Analytical Exposition

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No. UKG : 201698552299
Analytical Exposition
• Definition
• Social Function
• Generic Structure
• Language Feature
• Example
Analytical Exposition is type of text that
is included to argumentation text where
contain the writer’s specific idea about the
phenomena surrounding.
Social Function
To ensure the readers that topics
presented are important to be
discussed or get the attention by
giving some arguments which
support the topics.
Language Feature
-Internal and causal conjunction
-Simple present tense
-Relational process
-Compound and complex sentence
-Argument link word
Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition

1. Thesis
Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer’s position;
Outlines of the arguments are presented atau
2. Argument:
Explaining the argument to support the writer‘s position. The
number of arguments may vary, but each argument must be
supported by evidence and explanation.
3. Reiteration or conclusion: (restatement), restates speaker or
writer’s position.

Is Playing Computer Dangerous for Healthiness?

It’s common to see people play computer. They use it for making task,
Thesis playing games, or browsing something in internet. Most of people spend long
time for playing computer. Even several people can play the computer whole
day which could lead them to some diseases.
Facing the monitor for long time can create the tiredness for eyes. It will
make people dizzy. Further effect, glasses will be the options, why? Because
our sight becomes blur (abnormal).
Arguments Other effect is backache. It is sometimes too fun playing computer that
make people don’t realize their seat position. That’s why after playing whole
day they will get backache.
It is obvious that too much time spent for playing computer can make
Reiteration eyes feel tired and lead people to get dizzy. Eyes also feel bored to face the
monitor for long time. The wrong seat position can make people get backache
which could disturb all activities we will do.
SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 1 WONOSOBO merupakan salah satu sekolah
kejuruan di kabupaten Wonosobo. Siswa SMK memang didorong
menjadi pelaku usaha. Sehingga materi pelajaran analytical
exposition sangat tepat diberikan bagi siswa SMK.

Materi pembelajaran analytical exposition dipelajari siswa kelas XI

(sebelas). Mengapa materi ini penting karena siswa SMK nanti bisa
meyakinkan masyarakat untuk menggunakan produk hasil karya
siswa SMK, satu diantaranya melalui media tulisan.

SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 1 WONOSOBO memiliki 4 program keahlian

diantaranya AKL (Akuntansi dan lembaga), Teknik Bisnis Sepeda
Motor (TBSM), Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak (RPL), Teknik Komputer
dan jaringan (TKJ), Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran (BDP).
Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Analytical Exposition di kelas XI, siswa
akan diajak belajar menulis materi tersebut isinya tentang meyakinkan
orang tentang keunggulan siswa SMK dengan memberikan karya-karya
dan produk hasil dari masing-masing program keahlian.

Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Guru akan memberikan penjelasan singkat mengenai analytical
2. Guru memberikan contoh analytical exposition
3. Guru meminta siswa merespon tentang contoh analytical exposition
dari contoh yang diberikan, baik itu tentang topik, sudut pandang
penulis, dan lain sebagainya.
4. Guru kemudian meminta siswa menuangkan ide mereka tentang
keunggulan siswa SMK dan mencantumkan produk atau karya yang
telah dibuat oleh siswa SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 1 WONOSOBO sebagai
bahan tambahan dalam tulisan.
5. Tulisan siswa yang paling baik nantinya akan ditampilakan dalam
website dan media sosial SMK MUHAMMADIYAH 1 WONOSOBO.
Lengkap dengan foto dan identitas peserta didik.

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