Low-Code Application Platforms: Making The Right Choice May Not Be As Obvious As It Seems

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Digital Transformation Specialists

Low-code application platforms

Making the right choice may not be as obvious as it seems
What is bespoke software?
Bespoke - made for a particular customer or user. [Oxford online
Bespoke software is developed for a specific reason. As such, it can be
contrasted with the use of software packages developed for the mass
market, such as commercial off-the-shelf software, or existing free
software [Wikipedia.com].
Bespoke software is custom or tailor-made software. The value of
bespoke software over off-the-shelf software is that it can be designed
specifically for key business or legislative objectives. [Techopedia.com]
Bespoke is a term used in the United Kingdom and elsewhere for an
individually - or custom-made product or service. Traditionally applied to
custom-tailored clothing, the term has been extended to information
technology, especially for software consulting services.
Custom software development is the process of designing, creating,
deploying and maintaining software for a specific set of users, functions
or organisations. In contrast to commercial off-the-shelf software
(COTS), custom software development aims at a narrowly defined set of
requirements. [IBM]
Bespoke systems are tailored to the exact requirements of a company.
They can be built to accommodate business growth or downsizing. They
are generally designed with the long term IT plans of a company in mind.
[Chartered Institute for IT]

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What is low-code?
Low-code application platforms accelerate app delivery by dramatically
reducing the amount of hand-coding required. Faster delivery is the
primary benefit of these application platforms; they also help firms
respond more quickly to customer feedback after initial software
releases. [Forrester]
Low-code is a visual development approach to application development.
Low-code enables developers of varied experience levels to create
applications for web and mobile, using drag-and-drop components and
model driven logic through a graphical user interface. [Mendix]
Low-code is a way to design and develop software applications fast and
with minimal hand-coding. It enables skilled people to deliver value more
quickly and more reliably. Using visual modeling in a graphical interface
to assemble and configure applications. [outsystems]
A low-code application platform (LCAP) is an application platform that
supports rapid application development, one-step deployment, execution
and management using declarative, high-level programming
abstractions, such as model-driven and metadata-based programming
languages. They support the development of user interfaces, business
logic and data services, and improve productivity at the expense of
portability across vendors, as compared with conventional application
platforms. [Gartner]

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How does it all fit together? The differences between no-
code and low-code platforms
are converging over time.

Robust governance & workflow
capabilities are essential as
these platforms continue to
replace the need for manual

Lower level languages may

continue to satisfy
requirements in terms of
especially high performance or
high complexity needs.
The diagram shows how COTS, no-code, low-code and manual coding complement
each other in terms of their general capabilities. The users, citizen developers &
professional coders, is not as clear cut as the diagram suggests. The nature of the AI will play an increasing role in
business challenges they are addressing will determine who does what. helping to accelerate the
Enterprise grade application are being built using low-code platforms. For this nature of
capabilities of no-code & low-
application, good design, governance & working practices are essential. code platforms.

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Low-code or manual programming
 It shouldn’t have to be an either/or decision. In a complex
application landscape, there may be many tools and technologies,
working together, to provide business benefits.
 Where there are mature and efficient development practices, it’s
important to balance investment against return against risk.
 For new, or less mature development environments, low-code may
provide a significantly streamlined process.
 For real-time, high performing systems, manual coding may
provide a more efficient approach. Low-code is often a good
choice for legacy re-engineering.
 Selecting a low-code platform for core functionality may be
appropriate. Custom code can be added for performance critical,
and highly complex requirements.
 Webhooks and API support simplify integration between systems -
regardless of the technologies they utilise.
 Low-code platforms can be extended with hand-crafted code.
Java, .NET and many other languages are supported.

Of course, different platforms and technologies require people with

different skillsets and experiences to manage them. Consolidation
may happen over time but not immediately.

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Low-code and no-code
 Low-code and no-code have similar capabilities and goals. Both
use visual modelers and templates to automate processes without
(ideally) writing any code. The difference is becoming more to do
with who the users are.
 No-code is generally the domain of citizen developers building
simple and more limited applications. Ideally without coding.
 Low-code focuses on professional developers creating enterprise
class applications. Ideally without coding.
 Both of these approaches are supported by a number of related
 If this trend continues, it is likely that the distinction between low-
code & no-code will disappear.
 This means less enterprise development and bespoke coders.
Ironically, coders will still have a role to play in creating the low-
code platforms and thereby accelerating the need for manual

The possible resistance of IT departments should be considered

when adopting low-code & no-code platforms. Whilst the future is
uncertain, the need for professional development expertise will be
around for a long time to come.

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Gartner magic quadrant and Forrester Wave for low-code

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What are the analysts
 By 2024, three quarters of large enterprises will be using at
least four low-code development tools for both IT application
development and citizen development initiatives. [Gartner]
 By 2024, low-code application development will be
responsible for more than 65% of all application
development activity. [Gartner]
 By 2020, at least 50 percent of all new business applications
will be created with high-productivity toolsets, such as low-
code and no-code application development platforms.
 The global Low-Code Development Platform Market is Set to
Reach USD 53.0 billion by 2024, Observing a CAGR of
80.0% during 2019–2024. [VynZ Research]
 Through 2021, market demand for app development will
grow at least five times faster than the IT capacity to deliver
it. [Gartner]

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Potential low code benefits
 Low-code platforms may significantly speed up software
development. Leading to faster ROI and increased productivity.
 Low-code platforms can be self-documenting. They provide a
graphical representation of the processes they are performing.
This can substantially reduce the need for external
 Low code reduces testing. Templates and components are pre-
tested and used by many companies, in many scenarios.
 Tooling includes visual modelers, pre-built modules and
templates typically supported by drag and drop environments.
 One click application delivery. Simplified and accelerated
 Support for several third-generation languages for
customisation beyond a platform’s existing capabilities.
 Ability for citizen developers to create (simple) applications
without coding. But be mindful: low-code does not always
mean ‘fit for non-technical’ users.
 Built in governance controls for IT to protect an organisation's
data, processes and operational integrity.
 A high level of platform independence across mobile, web and
desktop applications.
Please note that some low code platforms will not
include all the benefits or drawbacks listed in this slide
and the next. © 2019 Objectivity Ltd
Potential low code drawbacks
 Vendor lock-in may present significant problems depending
on your situation. Portability across platforms can be difficult
or impossible without a full rewrite.
 Pricing models can be complex and opaque. None of the
vendors in the Forrester Wave scored highly in this regard.
 Visual components and model driven logic trade ease of
use and speed of development. This may currently be less
flexible than code-based platforms although the gap is
closing as low-code platforms evolve.
 Technical knowledge is still required to some degree. The
happy path may be easier but when things go wrong, fixing
them often requires an experienced programmer.
 Professional developers may be harder to find for work on
low-code platforms – often preferring to use different
 Platform selection is likely to be more critical than with high
code platforms. Consider your needs carefully and hope
that your chosen platform handles your future needs. This is
especially important due to vendor lock-in.
 Low-code may promote shadow IT without effective
governance and support from your IT team. However, the
risks can be reduced and managed if they are consolidated
Please note that some low code platforms will not to a single platform.
include all the benefits or drawbacks listed in this slide
and the next. © 2019 Objectivity Ltd
Selecting the right development platform
• Your business goals & related • Mobile support Selecting the right tool stack for
your development needs is

• The people at your disposal, the

The need for a cloud based platform.

The level of customisation and integration

especially important with low-code
experience and KSAs. Should the
that is possible. There are many factors to
platform(s) cater for professional coders,
• Vendor & community support.
consider. Their relative importance
citizen developers or both?
depends heavily on what you
• The level of cross platform support you • Security and the level of control & visibility already have and what you are
need. the platform provides. trying to achieve.

• The ability to extend capabilities with multi-• Availability and the need to scale (both up Initially, making a plan of what
language support for manual coding. and down). matters most will help you to
select the right tools and design
• The ability to port automated workflows to • The support for source, control, versioning effective working processes.
other platforms. Is vendor lock-in an and automated deployment.
issue? The list provided here is not
• Appropriate pricing models and how affect
exhaustive but it contains some
• The level of UI & UX generated from your you both now and for projected growth
key points for consideration.
chosen platforms. scenarios.

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How can we help?
In any organisation, there will be unique challenges to
address. Where tailored, digital solutions are
necessary, selecting the right tools, platforms and
approaches will make a significant difference to your
Objectivity has leveraged technology to deliver
business value for almost 30 years. We understand
the importance of well-designed, high-quality software.
We know how to integrate different systems that
contain a multitude of technologies and data
By working together, we will learn what your key
requirements and constraints are. We can then help
you to find the right tools, expertise and process to
address your own unique business needs.
Because when it comes to delivering valuable, digital
services – HOW you do things is just as important as
WHAT you are doing.

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Doing the right thing
While technology continues to advance at an
astonishing rate – the focus must remain on business
outcomes. Preparation, platform evaluation, success
criteria and well-defined goals are just as important as

The tools for development are changing but many of

the implementation processes and practices will
continue to add value and reduce risks.

Thank you! These are disciplies that we have used and continually
improved upon for almost 30 years.

Matthew Weaver
Consultancy Director

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +44 (0)781 552 0068


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© 2019 Objectivity Ltd
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