Witch-Hunting: Alive and Kicking: The Legacy of Violence Against Women
Witch-Hunting: Alive and Kicking: The Legacy of Violence Against Women
Witch-Hunting: Alive and Kicking: The Legacy of Violence Against Women
Jharkhand 52 50 29 26 26 19 26 21
Chhattisgarh 15 8 10 9 11 9 4 14
Orissa 23 28 36 25 22 26 39 30
Andhra Pradesh 23 33 26 75 24 37 23 20
West Bengal 4 0 1 5 8 9 14 13
Madhya 17 14 13 13 14 26 24 13
Superstition not he only reason
Other reasons.
• Rob women of her property.
• Easy way to break a strong woman to call her
witch and punish her.
• Helps to preserve caste
structures(chastisement reserved for
individual woman applies to entire caste).
The Specialists in this diagnosis
• Ojahas or witch doctors
Toothless laws/bills/acts
• Bihar – The prevention of witch practices Act
• Jharkhand – Anti witch craft act.2001.
• Chhattisgarh – Tonhi Pratarna Bill 2005.
(Prevention of Atrocities on women in the
name of Tonhi)
• Rajasthan – Anti witch craft Bill. 2006.
Section 3: Identification of witch
• Whoever identifies any person as
Witch(Daain) and does any act towards
identification either by words, actions, or
manner shall be punished with imprisonment
for a term which may extend to 3 months or
with fine of Rs.1000 or both.
Section 4 : Damages/Causing harm
• Any person who causes any kind of physical or
mental torture to any person by identifying
her as witch whether deliberately or
otherwise shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term of 6 months or a fine
of Rs.2000. or both.
Section ; 6 Witch curing
• Whoever does any act of so healing allegedly
or purportedly and of curing any woman said
to be witch by doing any kind of ‘jhadphook’
and thereby causing any type of physical or
mental harm or torture shall be punished with
imprisonment of 1 year with a fine of Rs. 2000
or both.
Toothless laws.
• In reality these laws have prove unable to provide
for effective preventive, curative, or punitive
measures for women who have been labeled as
witches. The crimes are increasing. There are no
steps for the effective implementation by the
government. Some cases the FIRs are not
registered at all due to social pressure. There are
no provisions for providing rehabilitation, relief or
compensation for these women.
• Strict enforcement of the law.
• Sensitization of police and welfare departments and NGO
for prevention.
• Launching campaigns against superstition.
• Organizing women groups
• Setting up a special cell. At state and district level.
• Identification of women survivors and their
• Introduce the subject in school text books- for