Report (Planning)

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What is planning ?

Planning is a determination to achieve desired goals. It is a

systematic about ways and necessary to ensure proper
utilization of human and non-human resources.

A Plan which is the output of Planning, provides a

methodical way of achieving desired results.
Goal-oriented Approach

The features of planning can put to be a goal oriented approach

because it is directly related with goals of organization because
within the organization because within the organization all the
various activities are done with a view to attain the primary
goals of organization.
Choice Making Activity

Planning provides a large number of alternative courses to an

organization to do various activities in the most appropriate
manner. Planning provides these alternatives to organization to
perform its various actions in the most proper way.
Primary Function

Feature of planning refers to primary function because planning

is the first task of management. All functions of management
such as Organizing, Motivating, Leading, Staffing, Directing &
Controlling are done after completing the planning.
Planning is a Dynamic Process

Planning can be treated as a dynamic process because it is

affected if any changes are made in Internal & External
environment of organization such as if the goals of the
organization will change then it also affects the plans of

 Planning provides directions

Planning ensures that the goals or objectives are clearly stated so

that they act as a guide for deciding what action should be taken
and In which direction.
 Planning promotes innovative ideas

Since Planning is the first function of management. New Ideas

can take the shape of concrete plans. It is the most challenging
activity for the management as it guides all future actions
leading to growth and prosperity of the business project.
 Planning Facilitates decision-making

Planning helps the manager to look into the future and make a
choice from amongst various alternative courses of action. The
manager has to evaluate each alternative and select the most
viable proposition. Planning involves setting targets and
predicting future conditions, thus helping in taking rational
 Planning establishes standards for Controlling

The entire managerial process is concerned with accomplishing

pre-determined goals through planning, organizing, motivating,
leading, staffing, directing & controlling. If there were no goals &
standards, the finding deviations which are part of controlling
would not be possible. The nature of Corrective action required
depends upon the extent of deviations from the Standard.
Therefore planning provides the Basis of Control.
 Planning reduces overlapping & wasteful activities

Planning serve as the basis of coordinating. The activities &

efforts of different Divisions, Departments & Individuals. It
helps in avoiding confusion and misunderstanding. Planning
ensures clarity in thought and action. Work is carried on
smoothly without interruptions.
Strategic Planning

The term strategic planning refers to the process of determining

the major goals of the organization and the policies and strategies
for obtaining and using resources to achieve those goals.
Intermediate Planning

Intermediate Planning refers to “the process of determining the

contributions that subunits can make with allocated resources.
Under Intermediate Planning, the goals of a subunit are
determined and a plan is prepared to provide a guide to the
realization of the goals.
Operational Planning

The term Operational Planning refers “to the process of

determining how specific tasks can best be accomplished on time
with available resources.
Functional Area Plans

Marketing Plan

This is the written document or blueprint implementing and

controlling an organization’s marketing activities related to a
particular marketing strategy.
Production Plan

This is a written document that states the quantity of output a

company must produce in broad terms and by product family.
Financial Plan

It is a document that summarizes the current financial situation of

the firm, analyzes financial needs.
Human Resource Management Plan

It is a document that indicates the human resource needs of a

company detailed in terms of quantity and quality and based on
the requirements of the company’s strategic plan.
Plans with time horizon
Short-range Plans

These are plans intended to cover a period of less than one year.
Long-range Plans

These are plans covering a time span of more than one year.
Making Planning Effective
 Support from the Top of management

The concept of Planning must be started at the top levels of the

organization. Planning cannot be initiated until and unless the
top of managements support the concept of the projects and
provides continuous attention.
 Proper Communication

Nothing can be possible in the organization until and unless

there is a proper and a well developed communication network
hence goals, premises & policies must be properly
communicated to people.
 Establishing Objectives

Establishing specific objectives is involves in determining goals

& objectives for enterprise as a whole and then for each
subordinate tier and unit.
Recognize the planning barriers :

I. Manager’s inability to plan

II. Improper planning process
III. Lack of commitment to the planning process
IV.Improper Information
V. Too much reliance on the planning Department

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