In-Pre-Post Fix Expressions

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• A tree t is a finite nonempty set of elements.

• One of these elements is called the root.
• The remaining elements, if any, are
partitioned into trees, which are called the
subtrees of t.
Binary Tree

• Finite (possibly empty) collection of elements.

• A nonempty binary tree has a root element.
• The remaining elements (if any) are partitioned
into two binary trees.
• These are called the left and right subtrees of
the binary tree.
Differences Between A Tree & A Binary Tree

• No node in a binary tree may have a degree

more than 2, whereas there is no limit on
the degree of a node in a tree.
• A binary tree may be empty; a tree cannot
be empty.
Differences Between A Tree & A Binary Tree

• The subtrees of a binary tree are ordered;

those of a tree are not ordered.

a a

b b

• Are different when viewed as binary trees.

• Are the same when viewed as trees.
Arithmetic Expressions

• (a + b) * (c + d) + e – f/g*h + 3.25
• Expressions comprise three kinds of entities.
 Operators (+, -, /, *).
 Operands (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, 3.25, (a + b), (c + d),
 Delimiters ((, )).
Operator Degree

• Number of operands that the operator requires.

• Binary operator requires two operands.
 a+b
 c/d
 e-f
• Unary operator requires one operand.
 +g
 -h
Infix Form

• Normal way to write an expression.

• Binary operators come in between their left and
right operands.
 a*b
 a+b*c
 a*b/c
 (a + b) * (c + d) + e – f/g*h + 3.25
Operator Priorities

• How do you figure out the operands of an

 a+b*c
 a*b+c/d
• This is done by assigning operator priorities.
 priority(*) = priority(/) > priority(+) = priority(-)
• When an operand lies between two operators,
the operand associates with the operator that
has higher priority.
Tie Breaker

• When an operand lies between two operators

that have the same priority, the operand
associates with the operator on the left.
 a+b-c
 a*b/c/d

• Subexpression within delimiters is treated

as a single operand, independent from the
remainder of the expression.
 (a + b) * (c – d) / (e – f)
Infix Expression Is Hard To Parse

• Need operator priorities, tie breaker, and

• This makes computer evaluation more
difficult than is necessary.
• Postfix and prefix expression forms do not
rely on operator priorities, a tie breaker, or
• So it is easier for a computer to evaluate
expressions that are in these forms.
Postfix Form
• The postfix form of a variable or constant is
the same as its infix form.
 a, b, 3.25
• The relative order of operands is the same
in infix and postfix forms.
• Operators come immediately after the
postfix form of their operands.
 Infix = a + b
 Postfix = ab+
Postfix Examples
• Infix = a + b * c
 Postfix = a b c * +

• Infix = a * b + c
 Postfix = a b * c +

• Infix = (a + b) * (c – d) / (e + f)
 Postfix = a b + c d - * e f + /
Unary Operators

• Replace with new symbols.

 + a => a @
 + a + b => a @ b +
 - a => a ?
 - a-b => a ? b -
Operators Priorities(high to low)
Operator Priority
Unary minus,!(logical not) 1
^ or $ (exponent) 2
*, / , % 3
+, - 4
<,<=,>=,> 5
==,!= 6
&& 7
|| 8
INFIX to POSTFIX conversion
1. Fully Paranthesize the expression according
to the order of precedence of operators
2. Move all the operators so that they replace
the corresponding right parantheces
3. Replace unary operator with any symbol
@,? etc. to differentiate it from binary
4. Delete all the parantheses

•Fully Paranthecize the expression
In order of precedence of operators

Post fix: AB/C-DE*+AC*-

• Move Operators
replacing the
corresponding right
•Remove all parantheses
• Post Fix : AB/C-DE*AC*-+
INFIX to PREFIX conversion
1. Fully Paranthecize the expression
according to the order of precedence of
2. Move all the operators so that they replace
the corresponding left parantheses
3. Replace unary operator with any symbol
@,? etc. to differentiate it from binary
4. Delete all the parantheces

•Fully Paranthecize the expression
In order of precedence of operators


• Move Operators
replacing the
crresponding left

•Remove all Parantheses
Pre Fix expression: +-/ABC-*DE*AC
1. A*B*C
2. -A+B-C+D
3. A*-B+C
4. (A+B)*D+E/(F+A*D)+C
5. A&&B||C||!(E>F)
6. !(A&&!((B<C)||(C>D)))||(C<E)
Steps for Converting infix expression to
postfix form
Assume array ‘a’ contains the infix
expression and array ‘b’ is for the postfix
expression and initially stack is empty
•Scan the infix array ‘a’ , for each char a[i]
•If a[i] is ‘(‘ push it on to the stack
•If a[i] is operand , write it into b[j]
•If a[i] is operator , compare its priority with
the priority of operator on stack top.
oIf priority of a[i] is greater push a[i] on to
the stack
Steps for Converting infix expression to
postfix form…
o Otherwise delete each operator from the stack and
write in b[j] until we get an operator whose
priority is less than or equal to that of a[i],
then Push a[i] onto stack
• If a[i] is ‘)’ delete each operator from stack and
write in b[j] until we encounter a
‘(‘ on stack top
Delete ‘(‘ from stack but don’t write in b[j]
• If a[i]=‘\0’(end of array ‘a’) then delete each
operator fromstack and write in b[j] until stack
becomes empty
• Append a ‘\0’ at end of array b
Steps for Converting infix expression to
prefix form
Assume array ‘a’ contains the REVERSED
infix expression and array ‘b’ is for the prefix
expression and initially stack is empty
•Scan the infix array ‘a’ , for each char a[i]
•If a[i] is ‘)‘ push it on to the stack
•If a[i] is operand , write it into b[j]
•If a[i] is operator , compare its priority with
the priority of operator on stack top.
oIf priority of a[i] is greater or equal to the
operator on the top of the stack push a[i] on to
the stack
Steps for Converting infix expression to
prefix form…
o Otherwise delete each operator from the
stack and write in b[j] until we get an
operator on stack top whose priority is less
than that of a[i]
• If a[i] is ‘(’ delete each operator from stack
and write in b[j] until we encounter a
‘)‘ on stack top
Delete ‘)‘ from stack but don’t write in b[j]
• If a[i]=‘\0’(end of array ‘a’) then delete
each operator fromstack and write in b[j]
until stack becomes empty
Steps for Converting infix expression to
prefix form…
• Append a ‘\0’ at end of array b
• Finally REVERSE array ‘b’ to get the
prefix expression

Example: Left as Exercise

Postfix Evaluation

• Scan postfix expression from left to right

pushing operands on to a stack.
• When an operator is encountered, pop as
many operands as this operator needs;
evaluate the operator; push the result on to
the stack.
• This works because, in postfix, operators
come immediately after their operands.
Postfix Evaluation

• (a + b) * (c – d) / (e + f)
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
Postfix Evaluation

• (a + b) * (c – d) / (e + f)
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/ d
• ab+cd-*ef+/ c
• ab+cd-*ef+/ (a + b)
• ab+cd-*ef+/ stack
Postfix Evaluation

• (a + b) * (c – d) / (e + f)
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/

(c – d)
(a + b)
Postfix Evaluation

• (a + b) * (c – d) / (e + f)
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/ f
• ab+cd-*ef+/ e
(a + b)*(c – d)
Postfix Evaluation

• (a + b) * (c – d) / (e + f)
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/
• ab+cd-*ef+/ (e + f)
• ab+cd-*ef+/ (a + b)*(c – d)
Prefix Form
• The prefix form of a variable or constant is
the same as its infix form.
 a, b, 3.25
• The relative order of operands is the same in
infix and prefix forms.
• Operators come immediately before the
prefix form of their operands.
 Infix = a + b
 Postfix = ab+
 Prefix = +ab

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