Barriers in Listening
this is any kind of
sensory stimuli that
affects the
transmission of
Kinds of Noise
a. External
theseare the kinds of noise
that come from physical
objects such as the radio,
roosters outside your house,
temperature of the room,
uncomfortable chair, taste of
food, etc. that disturbs you and
prevents you from giving your
complete focus and attention
to what you’re listening to
Kinds of Noise
b. Internal
these are emotional or
mental distractions that
interfere with your attention
while listening.
daydreaming, prejudice
against the speaker,
anticipating and predicting
what will come up next can
affect your focus.
Understanding yourself
preconceived notions about yourself will prevent
you from getting the entirety of the message.
how you feel about the speaker and the topic also
affects how you listen to someone.
ifyou see yourself superior to the speaker, you will
have a hard time listening to them because you tend
to mentally contradict their messages or criticize
them in your mind.
ifyou find the topic boring, you tend to space out
and just hear certain parts which catches your
interest- this is also called selective hearing.
Understanding others
theseare about the preconceived notions or
beliefs about others.
youjudge the speaker according to voice quality,
gestures, appearance or social standing.
theseactions and thoughts affect how you listen
to the speaker.
youbecome preoccupied in criticizing the way
they look or sound which makes you either an
attentive listener or someone who totally
disregards the messages coming from this
1. Stop talking
1. Stop talking
When somebody is talking, stop talking, do not
interrupt and let them finish what they are saying.
It is rude to talk while somebody else is speaking.
Let the other person finish first then you can
provide your feedback.
If it’s not your turn to speak, respect the speaker
and respect your role as the listener.
2. Concentrate
on your task:
2. Concentrate on your task: Listening
from thinking about anything else other
than what the speaker is talking about.
Relax and take in what is being said.
Do not think your existing problems, pending tasks
or favorite television series.
Disciplineyour mind in focusing only on one task at
a time. “The mind is easily distracted by other
thoughts” so start practicing good habits in
3. Don’t
criticize the
3. Don’t criticize the speaker
Theremay be a times where your dislikes how your
speaker looks, dress or sound, but you have to
remember that the message she will be sharing or giving
is more important.
Helpmake the speaker feel at ease by nodding or using
gestures to encourage them.
maintain eye contact – this shows that you are
attentively listening and that you understand what is
being communicated.
4. Remove
Focus on what is
being said
4. Remove distractions: Focus on what is being said