Bigbasket Case Study: To Localise or Not To Localise ?
Bigbasket Case Study: To Localise or Not To Localise ?
Bigbasket Case Study: To Localise or Not To Localise ?
Diksha R Srivastava
The problem What is Localisation?
Localisation is the process of adapting a
A competitive analysis report comes to product or service to a particular language,
the CEO of bb stating that localisation culture, market, and desired local look-and-
is one of the most critical areas where feel. Localization encompasses the entire
bigbasket lacks and hence is missing product including software, help files,
out on penetration. The CEO requests documentation, packaging and marketing
the PM (you) to work on this problem
and figure out whether bb should invest Need
in localisation and if yes, get started on
the project. The goal is to provide a product with the look
and feel of having been created for the target
market in an effort to eliminate or minimize
local sensitivities.
Ref -
Market Study ● 28 states and 8 UTs
What does Localisation imply in
Indian Context?
Country Profile ● 22 major languages and 19,500
● 390 million users accessed the ● Language translation
internet via their mobile phones ● Adapting to local color sensitivities
● Each state or region has its unique
cultural identity which asserts the through graphics
need for localisation ● Addressing local regulations
Almost 600 million Indians only use their mobile Major platforms like Amazon supports
phones to make phone calls because they feel globalisation and 50+ languages on
there are not enough apps in their mother tongue the app. Amazon is considered a
competitor as it has ventured into
Ability to obtain information in consumer’s own grocery delivery as well
language is more important This is also an opportunity to
differentiate with home competitors
Very few mobile apps are catering to localisation like grofers , swiggy instamart ,
and miss out on penetration opportunities freshtohome
Feature-Market Fit | Validation Study
Prerequisite Smartphone penetration = 60 %
BB penetration = 12%
Gap in penetration = 48%
The prerequisites for BigBasket to operate in any state/City at the consumer
level is the internet connectivity and smartphone penetration
1. For each state in India , (28 states) , determine the difference between
smartphone and internet penetration and BB penetration
Gap = [Smartphone penetration in the state ] - [BB penetration in the state] = xx%
Thank You
Diksha R Srivastava
[email protected]