Lecture 17 Stack Polish Notations II

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Muhammad Shuaib Qureshi

Stack: Polish Notations-II
Polish Notations
 Operator Precedence
▪ Following are the precedence of each operator from highest to
Infix: A * (B + C) – D / E
Algorithmic Steps for Infix to Postfix Postfix:

1) Examine the next element in the input.

2) If it is operand, output it.
3) If it is opening parenthesis, push it on stack.
4) If it is an operator, then
i) If stack is empty, push operator on stack.
ii) If the top of stack is opening parenthesis, push operator on stack
iii) If it has higher priority than the top of stack, push operator on stack.
iv) Else pop the operator from the stack and output it, push scanned
character, and repeat step 4.
5) If it is a closing parenthesis, pop operators from stack and output them until
an opening parenthesis is encountered. pop and discard the opening
6) If there is more input go to step-1
7) If there is no more input, pop the remaining operators to output.
Infix to Postfix


▪ stack: <empty>
▪ output: []
Infix to Postfix
( (A+ B ) * ( C- E ) ) /( F + G) )

▪ stack: (
▪ output: []
Infix to Postfix

▪ stack: ( (
▪ output: []
Infix to Postfix

▪ stack: ( ( (
▪ output: []
Infix to Postfix

▪ stack: ( ( (
▪ output: [A]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( ( ( +
 output: [A]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( ( ( +
 output: [A B]
Infix to Postfix

▪ stack: ( (
▪ output: [A B + ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( ( *
 output: [A B + ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( ( * (
 output: [A B + ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( ( * (
 output: [A B + C ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( ( * ( -
 output: [A B + C ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( ( * ( -
 output: [A B + C E ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( ( *
 output: [A B + C E - ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: (
 output: [A B + C E - * ]
Infix to Postfix

▪ stack: ( /
▪ output: [A B + C E - * ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( / (
 output: [A B + C E - * ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( / (
 output: [A B + C E - * F ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: ( / ( +
 output: [A B + C E - * F ]
Infix to Postfix

▪ stack: ( / ( +
▪ output: [A B + C E - * F G ]
Infix to Postfix

▪ stack: ( /
▪ output: [A B + C E - * F G + ]
Infix to Postfix

 stack: <empty>
 output: [A B + C E - * F G + / ]
❖ Infix to Postfix Example
❖ Infix String: ( a + b ) * ( c + d )

Scanned Character Content of Stack Postfix String

Empty Empty Empty
Infix to Postfix Example
❖ Infix String: ( a + b ) * ( c + d )

Scanned Character Content of Stack Postfix String

Empty Empty Empty
( ( Empty
a ( a
+ (+ a
b (+ ab
) Empty ab+
* * ab+
( *( ab+
c *( ab+c
+ *(+ ab+c
d *(+ ab+cd
) * ab+cd+
Empty ab+cd+*
Infix to Postfix Example
❖ Infix String: ( A * B - ( C + D ) + E )

Scanned Character Content of Stack Postfix String

Empty Empty Empty
A Empty A
* * A
B * AB
- - AB *
( -( AB *
C -( AB * C
+ -(+ AB * C
D -(+ AB * CD
) - AB * CD +
+ + AB * CD + -
E + AB * CD + - E
Empty AB * CD + - E +
Infix to Postfix Example
❖ Infix String: ( A + B * C – D / E * H)

Scanned Character Content of Stack Postfix String

Empty Empty Empty

A Empty A
+ + A
B + AB
* +* AB
C +* ABC
- - ABC*+
D - ABC*+D
/ -/ ABC*+D
E -/ ABC*+DE
* -* ABC*+DE/
H -* ABC*+DE/H
Activity: Infix to Postfix
i. A/( B-C)* D + E
ii. M + N * P – Q /R*S
iii. A – (B + C * D) / E
Evaluation of Postfix Expressions
Evaluation of postfix expressions (Without Stack)

1. Scan the expression from left to right.

2. Each time an operator is encountered, apply it to the

two operands that immediately before the operator.

3. Replace the operands and the operator with the result.

4. Continue scanning the expression to the right.

Example: postfix expressions Evaluation (without Stack)


i. Scan the expression from left to right.

ii. Each time an operator is encountered, apply it to the two operands that
immediately before the operator.
iii.Replace the operands and the operator with the result.
iv. Continue scanning the expression to the right.
Algorithm to evaluate postfix expressions (with Stack)

1. Initialize an empty stack.

2. For each element in postfix expression, do
i. If operand is encountered, push it on stack
ii. else If operator is encountered, pop two elements
A → top element
B → Next to top element
iii. result = B operator A
Push result onto stack
3. return element of stack top
Evaluate postfix expressions
Evaluating Postfix Expression
▪ Example: Consider the postfix expression, 2 10 + 9 6 - /, which is (2 + 10)
/ (9 - 6) in infix, the result of which is 12 / 3 = 4.

▪ The following is a trace of the postfix evaluation algorithm for the postfix
Evaluating postfix expressions (Using Open Stack)
Evaluating postfix expressions (Using Open Stack)
Infix to Prefix Conversion
Polish Notations
▪ The way to write arithmetic expression is known as polish notation
▪ There are basically three types of polish notation:
√ Infix: When the operator is written between two operands then it
is known as Infix notation.
❖ For example, A+B
√ Postfix: When the operator is written after their operands then it
is known as Postfix notation.
❖ For example, AB+
√ Prefix: When the operator is written before their operands then it
is known as Prefix notation.
❖ For example, +AB
Infix to prefix conversion
▪ Expression = (A+B) * C – D + F

✓ Step 1. Reverse the infix expression.

✓ Step 2. Make Every '(' as ')' and every ')' as '(‘
✓ Step 3. Convert expression to postfix form.
FD + CBA + * -
✓ Step 4. Reverse the expression.
- * + ABC+DF
▪ Result:
(Next Class)

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