors never, never talk about this effect to carbohydrates.

See, because we eat carbohydrates 27-7 because we can, what you need to
understand is that the signal in your gut needs to match the signal in your
eye. So if the signal in your eye, meaning you live in an environment where
you don't get U V light, you have no business eating carbohydrates through
your gut. The surfaces have to be coherent to light.

Rudy: This is mind boggling, but this is awesome.

Dr. Kruse: Here's the thing. Let's scale this so the people listening can
understand this.

Rudy: Yeah.

Dr. Kruse: Most people don't understand how mammals get fat. I will explain
to you how mammals get fat by using what I just said.

Rudy: Okay.

Dr. Kruse: They're designed to get fat in au t u mn, no matter if they're in the
northern or southern hemisphere. Why is that? Because carbohydrates are
still left over from the long light growing cycle. B ut U V light is diminishing.
The only place that's not true is in Equatorial zones.

Why? Because you're still giving a strong U V signal through the gut, but you're
not getting it through the eye. Why would nature do that? Well, it makes since
because we are getting ready for the winter where there's going to be scarcity,
where it's cold and you have to live off your fat. So why is nature making you
fat at this time?

When you start to understand what I'm saying, you start to realize that
carbohydrates really don't make you fat. It's the lack of U V light through your
eye that does.

Rudy: It's an imbalance in the environment. You are putting signals into your
body and your environment doesn't match those signals so, therefore, it drives
that leptin resistance or that fat gain.
Dr. Kruse: Exactly right. And, Rudy, here's the key. The key that people don't
understand is that the autonomic nervous system actually controls the pupil
in the eye. There's got to be a balance between sympathetic and

Well, the same thing is true in obesity. And people don't realize it. Here's the
crazy part for obesity researchers and all the ancestral guys where they make
this huge mistake. You cannot condition the autonomic nervous system. The
autonomic nervous system reads and reacts to light environment. That's how
it works. That's the key. If you don't believe me, take any light, especially, an
L E D light and shine it into someone's eye and see what happens. You will see
the pupil move up and down.

The problem is people fundamentally do not understand how this pupillary

response directly ties, like, to the C T my Cold Thermogenesis protocol and
where brown fat happens to be located in h u m an s.

That tie is directly through the autonomic nervous system. And that's the
reason why h u ma ns have brown fat in their upper thoracic area. You know,
what we call, you know, the cervical thoracic junction because here's the key
factor. Rudy, this will really blow your mind. The first four thoracic nerves
actually innervate a thing in our neck called superior cervical ganglion. Do
you know what the superior cervical ganglion controls, my friend?

Rudy: The autonomic nervous system. Yeah.

Dr. Kruse: That's right. It controls the sympathetic nervous system to the
head. It actually controls blood flow to the brain. Okay. And it also controls the
sympathetic neuro supply to the eye. So what happens when someone has
that system interrupted?

That's called the Horner Syndrome. We usually see it in trauma. We can see it
in tumors. We can see it in a lot of things. B ut the reason why you'll find this
interesting as a chiropractor, as when you manipulate that area, you're
actually improving -- you are actually doing C T mechanically. Okay. And most
chiropractors have no clue how this fundamentally works. B ut this is the
reason why mammals, especially h u m a ns , have their brown fat in this area
because the link is through the autonomic nervous system.

And what happens in cold is that your pupil will dilate to allow more U V light
in. Because in the winter, what do we know? U V light is poor. And what that
U V light does is it drives the dense core granules inside that retinal pigment
epithelium that's in the core of your eye that actually drives the central retinal
pathways. And that's how C T works.

That's why CT is a sympathetic mediated system. It works on, you know, the
BETA 3 agonist receptors. And that's what turns it on. Well, how does a
mammal, you know, turn it on? Cold temperatures of their skin. And here's
the irony that takes u s all the way back to probably the first five minutes we
were talking.

One of the issues on the synthetic leptin trials that I realized, Amgen stopped
doing the trials because they realized that cold temperatures controlled leptin.
So what did they do? They stopped the leptin trials and then they went and
patented all the cold receptors in the skin. And they realized that leptin was
going to be a money loser because someone like me was going to figure out that
I could turn the system on and off utilizing cold or U V light.

So they needed to find another way to control this system. And one of the class
of drugs that acts on the cold receptor in the skin is eucalyptus. You know,
most people have probably tried Vicks when they got sick. That's actually how
this works. And people don't really understand the physics behind it. And
that's part of the reason why they can't fundamentally keep the weight off that
they have. The cold actually causes u s to lose weight.

Rudy: Because it acts on…And I just want to review this. Please correct me if I
got it wrong or if there's something that I'm missing. So the cold allows or
singles the pupil and the para—
Dr. Kruse: Signals the skin temperature over the brown fat that the
environment has changed.

Rudy: Therefore, allowing more U V light to come in through the eye.

Dr. Kruse: Well, the first thing is it increases blood flow to the brain and that
cools it.

Rudy: Okay.

Dr. Kruse: Remember, that means the surface of the brain also is cooled
because the scalp isn't cold. That's the reason why we have veins in our head
and neck that have no valves because it's the giant radiator. And what controls
that radiator is the superior cervical ganglion. And then the superior cervical
ganglion reacts to this environmental change to dilate the eye to allow more U V
light because we live in a poor U V environment.

And I'm talking about, specifically, mammals that are outside Equatorial zone.
This is the reason why people who live within the Equatorial zone can eat
carbohydrates 24-7 and not get fat. Why? Because the stimulus in their gut
and the stimulus in their eye are matched. That's the key.

Rudy: Yeah, yeah. That's why when we eat, you know, we eat the same way
throughout the entire year then we are more likely to gain weight and gain fat
and hold on to fat.

Dr. Kruse: See, what you eat in Maine and New Orleans, my friend, is

Rudy: Besides oysters.

Dr. Kruse: Well, the reason why the oysters in my book is a big deal is
because guess what nourishes R PE in the eye? DH A . And how does D HA
fundamentally work? It turns purple light into a D C electric current. And it
turns out that purple light has more D C electric current built into it than any
other frequency of light. Why is that? Because it has the shortest wavelength.
See, we are back to physics again.

Rudy: Right. Right.

Dr. Kruse: That's how this works. That's why if you ever see me give a talk
anywhere in the world, you'll always see me wearing a purple jacket. You'll see
purple somewhere on me. Why? Because purple is what saved my life.

Rudy: I saw you down at Voice & Exit in Austin.

Dr. Kruse: Well, there you go. You also notice that at Voice and Exit which is
one of the things I told the guys down there that if they put me in blue light, I
would not give the talk.

Rudy: Right.

Dr. Kruse: And I was the only person who was in red light. Now you know the
reason why. Because red light is the antidote for blue.

Rudy: Okay. So now a person who is listening to this to take this home and to
be utilizing some of these now we, you know, things we understand that light,
magnetism and water are the important pieces to and, basically, the
foundation to u s getting healthy, to losing weight, to reaching those
weight-loss goals, what are some of the things that are most important? I
mean, we live in a blue-light atmosphere. We have to be inside working. So
what are some of the ways we can protect ourselves from the blue light inside?

Dr. Kruse: I think, Rudy, the first thing is and I hope people get this, take
away from this Podcast, you need to educate yourself. You need to unlearn to
learn. You need to read the books that I mentioned in this Podcast number
one. Because I don't want anybody to take anything I say as gospel until they
have done their own due diligence. Then once you realize this is no bull, then
the second thing is you need to mitigate two issues.

The number one non-native E M F that hu m ans face that are causing most of
our problems is the alien s u n inside. Okay. So that one is kind of a simple fix.
You need to eliminate all fluorescent and L E D bulbs.

Now, realizing in the United States that's kind of a problem since our
government was brilliant to get rid of incandescent and force u s to use those.
B u t you can still buy incandescent in specialty stores.

If you had a video of this, you can see actually right behind me, I have a
purple light on inside my house. That's another one thing I have mitigated.
Also, I have glasses on since we are doing this through Skype, since I'm
looking at a computer, these glasses are blue-tech lenses. They block most
blues from 435 to 465.

None of that stuff is really important. The key is you need to mitigate blue light
in your life. Why? Because your s u n , your native s u n , the one that rises and
sets, the one that you should live by, has equal parts green, red, and blue. The
alien suns around you have huge color temperature changes meaning that
florescence and L E D s have m u c h more blue, have zero red, and have a decent
amount of green.

So what did I say right before I went into this diatribe about light? That red is
the antidote for blue. What does blue do biologically? It increases reactive
oxygen species. And here's the key point about R O S . R O S comes in two forms.
You never hear the paleo or ancestral guys talk about this. It comes in singlet
and triplet state. We are designed, under the s u n , to make triplet state. High
colored temperature lights make singlet state.

So that means you can make a body that looks like Adonis. And then you can
go to a gym inside and pick up the weight and your thoracic spine can fall
See, your facade has nothing to do with how your body is constructed. You
have to be made of reactive oxygen or reactive nitrogen species made from
triple state. And that only happens when you are connected to the earth's
magnetic field and you are getting solar spectrum s u n . So mitigating your
light environment is numeral uno.

Number two, you need to realize why incandescent bulbs are better for u s than
the other ones is very simple. If you go read one of my blogs called
ubiquitination, I believe, it's 24, you will see the spectrum of incandescent and
L E D s as well as the su n.

You'll notice that they are radically different. B u t the incandescent is the
closest we can get with artificial light. So if we have to work indoors, if we have
to do those things, you want to go back to incandescent and start buying
specialty bulbs.

You can also decide just to get red and purple light in your house, kind of like I
do. Most of the lights in my house stay off. I try to go out all the time even
when I operate. When I'm in the operating room, you know, which it's hard for
me to get away from. In between my cases I go out to the helicopter pad and I
stand in full spectrum light to offset my risks.

The second big affect that is non-native is all of our technology gadgets.
Realize that every single one of them it backlit with L E D s and all of them use
bi-directional microwave devices. You need to keep them as far away from
your body as possible because they all work on the inverse square law. The
more you allow, the fatter you will get, the sicker you will get. All that data is
in a blog that I wrote called “Microwaving Kresser” or you can get it directly
from Andrew Marino's book that we mentioned earlier in this podcast.

Those are the two major things. Then when you want to know all the little
details, that's when you are going to pick it up in the other books that I
mentioned. B ut you will also pick it up on blogs that I have written. I think if
you, you know, become a member on my site, you read the blogs, and you're
on the forums, when you post your information, I can direct you to the blogs
that you need to understand.

And then I can explain it to you in more detail because every single disease
manifests the same way through light, water, and magnetism. B ut the
mechanism in which they work, are very, very counterintuitive to most people
until they physically understand it. When they understand it, then it begins to
make a lot of sense. And then you can separate the wheat from the chaff.

Like many of the things that, you know, allopathic doctors and alternative
docs are trying to push on people are really, they are half-truths. This is what
I tell the people on my site. The half-truths always lead to 100 percent lies.
And that's where the calories in and calories out paradigm is. It's a half-truth.
Most people will tell you if you eat less and exercise more you'll lose weight.
That's a half-truth. You won't sustain it. There's the full lie. Then the thing
they don't tell you is that you're going to get fatter if you keep doing that.

I decided to do it a little bit differently. I can eat more and I exercise less but I
do it by utilizing some of the physical principles that you and I have just
discussed in the last hour. And on the surface when you first hear this, it
sounds very counterintuitive, but, guess what? Q u a n t u m physics is
counterintuitive. That's the whole point. You need to realize, that's the
alphabet that nature works by.

And you do need to know more about frequencies. You do need to know more
about exclusion zones in water. You do need to know about blue light more
than you need to know about carbohydrates, fats, and oils.

You know, that's the inconvenient truth. I mean, I wish I could make it, you
know, easier for people to understand, but this is what I'd say, Rudy. This is
probably from my heart when I say this. No masterpiece was ever created by a
lazy artist. And we're all living and dying prematurely in these interesting times
because we've changed our s u n . And our su n is no longer the s u n we have
evolved with. And we need to realize this.
B ut in each one of my patients, each time I do a Podcast, each time I talk to
another physician about these issues, I always think about caterpillars. You
know, a caterpillar currently thinks their world is ending. B ut magically,
under the power of light, water, and magnetism she turns into a butterfly.

And I see metamorphosis potential in every person I talk to and every patient I
see because I really understand that you only have an obligation to yourself.
You can only change yourself. And you can only change yourself based on
nature's laws. And you can't let other people tell you fundamentally who you
really are. You have to decide that completely for yourself.

When you start to hear about science, that makes a lot more sense than the
crap that we've been told. That's why I always tell people that health
improvements, transformations always begin with I and never begin with we.
When you follow the crowd, you are going to get their result. You're going to get
mediocre. And this makes me a lightening rod, you know, in the paleo and
ancestral health community. B u t , see, I don't raise my voice with them. I just
improve the argument. I bring the argument to them because I'm giving you
fundamental science.

Rudy: Well, I'm speechless. You've loaded u s with information that is

actionable and completely flips the paradigm around from yes the calories in
and calories out, but I think that's already on it's way out to, you know, even
for me with a functional medicine background in speaking with you I'm
realizing how even that is downstream from some of the--

Dr. Kruse: Absolutely. I'm so glad you said that because you know what?
Rudy, here's the thing you are going to find about me. I'm passionate about
the truth. I'm not looking to take my profession down, your profession down.
What I'm looking to do is elevate our game.

You know why? I know that Rudy wants to know the truth, too. I know that all
functional medicine doctors and all allopathic doctors do. B u t here is the really
dangerous thing about what I'm saying. I know that I'm right. And the
reason I know that I'm right that everything I believe is based on nature's laws.
The problem is the way we all make money is counterintuitive and actually
contra to many of these things. And that's when you have to be careful
because when you point out that these things are very destructive
economically to the systems that are built, that's when they come after you.
And that's part of the reason why I think that we have a duty to teach people.

That's why these podcasts for me are really important because what I said
before, health improvements will always begin with I, not with we. Because we
is determined by the paradigm. The paradigm is wrong. And the paradigm is
wrong across the board. It's wrong in allopathic medicine. It's wrong in
chiropractic medicine. It's wrong in functional medicine because all of u s are
dealing in half-truths. And the quicker we all realize that, the better we all

And my personal belief, and this is why my blog and why my site is structured
the way it is, I do not want them to get in the paradigm of we, because we is a
problem. I think we can be better once we start to use quantum principles.
Once biophysics is the paradigm of the day, I'm going to feel a little bit more at
ease with using we. I think that we have to take every single patient that
comes into our practice and we need to apply their environment.

I have a saying that I think you'll appreciate. You can never get well in the same
environment that you got sick in. And that never gets told to patients. So if
you're going to treat somebody and they are still living their indoor life on the
computer, on the cell phone 24-7, there is absolutely no way you will fix their
adrenal fatigue. And to say different is absolutely, in my opinion, malpractice.

Rudy: It's not addressing the foundation that we talked about, the number
one thing being light.

Dr. Kruse: I want people to understand how it really works. I want to give
people the knowledge that's out there and connect the dots. I want them to
understand the dots between light, water and magnetism. And then I want
them to think about their own environment and really what they're doing
through their decisions, desires, wants and needs and help them inactivate
their own solution. Because I believe that mother nature put the prescription
for wellness in u s . It's our job through our life to find it.

Rudy: What would you recommend somebody hearing about this for the first
time? Do you have anything new coming down the pipeline you think people
should check out to get more information on this?

Dr. Kruse: I think one of the things that would be interesting for someone to
take a look at right after this Podcast, maybe to go to our other website. Me
and one of my friends who is an ex- GE light engineer came up with a device
called the Quantlet. You can go to the website called the Quantlet.com. We
have some videos. We also have a lot of webinars that we have done on light,
water, and magnetism.

Ou r device is the first wearable surface device that can actually deliver several
frequencies of light that we're missing through our alien su n environment
directly into our radial artery through another radiator.

You know, we talked about a couple radiators in this podcast. One being the
RPD of the eye. And the other being the superior cervical ganglion. B u t there's
another one. And that other one is at the radial artery. And there is some very
interesting research that was done 10 years ago at Stanford University. And
some of your listeners or readers may be interested in this.

They use a vacuum device, basically, over the hand. It looks like a giant
baseball mitt or a high line mitt. And they use a vacuum device to actually
improve athletic performance utilizing cold delivered through the radial artery.

Well, Rubin and I came up with the idea of using cold and two specific
frequencies of light to actually extend it. And we had got rid of the vacuum.
And the reason why we got rid of the vacuum, this will show you just how
smart guys at Stanford don't really understand the literature. You don't need a
vacuum when you understand that U V and IR light when they are together
increase nitric-oxide release through the skin, and that vasodilates by itself to
absorb more cold and more light. You don't need a vac uum.

And we figured out, pretty quickly, that the device could be made so that you
could wear it while you were performing or while you were sleeping or while
you were traveling on a plane. And we found the device can actually improve
performance across a lot of different waves because what does the device
fundamentally do? It improves your quantum yield for light. In other words, it
increases your photosynthetic side of your mammalian battery.

Rudy: It charges you.

Dr. Kruse: You got it. It charges you with the two frequencies of light that we
are missing in our modern world.

Rudy: Purple and red.

Dr. Kruse: It uses cold to drive the process. Why? Because cold increases the
amount of light that can be stored in blood plasma. And for those of your
listeners who don't know, you will probably learn this when you read Pollack's
book, but cold increases the amount of electrons in water. And it turns out
that blood is 93 percent water. So once you understand this, you can start to
see how these pieces start to fit together.

And I think when people understand the fundamentals of what we talked

about, you know, in this hour, you want to see where a device can be made
that really is going to help a lot of people. I'd say go look at the Quantlet to see
the end result.

If you want to see how I went from Michelangelo statue to that device, then I
think the best place is probably to read my book on Amazon. It's called the
Epi-Paleo Prescription or come to my forum at jackkruse.com. I have a member
form. You can sign up as a free member or as a bronze member. And we have
different levels for different people.

If you are a practitioner, health practitioner or functional medicine doctor, any

person who holds a degree, we have a platinum level membership where you
actually get increased -- you get a lot more data, let's put it that way. You get a
lot more clinical data of things that I do in my practice.

And for those of you who are clinicians or interested in this, I just had two docs
actually come down and follow me in my clinic in the Gulf Sout h, and they
wrote blogs about the experience. And I think for any clinician, I think, it
would be interesting for you to read those.

One of the blogs, was called the Guest Blog 1. It was written by a guy named
Clayton Bostock who is a naturopathic doctor from Vancouver. He is a
functional medicine doc, very young in his career, just finished school. I think
his insights would be interesting to read.

And then I have an allopathic doctor. He is an E R physician who spent a week

with me. His name is Rob Hamilton and wrote Guest Blog 2. And I think if you
read their perspectives on watching me do what I do, you know, seeing how I
implement the things that you and I talked about today, it's not as hard as
people think.

Rudy: I read both of them recently. They were both great, yeah.

Dr. Kruse: I think that would be a great place to start. I think when you come
to my forum, if you put down on the forum, “Hey, this is my first time here.
These are what my issues are,” then I can direct you to the blogs that will help
you. You know, if you go to my blog right now, I will probably blow your mind.

Rudy: You become overwhelmed pretty quickly.

Dr. Kruse: Yeah, you get overwhelmed because you don't know where to
start. B ut you have to realize that's what physics is about. I'm basically
teaching people everything I learned 10 years ago, because once you
understand the why, then you can fix I.

Rudy: Dr. Kruse, I appreciate your expertise, your willingness to share, all of
the information that you did today. This interview was very eye opening for
me, and I'm sure for many of the listeners. So thank you.

Dr. Kruse: No problem. Thanks for having me.

Rudy: I'm so thankful and appreciative for all of you to take the time out of
your busy day to listen to this life changing and lifesaving information.

Now that you understand some of the foundational points that Dr. Kruse is
talking about, our battery being charged by light and more, I encourage you to
take these lessons learned and begin now. Start thinking about what types of
light are you exposed to throughout the day. When would be the best time to be
exposed to a sole spectrum light?

I know that I'm going to have to listen to this information again.

Dr. Kruse provided u s with some many different tools and take-away
information. So I highly encourage you to take the lessons that you've learned
in this interview, what you remember, and begin now.

And add more tools to your hero tool belt by bringing this information home
with you. Click the link beside or below and purchase this interview along
with the project and share it with your friends. Share it with your loved ones so
that we all can get this information so that we all can reach our full h u m a n

This is your host, Dr. Rudy Mueller, saying live happy, live healthy and affect
others positively.

Thank you for listening.

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