Establishment of Reference Intervals
Establishment of Reference Intervals
Establishment of Reference Intervals
Reference interval:
A pair of medical decision points that span the limits of
results expected for a given condition.
The upper and lower reference limits are set to
define a specified percentage (usually 95%) of the values
for a population.
This means that a percentage (usually 5%) of patients will
fall outside of the reference interval in the absence of any
condition or disease.
Reference intervals are sometimes referred to as
reference ranges.
The preferred term is reference interval
because range implies the absolute maximum and
minimum values.
Reference interval are required by professional
accreditation and regulatory standards.
In most cases, a normal range is used as the reference
The term ‘normal’ has been replaced by the term
Who will establish reference interval?
Reference intervals are usually established by the
scientific community or the manufacturers of reagents and
new methodologies.
1. Establishing a reference interval:
A new reference interval is established when there is no
existing analyte or methodology in the clinical or reference laboratory
with which to conduct comparative studies.
Reference individual
Reference population
Reference sample group
Reference value
Reference distribution
Reference limit
Reference interval
Observed value
Reference individual:
An individual selected for comparison using defined criteria.
eg: age,sex,health status.
Reference population:
consists of all possible reference individuals. It usually has
an unknown number and is therefore a hypothetical entity.
presence of health is not implied, allowing the construction of
reference intervals for both the healthy and the sick.
Defining the reference population is fundamental for the
preparation of effective reference intervals.
Reference sample group:
an adequate number of reference individuals taken to
represent the reference population.
Ideally they should be randomly drawn from the reference
Reference value:
value (test result) obtained by observation or
measurement of a particular quantity on an individual
belonging to a reference sample group.
Not to be confused with reference limit
Reference distribution
The statistical distribution of reference values.
Hypotheses regarding reference distribution obtained from a reference
population can be tested using the reference distribution of the
sample group and adequate statistical methods.
The parameters of the hypothetical distribution of the reference
population may be estimated using the reference distribution of the
reference sample group and adequate statistical methods.
Reference limit:
derived from the reference distribution and is used for descriptive
It is common practice to define a reference limit so that
a stated fraction of the reference values is less than or equal to, or
more than or equal to the respective upper or lower limit.
A reference limit is descriptive only of reference values and should
not be confused with the term “decision limit.
Observed value
(patient test result) is the value of a particular type of
quantity obtained by either observation or measurement
and produced to make a medical decision.
It can be compared with reference values, reference
distributions, reference limits or reference intervals.
Types of reference interval