Explain The Process Involved in EBP. (12 Marks)
Explain The Process Involved in EBP. (12 Marks)
Explain The Process Involved in EBP. (12 Marks)
(12 marks)
- Question must be refined to include particular patient population and the action that
the imaging will be used to direct.
- Carry out literature research for research-based evidence and search for other evidence.
- by critically evaluate the strength of evidence such as the types of clinical studies, the
diagnostic performance of a test and the cost-effectiveness of the study.
- to produce a summary of all the data on the particular clinically relevant questions.
1. Sensitivity
2. Specificity
3. Positive predictive value
4. Negative predictive value
1. Sensitivity: Sensitivity measures the proportion of true positive results correctly identified
by a diagnostic test. It calculates the percentage of individuals with the condition who
test positive. A higher sensitivity indicates that the test has a lower chance of producing
false negatives. The formula for sensitivity is:
2. Specificity: Specificity measures the proportion of true negative results correctly identified
by a diagnostic test. It calculates the percentage of individuals without the condition who
test negative. A higher specificity indicates that the test has a lower chance of producing
false positives. The formula for specificity is:
3. Positive Predictive Value (PPV): PPV represents the probability that a positive test result is
truly positive. It measures the proportion of true positives among all positive test results.
A higher PPV indicates a higher probability of having the condition given a positive test
result. The formula for PPV is:
4. Negative Predictive Value (NPV): NPV represents the probability that a negative test
result is truly negative. It measures the proportion of true negatives among all negative
test results. A higher NPV indicates a higher probability of not having the condition given
a negative test result. The formula for NPV is:
Determining the Probability of Disease: Predictive value helps estimate the likelihood of a positive or
negative test result accurately indicating the presence or absence of a particular disease or condition.
It provides valuable information to healthcare professionals and patients about the probability of
Guiding Clinical Decision-Making: Predictive value plays a crucial role in guiding clinical decision-
making. By understanding the predictive value of a diagnostic test, healthcare professionals can
make informed decisions about further diagnostic evaluations, treatment options, or interventions.
Assessing Test Performance: Predictive value is an important measure of test performance. It allows
healthcare professionals to assess how well a diagnostic test performs in practice. By considering
both the positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV), clinicians can evaluate
the reliability and accuracy of a test in correctly identifying the presence or absence of a disease.
Optimizing Resource Allocation: Predictive value aids in optimizing the allocation of healthcare
resources. It helps identify which tests are most effective and efficient in diagnosing specific
conditions. By considering the predictive value, healthcare providers can prioritize and utilize
resources appropriately, minimizing unnecessary testing and associated costs.
In summary, predictive value in diagnostic accuracy provides valuable insights into the probability of
disease, guides clinical decision-making, assesses test performance, and optimizes resource
allocation. It is a crucial measure for healthcare professionals in determining the reliability and
usefulness of diagnostic tests in clinical practice.
Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard in evidence-based
practice (EBP) because they provide the highest level of evidence to establish causality
between an intervention and its effects on patient outcomes. RCTs are designed to compare
the effects of two or more interventions, one of which is often a standard of
care or placebo, on a specific clinical outcome.
The clinical significance of RCTs in EBP is that they provide rigorous and unbiased evidence
on the effectiveness and safety of interventions. RCTs use random allocation of
participants to intervention groups to minimize the risk of bias and ensure that the groups
being compared are similar in all aspects except for the intervention being tested. This
design helps to reduce the influence of extraneous variables that could affect the study's
Basic elements in the study questions in randomized trials can be structured in what
is known as the PICO format. What is PICO stands for?
- P: Patient, Population, or Problem
- I: Intervention
- C: Comparison
- O: Outcome
O What is efficacy?
O The ability of an intervention to produce the desired beneficial effect in
expert hands and under ideal circumstances.
On the other hand, meta-analysis is a statistical technique that is often performed within a
systematic review. It involves selecting studies that meet the inclusion criteria, extracting
relevant data from these studies, and statistically combining the data to calculate a pooled
effect size or odds ratio. Meta-analysis provides a quantitative summary of the data across
studies, offering a more precise estimate of the treatment effect or association.
1. True Positive (TP): The number of individuals with the target condition who test positive on
the diagnostic test.
2. False Positive (FP): The number of individuals without the target condition who test positive
on the diagnostic test (false alarms or false positives).
3. True Negative (TN): The number of individuals without the target condition who test
negative on the diagnostic test.
4. False Negative (FN): The number of individuals with the target condition who test negative
on the diagnostic test (missed cases or false negatives).
Sensitivity: It represents the proportion of true positives among all individuals with the
target condition. Sensitivity is calculated as TP / (TP + FN). It measures the test's ability to
correctly identify individuals with the condition.
Specificity: It represents the proportion of true negatives among all individuals without the
target condition. Specificity is calculated as TN / (TN + FP). It measures the test's ability to
correctly identify individuals without the condition.
Positive Predictive Value (PPV): It represents the probability that individuals who test positive
actually have the target condition. PPV is calculated as TP / (TP + FP).
Negative Predictive Value (NPV): It represents the probability that individuals who test
negative truly do not have the target condition. NPV is calculated as TN / (TN + FN).
Accuracy: It represents the overall correctness of the test's results. Accuracy is calculated as
(TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN).
A diagnostic accuracy table allows for a clear visualization of the performance of a diagnostic test by
presenting the true positive, false positive, true negative, and false negative results. From these
values, sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, and accuracy can be calculated to assess the diagnostic test's
validity and utility in accurately identifying individuals with or without the target condition.
Performance of
Clinical Utilisation
Diagnostic Test
Want to identify every single patient with the disease for treatment or
A high sensitivity test
further clinical evaluation, even at the cost of misdiagnosing some
healthy people as diseased.
Preferred when the disease is serious but not treatable, knowledge that
the disease is absent has psychological or public health value, and false
positive results may have serious adverse consequences for the patient.
Performance of
Clinical Utilisation
Diagnostic Test
Desired when the disease is serious but not treatable, knowledge that
the disease is absent has psychological or public health value, and false
A high negative negative results will not have serious adverse consequences for the
predictive value patient.
High test efficiency Is preferred when the disease to be diagnosed is serious, should not be
missed, and is treatable, and false positive and false negative results are
equally serious or potentially injurious to the patient.
Test efficiency is the least well known of the statistical measures of test
performance. Most often the best measure of the clinical utility of a
diagnostic test. Given the choice of several different diagnostic tests for a
specific disease, with no prior knowledge of the relative performance of
the tests, clinicians will usually end up using the test with the highest test